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Attention To Valuable Dp Writers!

Discussion in 'General Business' started by VisionzZolution, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. #1
    I'm not sure whether it's right to post such post within this section. However, I feel that more people would view this thread in this section.

    Seriously all the writers please stop offering services less than $1/100 words. Come on guys, you're taking the hardship to do research on the given task and assignments and end up getting paid $2.5,$3 or $5. Are you sure every piece of your content worth such low price?

    Think over again and again. Why are you being so desperate to work at such low rate? Looking to overcome competition by lowering your rates not going to take you anywhere. Please believe in your writing skills. Be confident with your rates. Don't work for low rates even you're from countries which have higher conversion rather of US dollars.

    I'm just having high hope on DP forum with their new design and new rules. When we writers stand still with our rates our clients have to pay us what we require or they can go elsewhere looking for cheap content. If all the writers in DP forum start offering the right rates, the prospect clients have to pay us if they need quality content. Take action right now. Have high quality samples written and decide your own rates and demand the pay for your writing skills and don't ever give up.

    The future of online writing depends on all of you. Still going for pennies go on and make others writing skills worthless as well. Please change the scenario of getting paid low.. Demand the right pay for your writing skills.
    VisionzZolution, Jan 23, 2013 IP
    dcuthbert likes this.
  2. DuneDreamer

    DuneDreamer Well-Known Member

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    In principle, I agree with you. However, the market determines the price.
    DuneDreamer, Jan 23, 2013 IP
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  3. indyonline

    indyonline Prominent Member

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    and so does the quality. Most of the writers writing for that price suck. I know though that writers often complain about how people from 3rd world countries are driving prices down. Good writers just need to market their services better. If somebody is truly a good writer they will get repeat customers. I have hired a lot of writers over the years and they write until they get tired of it. OP appears to be a good writer and I do understand his frustration though.
    indyonline, Jan 23, 2013 IP
    dcuthbert and DuneDreamer like this.
  4. VisionzZolution

    VisionzZolution Active Member

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    However the writers should determine the market and change the way clients looking at the market!
    VisionzZolution, Jan 23, 2013 IP
  5. VisionzZolution

    VisionzZolution Active Member

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    Thanks for adding to this Indy. Writers are putting themselves down to low rates because of the competition and trying to attract the clients... However, they don't understand that they are being stupid enough to work for such low rate wasting their precious time doing something useful!
    VisionzZolution, Jan 23, 2013 IP
  6. MrBeLu

    MrBeLu Member

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    Are you serious OP?

    If all the fast food joints would come together and discuss something like this, they would get finned huge amounts, because its illegal, and THERE IS A REASON ITS ILLEGAL. Market determinants the price, not you or someone else.

    Its going to put food in their stomach for a week.
    Making a thread like this wont get you anywhere.

    In this century (maybe even decade) we will see a lot of huge companies go down (example: coca-cola), remember the saying "adapt or die". Think about Hostess.

    The world is changing quick, people are becoming more healthier, technology is becoming more open source, world is more international, etc. If you don't want to peak then fallow whats happening in the world and make backup plains for everything you do, instead of begging Indians to not charge less then you do just because you are used to living in 1st world country.
    MrBeLu, Jan 24, 2013 IP
    wounded1987 likes this.
  7. VisionzZolution

    VisionzZolution Active Member

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    Be realistic. If you're confident about your skills you won't be thinking about rising your rate! No matter how big the market grow. I'm telling it here to overcome competition writers have to reduce their rates so the clients will be hiring them.. And they won't be hiring the higher rated writers. The most important thing that i'm trying to tell here is that when you have such great skills why do you have to work for such low rate just to overcome competition?
    VisionzZolution, Jan 24, 2013 IP
  8. MrBeLu

    MrBeLu Member

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    Because there is 100's of other guys with such great skills but the amount of work is limited.

    I think what you are tying to say is that those are low quality services and that they are getting all the clients. What that means is that you are in the high class articles market and that market is too small for everyone in it to make a living. Or you don'y know how to market your services.

