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How to make money from bad traffic?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by JoseYe, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. #1
    I have a steady flow of traffic, of very low quality. It's basically PTC traffic.

    I am trying to figure out how I can monetize that. I know that even if it is bad quality traffic, it still has some worth.

    Maybe I could help increase the PR of pages by driving traffic to it? Or any other ideas?
    JoseYe, Jan 12, 2016 IP
  2. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    I have affiliates promoting our classifieds via PTC sites. You may try it, too. No guarantee it's going to convert since the bounce rate for that type of traffic is about 80% (at least that's what I see in my Analytics), still if your traffic volume is really high, you may get some results.
    qwikad.com, Jan 12, 2016 IP
  3. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    You guys sound like newbies... Bad traffic just means bad content. If you aren't paying for traffic or incentivizing your traffic to visit your web site then you have GOOD quality traffic. If they aren't converting on your web site then 10 out of 10 times your product sucks, your layout sucks, and your content sucks and they are bouncing.
    NetStar, Jan 13, 2016 IP
  4. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    Seriously, NetStar? It seems like you have no clue what PTC (or PTC traffic) stands for. You should go, educate yourself, because your reply is downright stupid. Like really dumb.

    PTC is low quality traffic. You can have the bestest site on the planet earth PTC traffic will still bounce like hell, simply because the people who will visit your site from a PTC service are not interested in any of that. They are there to click on an ad, visit the site the ad takes them to and leave it as soon as the required 5-15 seconds of staying on that site are over.

    The hope is that if your PTC traffic is in hundreds of thousands that maybe a few people will still take action while visiting your site. It's a possibility. And that's what this thread is all about. What you replied there makes no freaking sense within the context.
    qwikad.com, Jan 14, 2016 IP
    Joseph_F and wwstewart like this.
  5. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    I don't understand how you quoted my post but did not read it. Yet I sound dumb? PTC is Pay To Click. My post says "If you aren't paying for traffic or incentivizing your traffic to visit your web site then you have GOOD quality traffic."

    Try not to be such a failure at message boards. And please for the love of god shut your classifieds website down as it's not going anywhere and hasn't for years.
    NetStar, Jan 14, 2016 IP
    malky66 likes this.
  6. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    LOL you failed at everything you tried, now you're making like 30k a year in a stinky car dealership and yet you open your pie hole every chance you get telling everyone what a hero you were when you had your dinky social media site. If I hear that story one more time I am going to puke.

    You are still a total idiot. This thread has nothing to do with what you're pointing out there in bold. Nobody asked "What's the difference between good and bad traffic?" The title of the thread is "How to make money from bad traffic?" Nobody needs your silly input on something that isn't even in question. Idiot.
    qwikad.com, Jan 15, 2016 IP
  7. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    What are you talking about? I don't work for a car dealership. Nor do I make $30k. You made that up or came to your own conclusion on a stranger hah. And I'm the idiot? It looks like my comment about your classified web site struck a nerve lol. But with all seriousness...I applaud your motivation to pursue your dream. Not too many people would continue running a classified web site for years and years with no posts. I mean, I think your motivation is key to your success. You have an affiliate program and everything.

    Get your facts straight so you don't lose all credibility.
    NetStar, Jan 15, 2016 IP
    malky66 likes this.
  8. EPol83

    EPol83 Active Member

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    That traffic can be targeted if your promoting the right offers. Your optimizing so that is good! Id stay away from trying to increase PR because you most likely have a poor bounce rate which can hurt you in the end.
    EPol83, Jan 15, 2016 IP
    qwikad.com likes this.
  9. wwstewart

    wwstewart Well-Known Member

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    If it's a lot of traffic and low quality, maybe some CPM ads. :D
    wwstewart, Jan 15, 2016 IP
  10. NimbleMerchant

    NimbleMerchant Member

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    Even if it's bad it must somewhat belong to some niche, question is only what's the conversion rate going to be.
    NimbleMerchant, Jan 16, 2016 IP
  11. Calver Fitz

    Calver Fitz Peon

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    I called bad traffic, if it worth it. would call be called bad traffic.
    + rising the page rake using that traffic is really bad idea as well! you will have a high bounce rate, few page views, bot-a-like behavior.. its bad.
    I can't think of way to monazite that traffic, maybe there are some,
    Calver Fitz, Jan 16, 2016 IP
  12. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    If you are dealing with millions or even hundreds of thousands of visits a month from that type of traffic, it can prove to be quite lucrative.

