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Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by Sem-Advance, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. jaree

    jaree Well-Known Member

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    Sorry for hijacking Sem, Is there any Digg club here at DP or can we have one i mean annonymous one where no ones story is posted publicaly and no ones Digg user name is posted either. We qualify new members and lets start a club :D:D
    I dont know much about digg but i believe it is possible to do so. I am willing to donate a domain and any other services i can :D:D
    jaree, Dec 6, 2006 IP
  2. Yeldarb

    Yeldarb Active Member

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    I'm pretty sure they have algorithms that check for collusion (looking for networks of people reciprocating diggs). And also new digg accounts' votes don't count as much as veteran accounts do for promotion. So you'd have to put your real digg accounts on the line.
    Yeldarb, Dec 6, 2006 IP
  3. Pammer

    Pammer Notable Member

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    Sorry Sem, i know your feelings.... but that message was not for you.... :) even you will be agree what i said for all of us.... even me included. :eek:

    Actually i didn't read the whole thread :D ( YES, am lazy )
    Pammer, Dec 7, 2006 IP
  4. Sem-Advance

    Sem-Advance Notable Member

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    Hi well the collusion part does not fit here as there is no reciprocity. YOu may be right about new diggers vs old but like everyone at DP new & old has sold their avatar space so to do diggers sell their souls.


    Sorry Sem, i know your feelings.... but that message was not for you.... :) even you will be agree what i said for all of us.... even me included. :eek:

    Actually i didn't read the whole thread :D ( YES, am lazy )

    LOL ok well I like your honesty.....:)
    Sem-Advance, Dec 7, 2006 IP
  5. mixke

    mixke Prominent Member

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    LOL...howcome you compared diggers with DP member selling AV space ... as long as there are buyers there will be sellers , though it differs from person to person .

    anyways .. the thread has come a long way :: so in short , did you recvd your quota of diggs for which you paid ?
    you got on first page or you managed some traffic / backlinks from your this experiment < I expect clicks will be less > , would be good to know .
    Good Luck ..!!
    mixke, Dec 7, 2006 IP
    Richie_Ni likes this.
  6. Lexiseek

    Lexiseek Banned

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    You paid $80 and did not receive the appropriate Diggs? Is that correct?

    It appears your attempts to cheat Digg have failed. How does that make you feel ;)
    Lexiseek, Dec 7, 2006 IP
  7. Sem-Advance

    Sem-Advance Notable Member

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    Well I compared the two because I wanted to make a relevant correlation.

    No I did not receive the services as was explained. However as I said earlier the link part is intact so that has or will have some value.

    Traffic has increased as well though it is a very small amount as the site is new.

    As a matter of fact I am going to have it redeveloped and redesigned.

    Yes I paid $80.00 and the service rendered was around 50% of what was forecast.

    No it appears you do either do not read or you do not comprehend what you have read very well.

    Go back through my posts and please grab the one where I state I was out to cheat Digg.

    You can then quote me as I have done yourself here, and then we can discuss how you made something appear that never existed.

    Keyword term that may apply = marketing experiment
    Sem-Advance, Dec 7, 2006 IP
  8. Libertate

    Libertate Guest

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    I actually think this was an excellent experiment. I would really like to read a write-up of your experiment in more precise fashion (instead of this thread).

    I have been vacillating about methods of increasing traffic, yet not upset some apple carts. After your experiments, you probably saved me, say $80, and probably an other 100+ people here at least...

    I would say close to $8,000+ savings on $80... that is pretty good results.

    Thank you.
    Libertate, Dec 7, 2006 IP
  9. Sem-Advance

    Sem-Advance Notable Member

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    I'll give you the write up no problem.

    I've actually done these on a number of sites such as rent a list, pureuniquetraffic, majon, just about everyone of the minor search engine PPCs, paid for inclusion and others.

    I usually lose money but I gain so much more in return that in a way it's an investment

    and then looking your calculations, and my own, its all about the R.O.I. isn't it?
    Sem-Advance, Dec 7, 2006 IP
  10. mad4

    mad4 Peon

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    mad4, Dec 8, 2006 IP
  11. Lexiseek

    Lexiseek Banned

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    You're an incredibly over-sensitive poster. I don't need you to write out "I'm planning on cheating Digg". You actions indicate it.

    You attempted to circumvent the system and get listed on the main page. It cost you $80, and it didn't happen.

    Your cheating didn't work. Just own up to it.
    Lexiseek, Dec 8, 2006 IP
  12. kishore415

    kishore415 Well-Known Member

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    can anyone please say it clearly...wat is this Digg n all......
    kishore415, Dec 8, 2006 IP
  13. Lexiseek

    Lexiseek Banned

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    Sure, buddy. Digg.com

    It's a social bookmarking website.
    Lexiseek, Dec 8, 2006 IP
  14. Sem-Advance

    Sem-Advance Notable Member

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    Actually Digg did not buy the site some guy named Jim did because he wanted to be a hero.

