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How to monetize my 120k Pinterest Followers

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by twittchef, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. #1
    Hello everyone,

    i have a Pinterest account with 120000 real and active followers and i´m searching for ways to monetize them now.

    What do you think is the best way to do it?

    Any advice, wich products convert best?

    Was thinking to send them to a blog with health/beauty product reviews from CB products, but don´t know if this will work.

    Some helpful answers would be really nice, thx!!!
    twittchef, Jan 21, 2015 IP
  2. Alex Toll

    Alex Toll Active Member

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    The easier approach is to join a related affiliate network and start selling stuff (by posting links to relevant product pages and services).

    More tips below (copied from WarriorForums)

    Product Promotion:
    Pinterest allows you to pin photos of interest to your profile. The first and most obvious way of making money through this social network is the promotion of the products appearing on your corporate website or blog.
    People are mainly visuals creatures and they are immediately attracted to photographs. Having high quality pictures of your products pinned will instantly give you a chance to maximize sales and to increase the number of loyal customers that you have.

    Affiliate Marketing:
    Pinterest allows you to pin products from Amazon or another network that you are an affiliate of. In order to make money, you will obviously have to use your affiliate link for each pin. Websites such as ClickBank.com supply you with affiliate links when you sign on board with them.

    When people follow the link from Pinterest to the specific website, you will be seen as the referrer and you will be rewarded with the commission of each purchase generated. Once again, make use of Pinterest’s visual appeal and get new customers for the products that you are promoting. Just make sure the products you are promoting tie in with other pictures and items that you share on your pinterest account, you don’t want your boards too look too spammy.

    Re-Pin Other People’s Contents:
    In order to make money on Pinterest, you will have to expand your network. Your message needs to reach a big number of people, in order to be effective. Having a large network is also signifying that your photo will get re pinned several times, which will enable it to reach a larger audience.

    Pin and repin the contents that other people share. As a courtesy, these individuals are very likely to promote your pictures. The larger the audience, the higher your chances of success.

    Target The Right Audience:
    According to official Pinterest statistics, the social network is attracting mainly female audiences. Knowing the people that will be seeing your message and achieving a certain degree of targeting is essential if you are willing to make money on Pinterest.

    Pinterest comes with different channels and categories. Choose the right ones for your photos. Each category will be viewed by a specific audience and you want to be addressing the people that are most likely to make a purchase.

    SEO On Pinterest:
    Search engine optimization is an important part of online marketing. If you are to be successful on Pinterest, you will have to keep SEO techniques in mind.

    Your profile and your photos should have the right descriptions that will allow people to discover the information both on the social network and through search engines. This way, you will be increasing the exposure. Don’t forget to use the # tag in front of keywords to help searches find your pin ie… #Beauty, #Motivation Picture etc….. Also don’t forget to leave a link to your site or your product in each pin description so it is more visible for your average visitor.

    Launching a contest on Pinterest may be a great way to introduce a new product or to increase the popularity of your company. Naturally, the aim of the contest will be for more people to see your photographs and to become familiar with your company or affiliate network.

    The easiest thing to do is to organize a Pin to Win contest. Come up with some small award that will stimulate other Pinterest users to pin your photographs and to spread the message to their networks.

    Pinterest for Market Analysis:
    Apart from being a direct channel that can be used to make money, Pinterest can also be helpful in terms of market analysis.

    Explore the website and see which profiles and which photographs are enjoying popularity. This way, you will get some sort of idea about the interests and preferences of Pinterest users. Knowing what consumers want will help you come up with the best advertising strategy.

    Social Media Integration:
    Pinterest information sharing can be easily integrated with Facebook and Twitter. This is a tremendous way to reach a larger audience. Making use of this feature is the best way to get the message across multiple channels and to increase the number of people that will be exploring your products.

    It is possible to make money on Pinterest, as long as you know what you want to achieve. Familiarity with traditional internet marketing techniques can be helpful. Even if you are a novice in this sector you have a strong chance of success using Pinterest to make money. Take your time to study the social network and make sure that the photos you are sharing are of high quality. These two prerequisites will determine the outcome of your campaign.

    Best of luck
    Alex Toll, Jan 22, 2015 IP
  3. Rumait

    Rumait Active Member

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    You can get visitors on Foods and recopies
    niche sites. these type of post get good amount of traffic from pinterest.
    Rumait, Jan 23, 2015 IP
  4. AffilaiteWaves

    AffilaiteWaves Greenhorn

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    Monetize your audience using affiliate offers and CPA lead offers
    AffilaiteWaves, Jan 25, 2015 IP
  5. Lindy Sweeny

    Lindy Sweeny Peon

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    You monetize by generating sales. Whether it's
    a digital product with a one time commission
    a physical product with one time commission
    an affiliate product/sevice with one time commission
    or an affiliate product/service with ongoing monthly commissions
    your initial approach is pretty much the same.

    You have the hardest part in place already, an active, responsive audience.

    Always respect your audience, only offer products or services that are
    in their best interest. And only occasionally.

    I, for one, would rather offer quality product/service with ongoing monthly commissions.
    Also called passive income or residual income.
    And the more needed the product/service is, the more likely you can build a great
    monthly income over time, as more of your audience joins your offer.