    So this thread is like a guy who is making high class cars complaining about the fact that people can get by with the low end, much cheaper cars. Would that high class cars salesman ever go to the low end cars salesman and say: "Hey, stop selling your cars so cheap!!!"?
    MrBeLu, Jan 24, 2013 IP
  9. pigpromoter

    pigpromoter Well-Known Member

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    I understand your frustrations, but there isn't much (if anything) you can do about it.
    - It's the market that drives the rates, and associations and "partnerships" like you're suggesting between providers of any kind are illegal in most parts of the world. There's a legal name for this, but I can't remember it now -- maybe somebody can help me out here.
    - There's a place for crappy providers too, and it's up to the buyers to decide whether they want junk or premium content. Who are you to tell somebody not to buy from a "writer" who has a sales pitch in the line of I cans rite gud engrish frends come buy now its cheap cheap cheap or to force somebody into buying something more expensive when maybe it's junk that they need?
    - If all writers were to raise their fees then those who buy cheap content would flee elsewhere. There are tons of places where you can buy crappy content for peanuts -- DP isn't that special.

    I know that it's kind of hard for a good writer to stand out in the crowd here on DP, but no one is saying that DP is the only place in the world where you can sell your services.
    pigpromoter, Jan 24, 2013 IP
  10. DuneDreamer

    DuneDreamer Well-Known Member

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    You could not be more wrong. The free market determines the prize, based on the levels of demand and supply of goods and services. What are you? A global market regulator?
    DuneDreamer, Jan 24, 2013 IP
    indyonline likes this.
  11. James Byun

    James Byun Active Member

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    Theres that whole saying , "you get what you paid for".
    James Byun, Jan 24, 2013 IP
    pigpromoter and indyonline like this.
  12. Vance Fanning

    Vance Fanning Active Member

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    I am totally agree with you VisionzZolution. When I started work on DP, I have posted 1 thread over content creation section and my charges are $5 for 500 words. But before my thread and after my thread. I haven`t seen any of the threads who offers content writing services at this rate $5 for 500 words. All the members are in the race for getting orders at cheaper rates.

    Come on guys this right time to go right Way.

    Thanks for your thread about awareness.
    Vance Fanning, Jan 25, 2013 IP
    timcollins likes this.
  13. vidhi543

    vidhi543 Well-Known Member

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    I think VisionzZolution is right. if writers lower their rates continuously they will just make the market down. but writers should stick to their good rates. price of quality articles of 500 words or more at $2, $3 or $4 is really not expected. if a writer can give quality he or she must take proper rate.
    vidhi543, Jan 25, 2013 IP
    timcollins likes this.
  14. contentdiva

    contentdiva Well-Known Member

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    I agree, writers must market their services if they want good rates. That said, no amount of good marketing will sell crappy content. In fact, it's the fastest way to go out of business (once word of your poor writing gets out).

    OP, three short points:

    1. The market determines the price. Just beware of where you market your services. Google updates last year have created a demand for quality writers in some markets. Some content publishers have stepped up their game, while others (sadly) continue to peddle the same crappy content.

    2. No amount of ranting will change things. There will always be writers willing to charge less than they're worth. Why? Who knows. Maybe it's lack of confidence, experience, clients, vision.

    3. Focus on your writing business. Don't try to compete with other low priced offerings. Charge what you're worth and someone, somewhere, will be willing to pay for it. If that means taking your services outside this forum, then so be it.
    contentdiva, Jan 25, 2013 IP
    indyonline likes this.
  15. pigpromoter

    pigpromoter Well-Known Member

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    The problem with "someone, somewhere, will be willing to pay for it" is that a lot of full-time writers need a constant cash flow. It does make sense for them, up to some point, to sell, say, 5,000 words of content at $0.50 per hundred words because at the end of the day they will have $25.00 in their pockets to put food on the table. Even if you're worth, say, $3.00 per hundred words, you could be waiting for ages before somebody would come and pay that.

    There are also writers who are worth only the low rates they're charging -- quite a lot of them -- and this is why the OP doesn't have a valid point. DP is literally flooded with people from undeveloped countries for whom the $25.00 in the above example would be a week's paycheck if they had worked a regular 9 to 5 job. Such people come with lousy English skills, improper business manners (a lot of them over-promise and under-deliver) but somehow manage to find customers.