    Since that pinhead liked your post you've already lost all credibility with me (the little that you had).
    qwikad.com, Jan 16, 2016 IP
    wwstewart likes this.
  13. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    Everyone is either an "idiot", "stupid", "pinhead", or "doodoo head" with you. I won't even bother to ask why @malky66 is a pinhead. I'm sure his story is like mine. Spending years upon years answering elementary html/php/marketing questions from you to wake up to a post belittling someone because you misread their post. You may feel stupid for being stupid but at least have the decency to be respectful to those who have helped you in the past.

    I have been waiting for qwikad.com to become the next Craigslist or Backpage but even the hookers don't even want to post their ass on your site. The other day I asked myself "Why doesn't anyone want to use this site?" so I visited it. It's a complete copoff of the 90's classified site that craigslist started. Even craigslist somewhat evolved by adding filters and different ways to view postings. Your site doesn't even have that. You are so clueless you don't get it. If the community could change Craigslist they would. But they can't and since Craigslist is what it is they continue to use it. You could be a few changes away from something big but for some reason you decided to make a 1995 classifieds website thinking that's what the people must want since that's what craigslist looks like. Dumb...but I think your dumb can be fixed.

    I have a thing for fine watches so I took a look at your jewelry section and found completely off topic national spam ads. At this stage how hard is it for you to take off the spam? Do you choose not to remove the spammers because they are the only ones posting? Again..I don't get it.

    I then checked out the Car section. 10% off citizen watches? Wtf... ads for a cheap ass watch? You know...if you were to educate yourself you could easily get a feed from hundreds of dealerships posting their inventory. If you don't know how I could easily help you in this area. How? Because this is my wheel house...or do you still think I work for a car dealership making 30k? But ofcourse you won't swallow your pride and contact me...

    You are a piece of work. In one post you are talking about how broke you are and you can't even provide for your family but in you signature you are advertising an affiliate program to make cash with qwikad.com. I think that puts you right up with the scammers. Before you dare launch an affiliate program you should get your web site off the ground.

    As for ME losing credibility with YOU... lol. I don't have a comment.. I just wanted to chuckle. As a joke a year ago I posted a Help Wanted ad on your site and you responded to it. lol.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
    NetStar, Jan 16, 2016 IP
    malky66 likes this.
  14. malky66

    malky66 Acclaimed Member

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    It's because I called him out as a 2 faced little twerp for ranting at and abusing @deathshadow and then had the audacity to ask him for help, He's best ignored, He's worthless just like his garbage spam filled classified site.
    malky66, Jan 16, 2016 IP
    NetStar likes this.
  15. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    He doesn't need @deathshadow because if he goes to the "Labor - Mover" section under "Services" on qwikad.com he can find a company that builds web sites starting at $1.99...or if he must do it himself there's a post for "hundreds of ebooks" which I'm sure offers a wealth of knowledge... AND he can even buy One Direction tickets.... all from the Moving section..
    NetStar, Jan 16, 2016 IP
  16. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    You sound so hurt it's almost painful to read.