    This way you only need to promote one product/service regularly, rather than
    always looking for more one time commission offers to expose to your audience.

    In light of the recent Ransomware Scares where the newest hacker has held over a million
    computers for ransom just since Nov 2014, and gives the owner 24 hours to pay $500+ or
    they destroy all of their files, I inform my audience about these cyber criminals and offer
    them the best solution.

    The #1 Antivirus Internet Security on the planet for only $9.95 a month.
    It's Commercial Grade Internet Security that has not been available
    to individuals until now.

    Everyone online needs this. Your audience will appreciate you making them aware
    and offering the best solution at an affordable price.
    Lindy Sweeny, Feb 10, 2015 IP
  6. Alexbizz

    Alexbizz Active Member

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    Can you share profile on PM if possible, do you have some boards for exchange? Invite for Invite..
    Alexbizz, Feb 10, 2015 IP
  7. entropi

    entropi Active Member

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    sell to me :)
    entropi, Apr 16, 2015 IP
  8. Mkcoy

    Mkcoy Well-Known Member

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    Hi whats your board? Can you show me? Pm if you want?
    How many boards you have and how many followers they have collectively?
    Have you thought about selling invites to them? Let me know if so can hook you up with some buyers.

    PS. I have a skype pinterest chat group can add you in if you r on skype.
    Add me mike.mkcoy.
    That goes for anyone.
    Mkcoy, Apr 16, 2015 IP
  9. danasurvey

    danasurvey Well-Known Member

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    Try including links to your monetized sites and blogs where appropriate. :)
    danasurvey, Apr 16, 2015 IP
  10. Patricia Ann Lee

    Patricia Ann Lee Active Member

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    Health and beauty products will do, but travel, new technologies, and food are just another great option too. :)
    Patricia Ann Lee, Apr 16, 2015 IP
  11. Xochitl Shatt

    Xochitl Shatt Greenhorn

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    Amazon online, CJ, clickbank, adsence, a lot of CPA aff and so on.
    I do think you may need examination independently to find the best profitable assignments.
    Xochitl Shatt, Apr 20, 2015 IP
  12. GregWR

    GregWR Member

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    I have 500,000 Pintrest followers, I don't get much action from it though, 90-100 website hits daily.
    GregWR, Apr 23, 2015 IP
  13. TB Ann

    TB Ann Banned

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    I can give you a method to which you can easily monetize thru them. if interested, pm me.
    TB Ann, Apr 23, 2015 IP
  14. GregWR

    GregWR Member

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    Why not just post the method here?
    GregWR, Apr 23, 2015 IP
  15. twittchef

    twittchef Member

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    Finally i found a way to monetize them with CB... Thx for your advices...

    Maybe i can get more out of it, but i´m new to it and for me it looks very nice because i didn´t expect it...

    Attached Files:

    • cb.PNG
      File size:
      18.3 KB
    twittchef, May 5, 2015 IP
    danasurvey likes this.
  16. danasurvey

    danasurvey Well-Known Member

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    That's awesome! :) Congrats on your success.
    danasurvey, May 5, 2015 IP
  17. spacehades

    spacehades Active Member

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    What niche is it? You could drive the traffic to adsense site, or promote CB/Amazon products.
    spacehades, May 8, 2015 IP
  18. xendurinan

    xendurinan Banned

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    You don't monetize social media sites.

    You should have a blog or site where you are selling products or services in a specific niche, or a lead capture page to build a list of potential customers.

    Your followers on Pinterest should be in that niche, if not, you just wasted your time and should start over.

    The purpose of leveraging social media sites is to get your name out there to bring traffic to your "money site." You should be engaging with your followers to build relationships with them in the hopes of generating leads, which you hope to convert to loyal customers.

    If you haven't done this, then start over and then do the following:

    1. Decide on a niche you are passionate about.
    2. Become an expert in that niche. Learn everything you can about that niche. By doing this, you increase the value of what you are offering to your potential customers.
    3. Find people on your social media outlets with the same interests and likes you have in said niche. Engage with them. In this manner you will never run out of content because you are here as a marketer to solve their problems, fears, and concerns. You can only find this out by forming relationships with and asking them.
    4. Write original, content that provides value to your followers by meeting their needs. You should have a call to action at the end of each post. Sweeten the deal by offering bonuses, such as free reports or an awesome audio or video.
    5. Create an effective email campaign that centers on the theme of you being able to help them out no matter where they are in their businesses or what business they are in. If you can write engaging content that can convey that message, you will gain customers that will continue to buy from you over and over for life.
    xendurinan, May 12, 2015 IP
  19. Phuong

    Phuong Greenhorn

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    I have some Pinterest accounts with 40.000 followers each but I don't know how to monetize them now, too. I can also increase your followers maximum 40.000followers about a month. Who want to collaborate let pm me
    Phuong, May 14, 2015 IP
  20. addin3d

    addin3d Active Member Affiliate Manager

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    Maybe this will help you : http://blog.mgcash.com/2016/11/how-to-monetize-pinterest-with-mgcash/
    addin3d, Nov 11, 2016 IP