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Can i become Photoshop Graphic Designer?

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by Jalpari, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. stevef

    stevef Peon

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    you can learn most anything with devotion and time. however, designing is akin to musical composition or fictional literature. you can learn the process and become proficient, yet talent is something that cannot be learned as much as explored. granted, if you just want some general ability, this is moot.

    if you have an interest in anything, run with it. ask others how they feel about your progress and take criticism, albeit with a grain of salt. if you have a passion for what you are learning you will develop in your own time.

    it's very hard to put any time constraints on such a process, but setting a goal can certainly be very productive.
    stevef, Feb 25, 2009 IP
    pirogoeth likes this.
  2. pirogoeth

    pirogoeth Member

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    That was a good post, I enjoyed reading that +Rep
    pirogoeth, Feb 26, 2009 IP
  3. innovati

    innovati Peon

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    I am both formally trained as a graphic design, and also in the camp of people that *DO NOT* believe that some people are 'unable' to do design because of a lack of 'natural talent'. That's totally false and believing that only has the poewr to stop you from achieving your true potential.

    Design isn't some magical art where you have to close your eyes and interpret stuff just the right way or it will all be lost - I'd put Design closer to science.

    Design is a process. Concept > Strategy > Planning > Critique > Review > Execution.

    That is design.

    Design is creative problem solving, and the best results stem from a systematic and wide exploration of a variety of solutions. It's not like math where there had better only be one right answer, it's lateral thinking and thinking outside the box. This is a skill, not a talent. Sure some people naturally are born with more creative problem solving brainpower, but it's a skill that can be learned just like a muscle can be trained. To be good at it you have to train. Sure an athlete can self-train, but I highly doubt you'll find a single Olympic-level athelete that doesn't have a trainer. Guidance and mentorship is important.

    I strongly believe that formal education *will* give you this mentorship, enough to take 3 years out of my career and my life to go and accomplish, but I by no means believe formal education is the *only* way to have this mentorship and training and I think it is possible, although harder, to do it on your own over a long period of time, or to find a good mentor and learn outside of the classroom.

    DO NOT believe people who have the guts to write negative things online - any fool with an internet connection has the power to write anything on here, but something like what I have written is based on fact and experience, and I have the work to back what I'm saying up.

    Anybody can be a designer, but many people wouldn't enjoy it or find it rewarding. It's demanding and very intellectually challenging, and for me, that's the draw - that's why it's so rewarding. If you want to do it, try it out before you put a lot of money in it and make sure it's right for you (like any investment), but don't allow the words of others to stop you from even trying!
    innovati, Feb 26, 2009 IP
  4. amokk20us

    amokk20us Peon

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    Im almost feeling this thread should be sticky'd. Keep up the good posts.
    amokk20us, Feb 26, 2009 IP
  5. pirogoeth

    pirogoeth Member

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    That was a good post, I feel the same way. It irritates me when people say things like 'I cant draw'.

    Well why cant you draw?

    Because when you try to draw you think it isnt good? So you give up?
    Well if you continued to draw, practise, think about what your doing then you'll learn to draw. Some people obviously are born with talent yes, so they find it easier, but if you try hard enough you'll get better too.

    After all, If someone with talent doesn't put his heart into doing something, he will get beaten by the guy who has little or no talent and gives it his all.

    pirogoeth, Feb 27, 2009 IP
  6. sampathsl

    sampathsl Guest

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    I agree with innovatis ideas. Nice post. I think if a person has a natural talent he can reach to that level faster than a person who hasn't got a natural skill. However both can reach to that level. :)
    sampathsl, Feb 27, 2009 IP
  7. stevef

    stevef Peon

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    i have to agree that talent is never required. perhaps my previous statement was worded poorly.

    what i wanted to convey is that as long as you have a passion to learn something, then go for it. while natural talent can expediate the learning process and may provide a unique perspective, there is no substitute for action.

    with enough time, practice, and ambition, i would think anyone could become a professional graphic designer.
    stevef, Feb 27, 2009 IP
  8. vadim89

    vadim89 Peon

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    Iam for exemple like 3 years ago, just started to try the Photoshop program. What i did is- i just tried every thing that was in the program, and just did some banners, logos, websites. And with the time i just got batter.

    Sorry for my bad English
    vadim89, Feb 28, 2009 IP
  9. thecreativ

    thecreativ Peon

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    search through delicious for Photoshop Tutorials, the best ones are bookmarked by loads of people
    thecreativ, Feb 28, 2009 IP
  10. webdesignoutlet

    webdesignoutlet Peon

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    Just about anybody can learn the tools (ie photoshop / fireworks).

    It doesn't matter who you are when it comes to the best way to improve your design skills:

    Look at design on award sites and see what the most talented designers are doing. Take note of usability, general styles, and trends. Classify various designers that really stand out. Don't copy them, but make it your goal with every design to make your design as good as the best in the world. If you make this your goal and make your designs at least half as good as the best stuff you find then you will be doing better design than 99% of "graphic designers" out there.

    Great skills to develop because they gives you an advantage in any business venture that involves marketing....which is just about everything I can think of.

    Personally, I started out with tutorials that came with the program and then figured out everything else I could think of. It served as a good enough foundation for my career. I hope it does for you also!
    webdesignoutlet, Feb 28, 2009 IP