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How can I encourage people to retweet my tweets?

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by Gabrialle, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. #1
    How can I encourage/ask people to retweet and visit tweets posted by me.
    Gabrialle, Jan 22, 2010 IP
  2. meetali

    meetali Active Member

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    Post tweet's which user like most..interesting, they should bound to come to your profile
    meetali, Jan 22, 2010 IP
  3. joesmith

    joesmith Peon

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    joesmith, Jan 22, 2010 IP
  4. nobodyhatesme

    nobodyhatesme Peon

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    I have tried to ask people to retweet my tweets but the result is poor, I guess it's better the let your followers to decide whether to retweet your tweet or not, if you post something worth retweeting, then I see no reason why they don't.
    nobodyhatesme, Jan 22, 2010 IP
  5. herwin

    herwin Peon

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    Make sure you tweet something interesting that other people actually want to share with their followers.
    herwin, Jan 22, 2010 IP
  6. segzeey

    segzeey Active Member

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    valuable tweet and they will always retweet.
    segzeey, Jan 22, 2010 IP
  7. Kevin@twillooo.com

    Kevin@twillooo.com Peon

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    always keep it interesting open ended questions to popular topics work great stay on top of the news
    Kevin@twillooo.com, Jan 22, 2010 IP
  8. DuValEnterprises

    DuValEnterprises Peon

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    Exactly. There is no mystery here.
    DuValEnterprises, Jan 22, 2010 IP
  9. jonathonhewitt

    jonathonhewitt Active Member

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    Set up a popular rss feed that gets RT'd a lot to automatically update your Twitter status using a service like twitterfeed. You will get lots and lots of RT's!
    jonathonhewitt, Jan 22, 2010 IP
  10. DuValEnterprises

    DuValEnterprises Peon

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    What is the point of getting retweets if it's not to your own content/links?

    DuValEnterprises, Jan 22, 2010 IP
  11. SeanSupplee

    SeanSupplee Member

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    Ask them, Is always a good way. Or offer them a free report in exchange for twitter your most recent blog post
    SeanSupplee, Jan 22, 2010 IP
  12. jonathonhewitt

    jonathonhewitt Active Member

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    The question was about how to get more RT's, so there would be two answers to that question:

    1. Write better content that is RT'able and do it MORE often
    2. Or take my first suggestion and promote your favorite feed. When people RT things they are not their own links that they RT, they are other people's. So then what is wrong with publishing your favorite blog's Rss feed on your own Twitter account? If you saw one of their posts go thru wouldn't you share it with your Twitter friends anyways?? I know I do! After all this whole social media Twitter thing is about sharing and learning together. I personally chose a small list of Rss feeds to keep my followers entertained and get an avg of 35 RT's per day, and have over 20,000 followers(@gohewitt). My RT's have a reach of over 72,000 people now. Since these people are so used to RT'ing me all the time, whenever I publish an article myself that is my own content, it goes VIRAL! My last post got over 8,000 unique visitors.
    So why would you want RT's if they were not your own content?? Hmmmmm....
    jonathonhewitt, Jan 22, 2010 IP
  13. maryjoanna

    maryjoanna Peon

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    is it ok to offer incentives so that others will retweet your tweets?
    maryjoanna, Jan 22, 2010 IP
  14. DuValEnterprises

    DuValEnterprises Peon

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    Sure, why not? :) There is no rule against it at Twitter... If you need a script to help you automate the process check Twitter Marketing Software

    You are insanely ignorant on this topic and are doing nothing more than spamming Twitter.

    Exhibit A: You are very excited about the fact that you have 20,000 followers, but you fail to mention that you're following nearly 22,000 accounts. You probably use some automated follow bot and add random users based on vague keywords, this is the equivalent of spamming people. If you don't, and actually manually followed 22,000 accounts, then you need to find something better to do with your time.

    Exhibit B: You get 35 Rt's per day. From sending around 30 tweets per day. Hmm. To "20,000" "Followers". Hmmmmm. Do I need to say anything else here?

    These facts can be easily determined by quickly viewing the Twitter account you are boasting.

    You should also note that most of your "Followers" are similar bot accounts to yours. This can also be easily seen be viewing your "Followers". I didn't have to go past the first page to see that nearly half of the latest tweets contained obvious affiliate links and were completely unrelated to "your niche".

    I know many people who drive 8,000 or more unique users from a single Tweet when they only have a tiny fraction of the "Followers" that you do. But the amount of visitors isn't important. The important fact here is that these people will always make more from monetizing their traffic than you will by operating in this manner, and that, I'm sure, is what the point of this post is really about; making money.

    How do they drive more unique visitors than they have Followers and really get proper Rt's? Because they're posting quality content that is unique and fresh, not some ripped off pushed RSS feed bullshit that 1,000,000 other similar accounts are posting simultaneously, with a random link of yours mixed in and spammed to accounts that are half fellow spammers while hoping to generate enough completely un-targeted page views to generate some meager CPA or affiliate earnings or a few clicks.

    The moral of this story?

    A. You are in no position to be advising anyone on this topic and are giving bad advice. Unless the question was on how to spam Twitter.