    I think all that did though was alienate Digg users as was noted further in the blog Digg is now changing from what it was. After while I think the fad will go off into the background.

    Actually I am not overly sensitive if anything I am probably thought of as insensitive to some here,,,and it will then come as no surprise when I tell you to get your head out of your ass.

    You have no clue what my thoughts were and to sit here and act like you think you knew my thoughts, shows you to be an enormous twit, one who must like to see themselves post.

    Ohh and when you have some dialogue and wish to discuss the topic I will be glad to enter into a debate with you but if you insist on acting like you know everything about others then I will simply ignore you as the child you act.
    Sem-Advance, Dec 8, 2006 IP
  15. Lexiseek

    Lexiseek Banned

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    Listen up, forum bully. I didn't pretend to know what your thoughts are. I don't care. But your ACTIONS indicate you attempted to cheat Digg.

    You tried and failed and you're out US $80.

    You think this is making you a hero to anyone? LOL
    Lexiseek, Dec 8, 2006 IP
  16. mad4

    mad4 Peon

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    Its a fair assumption that Digg bought the site from Jim. As for alienating its users I doubt that anyone apart from the 700 who go banned really care.
    mad4, Dec 8, 2006 IP
  17. Sem-Advance

    Sem-Advance Notable Member

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    Ok well you posted a link and as such I went and read the whole story as I thought you wanted me to and so I could discusss this with some knowledge.

    I read the full story and some guy named Jim Messenger bought the site off an ebay auction for $1275.00 and turned it over to Digg,

    Digg banned the members.

    Jim received nothing from Digg.

    As for not alienating users, actually I think that may be mistaken....

    In retail marketing for example we have learned that:

    An irate customer will tell ten others what a bad experience they had.

    A happy customer will tell only one other what a good experience they had.

    So do the math....
    Sem-Advance, Dec 8, 2006 IP
  18. Sem-Advance

    Sem-Advance Notable Member

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    Nope not out to be a hero or make friends.

    You accused me of something which was wrong and now you are mad I pointed out your wrong thoughts..

    For a guy with more gray hair than myself one would think you would be more mature.....

    Had you read all the posts here you would see I have spent money on most of the so called methods of driving traffic be it rent a list PPC myspace bulletins and much much more.

    I have lost money on these ventures, however I am a marketer and to sell services to clients and advise people from Wall Street and other financial centers in the US, I need to know what I am talking about.

    I do not know if you are mad I have the money to lose ..or mad that after you posted that you knew my thoughts and actions, I discredited you but to be 100% honest I do not care why you are mad or upset.

    But again you look foolish pontificating what I was or was not attempting to do.

    Try to have a better day and find someone who will continue to play your childish game.
    Sem-Advance, Dec 8, 2006 IP
  19. Lexiseek

    Lexiseek Banned

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    I'm not mad in the slightest.

    I guess your idea of cheating Digg and mine are quite different.

    Why don't you explain how what you attempted to do (and failed at) was legitimate? You do understand that the basic concept of Digg is a meritocracy. That means your article about Nanotechnology should have made it to the main page of Digg based on its' own merits.

    You probably would have been better spent putting more effort into improving your material, rather than trying to circumvent the system.
    Lexiseek, Dec 8, 2006 IP
  20. Sem-Advance

    Sem-Advance Notable Member

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    Well I will point this out one last time...you think I was cheating and you are wrong,,,now here is why

    a long long time ago I found this great traffic generating system put out by a guy named Mark Joyner...what a piece of work this guy is....to say the least the system was BS

    I used rent a list....it fricking sucked and I lost money

    I used exactseeks paid inclusion ...that sucked

    I have used Miva Seven Search Ask ABCSearch GoClick Enhance Msn Yahoo & Google... most stunk except for the last three...

    I have used Majon they stink

    I used stumbleupon....they rock!!!

    I used pureuniquetraffic they stunk :confused:

    I use CJ they stink, Adversal they are okay, paypopup they are less than okay, adsense chikita max bounty and so on (the list is too long)

    I have used 100s of services to say the least.

    I typically am on the forefront of things and have been a member of Digg for quite sometime, and I know the immense good having your article on the front page will do for a website. I have known this for sometime.

    The other day (long after having joined Digg) I found another service which claimed to be able to perform a service just, as many of the above mentioned sites claimed to be able to perform. As myself and many others have found, lots can make claims...few can deliver. :rolleyes:

    So as we can see I use many services...I do not think I was cheating when I used Google Adwords, and I doubt you are cheating at what you do

    ...so I was not "cheating" Digg as you like to say, but testing the service which used Digg to market their service.

    You accused me of being the bully, when I defended myself from your attack of calling me a cheat...do you see the issue then???

    did you expect me to lay down and play sorry puppy when you were so clearly wrong???

    Wont happen here :cool:
    Sem-Advance, Dec 8, 2006 IP