    You know what's funny? Somewhere in the little crevices of your mind you've assumed that qwikad is the only thing I run. I've been doing IM since as long as I remember (2004 if not earlier). Every time you mention qwikad I want to ask you "what the hell is wrong with you, NetStar?" You sound obsessed with it, like you have some kind of fetish about it. I have not had a regular job since 2008. I don't need to. And I am correct when I say you're an idiot. You know why? This thread alone shows that, rather clearly. But apart from it, there's something wrong with you. Psychologically. Just recently you accused deathshadow and popsicle of not having social skills. I remember reading, thinking, if anything, you, NetStar, have NO real social skills. And the ones you have are terribly distorted. You're smart, no doubt about it, but you're also a psychologically disturbed human being. One can't help but notice this from your posts.

    And honestly, I absolutely don't care about your opinions and what-not. You have no idea what I do, how I do it, what gigs I run, yet you keep making these stupid assumptions and generalizations that are downright laughable. And again, how stupid to assume that if someone has an affiliate program he is a scammer. Are you really that dumb? Do you have a busy site? Shit, you don't. But if you do, sign up for my affiliate program, if someone posts 5 paid ads through your aff. links you'll get your $10 in a jiffy. 50 paid ads - $100. 500 paid ads - $1000. Simple enough.

    And the rest of your post is not even worth my time to address in any shape or form because it's nonsense.
    qwikad.com, Jan 16, 2016 IP
  17. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    @malky66 Or like the garbage filled mouth of yours. You get slapped by your wife all day long since you're an emasculated little brit, so you come here to rant, just to vent your anger out. LOL.
    qwikad.com, Jan 16, 2016 IP
  18. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    Isn't QwikAd.com your username? Isn't QwikAd.com advertised in your signature? Isn't QwikAd.com the only web site you talk about over and over and over here? That may be why I mention QwikAd.com..... but yes what is wrong with me... haha

    I know. I am reminded everytime when I pay my taxes of who I am supporting. In fact, you should probably start advertising QwikAd.com as a government funded web site. QwikAd.gov???

    This is true. I don't think either of them have social skills. But I have respect for both of them and I show my respect whenever I agree with them.

    This is correct. I don't have any idea what gigs you have. Maybe you own BackPage.com and just choose to have QwikAd.com plastered all over your signature for a joke on us. My assumptions are based off from only what I can see. If they are laughable then you are laughing at your showcased web site.

    Help me here... You are advertising a way for web masters to make cash on your web site but you still haven't successfully launched your web site to get traffic. Your web site says "Our payout minimum is just $10.00, so you won't have to wait long to reach your payout threshold.". Really? I won't have to wait long? How many payouts have you issued? =)

    I don't? Did you assume that? Remember where you ranted about assumptions and generalizations? Or are you excluded from your own opinion of others when it's time for you to talk smack online? I do have a busy website.

    No way. I would never make money by sending you my traffic. They aren't stupid enough to start paying to post on a classifieds web site that noone visits. I won't let them be scammed.

    With all seriousness... Your business model sucks. Your web site shouldn't charge until it has been established. Then once you start seeing profitability then you should start the affiliate program. Y ou started the Premium service and Affiliate program before you even established a presence.

    Is it? =)
    NetStar, Jan 16, 2016 IP
  19. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    C'mon now... emasculated little brit? I'm sure he's laughing his ass off right now. You just stated you haven't had a "real job" since 2008. And a simple search on here shows that you have shared your struggle with finances on several occasions. And while you may want us to believe QwikAd.com is not the cream of your crop business it's what you choose to showcase... I'm sure everytime @malky66 gets smacked by his wife for being an emasculated little brit he laughs because his wife didn't leave him for a life that didn't include roman noodles and never ending conversations about qwikad.com being the next big thing :-P
    NetStar, Jan 16, 2016 IP
  20. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    Again it only shows what an idiot you are. Sorry, I keep saying this like a broken record, but I can't help it. I started qwikad in Jan of 2012. Check out the date I joined this forum: Jan 23 2012. The site was new I just wanted to promote it. Thus the name stuck. Haha at you.

    It's a useless conversation, because out of spite you're bringing up these silly accusations and assumptions when all along all you have is one failed social media site, a mediocre job and nothing to show for. Bleh.
    qwikad.com, Jan 16, 2016 IP