    DP is also flooded with customers who are looking for cheap content, because they don't know any better. There aren't many successful marketers here and not enough people who understand that you need money to make money. They're looking to launch a website with $20.00 -- if possible, including hosting :D -- and then yank in the General Business forum about how shitty the conversions of Product X are. They will then start a new site, with even cheaper content, and go on and on and on.

    When supply meets demand, when these models meet, you've got the low rates and low quality of service. It's elementary, my dear Watson! :)
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2013
    pigpromoter, Jan 25, 2013 IP
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  16. contentdiva

    contentdiva Well-Known Member

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    You're absolutely right. :) I fallen in that trap myself, too many times. Most days I have a steady stream of well paying, repeat clients, but there are days when I have some downtime. I have two options:

    1. Throw my arms up in frustration and work for "$0.50 per hundred words."
    2. Get off my rear and market some more.

    Sometimes, I fall in a trap and choose number 1 (Although not nearly as low as 0.50/100 words). Other times, I use my downtime to market my business and I'll tell you, it never fails to deliver.

    As for clients who are willing to exploit people from underdeveloped countries with a poor command of English, well I hope that they "get a clue" sometime soon.
    contentdiva, Jan 25, 2013 IP
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  17. dcuthbert

    dcuthbert Active Member

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    OP, I understand your frustrations completely. However, you can use those $3 writers to your advantage - let clients use them, realize that their writing is so poor that spinning software does the same job, and then the client will be grateful when they find you offering a decent service.

    I've written for a lot of clients, and there are plenty out there willing to pay a premium for a good writer. Clients like that are more difficult to find, but once you make some connections you can find plenty of work at reasonable rates of pay.

    For anyone reading who likes to hire $3 writers, remember this - all of the content on your site serves a purpose, whether to sell something, encourage the reader to subscribe to your blog, or even just to provide information. Regardless of the purpose, when a visitor starts reading a poor quality article they will not be in the frame of mind to give your site a go, buy something from your site, or even just stay on your site.

    To any $3 writers who think that their content is "high quality" - send me some samples, I can guarantee I'll find fault with it. If I can't, I'll buy some of your articles for my own sites :p
    dcuthbert, Jan 25, 2013 IP
  18. cjp214

    cjp214 Member

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    I feel your pain, but as much as you want this situation to change I feel you have to accept it. The internet is flooded with writers from 3rd-world countries willing to work for those rates. You can't change the dynamics of a market from the inside-out like you're suggesting. There will always be people rushing in to undercut your prices promising more work for less pay.

    Good news, though. Search engines are becoming smarter every day... and they're getting a hell of a lot better at sorting through content with inferior quality. People will stop hiring low-rate writers to work at ridiculously low prices once they notice their results are suffering. The market is self-correcting. Eventually, the balance will tip towards quality again.

    I said you have to accept the situation (for now). But that doesn't mean you can't profit from the way things are at the moment. Position yourself as a higher-rate writer who delivers more quality. It will cost you lots of low-paying opportunities, but the clients you do land will be more discriminating. They'll also generally be easier to work with because they will recognize the value of making an investment in a solid writer.

    Good luck,

    cjp214, Jan 25, 2013 IP
  19. indyonline

    indyonline Prominent Member

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    OP you should try out iWriter. If you are good, you can get higher rates. iWriter just raised their prices the other day so they are paying a little more now. Elite articles are $12.50 now.
    indyonline, Jan 25, 2013 IP
  20. dcuthbert

    dcuthbert Active Member

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    That's still very low pay for a decent article (assuming it's about 400-500 words), particularly if you have to submit a lot of content for lower pay before you're even allowed to charge $12.50, which is how I understand iWriter works. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Sites such as Constant Content and Textbroker have higher rates of pay and plenty of work available. (Note - I don't use Textbroker as it's for US only, but from what I've read it seems to offer decent rates of pay for writers)
    dcuthbert, Jan 25, 2013 IP