    B. You can do better than this and should try something new. At least what you have setup now is fairly automated, but honestly... this is not how you will retire.
    DuValEnterprises, Jan 23, 2010 IP
  15. patflynn

    patflynn Peon

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    Write good content that people will want to share with their followers.

    They will only retweet if they feel it will help their followers, so WHO follows you (and who follows them) is just as important.
    patflynn, Jan 23, 2010 IP
  16. br3adman

    br3adman Active Member

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    br3adman, Jan 24, 2010 IP
  17. jonathonhewitt

    jonathonhewitt Active Member

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    In my opinion, social media means that we each need to Add Value to our network in some way, shape or form. This is not about ME it is about US, we are a network and we do add value to people’s lives. For years every bit of the internet and media was a one-way conversation. No value could be added from the internet audience and did not facilitate interactive information sharing as our new internet does. There are some naive people out there who don't see the value in building their network. With their, "what is it gonna do for ME?” kind of an attitude. These people do not add any information that is worth sharing as their intentions are not to help you understand anything just a little bit better or to find out about your trip to Tahiti, they are for their own self centered reasons. When we run across these people on a daily basis, on the road, in the supermarkets and on the net, the only thing that we can do is walk by(or click by...) and if they happen to show their arrogant self's then you just put them in their right place and keep going about your way.

    Below is my response to a commenter that was way out of his expertise and made some unsubstantiated claims on someone who considers himself a social media enthusiast (that’s me!). I believe that I do add value to my network as I consistently help people and offer good sound advice that is the best advice that I know how to give. So keep reading but go ahead and refresh your drink, estimated reading time is 4 minutes...

    As it turns out there are a couple former clients that have some interesting things to say about our fellow forum user...

    By definition a spammer is "an abuser of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately"

    1) I do not abuse Twitter and remain well within the guidelines of use.
    2) I do not send anything out unsolicited; I have the reader stats to prove it.
    3) I do not send bulk messages.
    4) I do not update my Twitter profile indiscriminately at all and actually anyone who looked could find my cell phone number easily.

    Now you claim that I spam Twitter by following a great deal of "random users" and yet under your own definition of "spamming people" would fall your video on how to perform Facebook Spam and add random users all with one SPECIFIC criteria; that they have a Facebook Account! Oh and nice choice of Joomla templates! I like it!

    I see your master retirement plan is selling Facebook games for $1,000 a pop! It would have been cool if you had a working shopping cart to buy it from. It would be even better if your demo buttons worked so I could see what I was spending a grand for or maybe some kind of contact information SOMEWHERE on the website would make me feel a little more confident that there was a real person behind that website considering the only form of payment that you accept is Paypal. Now why is that? Why did you choose Paypal??? Does it happen to be because paypal won't give anyone their money back for purchasing services?? So I bet that works out well for you! And not the other guy! Most people that are on their master plan would actually have a merchants account as a 4 year old can just about get a Paypal account.

    Then you have a Wacky Fox application that you sell for $1,799.00 and you claim that it will make you $1,000 per day?? WOW! What a Deal! So in three days I will be RICH! But why can't I pay online again? Oh jeeez, you’re still working on the website? What about my application that I'm ready to pay almost $2,000 for, is it going to have buttons on it that work?? Or does that cost more?? And by the way, you show no evidence whatsoever that any revenue has been generated by a game.

    Oh and this gets better...

    I go to Facebook Developers forum and found 2 different complaints from your previous clients(I wonder how many did not fill out a complaint?):


    Last edited by lawine (2009-03-06 07:42:47)

    Then went on and found you "spamming" Mashable with your unrequested link without actually adding any value to or continuing the conversation (just wanted a few Facebook app related clicks). Found you on another post with a "spam name" as your username "Apps-R-Us - Buy Turnkey Facebook Apps" as if you thought that would actually help you rank for a term that is searched a total of ZERO times GLOBALLY! Instead of just using your real name, Andrew. Spammer.

    I checked out your Twitter profile to see that most of your updates are nothing but an Rss feed and you don’t seem to carry on any conversation with or add any value to any of your 330 followers, and that could be why not a one of them have added you to any of their Twitter lists for reccommended reading. I would venture to say that with all of your 58 Tweets, you are no expert and have no place judging anyone or the advice they give about a service you know nothing about.

    So in essence your unsubstantiated claims remain, well... unsubstantiated, your heartless efforts to become part of the socially savy remains somewhat unsuccessful thus far, your lack of personal touch or presence in your "online efforts" is fortunate to not be seen by many and your master plan is looking a little grim, with a closet full of unhappy clients, I don't think you have a master plan.
    jonathonhewitt, Jan 25, 2010 IP
  18. mallory

    mallory Peon

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    Wow! I'm new here, and was just looking around when I came here. I didn't expect such a heated discussion.
    I tend to agree with those that say post something worth retweeting. Do you know that people can not handle more than 150 to 200 relationships/friends?

    I do understand trying to make some money, but it should be in an honest "I have something valuable here. Please take a look and see if it can help you" method.

    People aren't stupid. They see right through someone who does nothing but offer links to products.

    Good exchange.
    mallory, Jan 26, 2010 IP