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seoclerks is %100 scam stay away everybody

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by elkhra, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. Rashin Sundaran

    Rashin Sundaran Member

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    I have been using seoclerks for 3 years and i have earned more than what my software engineer friends earned by working daily. Now Iam the owner of upcomming SEO Marketplace SEOListerr
    But still i earn from seoclerks. So Seoclerks can never be spam.
    Rashin Sundaran, Jan 24, 2015 IP
  2. pilot35

    pilot35 Active Member

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    Haha it's good thing I am only buying from there, not selling. Seoclerks are like the cheapest labor price you can ever find in the internet. Those $1 services can easily be sold for $50+ on ebay.
    pilot35, Feb 8, 2015 IP
  3. Larry Bussey

    Larry Bussey Banned

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    No , i wont agree with your thread, I am on seoclerks from last 3 years and have earned more than 2000$... You need to follow all rules and regulation thats it
    Larry Bussey, Nov 2, 2015 IP
  4. Gyan027

    Gyan027 Active Member

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    No...its not....some people do arbitrage business....like getting order on seoclerks and completes order using site like fiverr...so user may get undesirable results....but its scam site.
    Gyan027, Feb 8, 2016 IP
  5. digitalfriends

    digitalfriends Well-Known Member

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    Before ordering any gig just care to see his review
    digitalfriends, Mar 22, 2016 IP
  6. Seth Jackson

    Seth Jackson Greenhorn

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    Uhm... SEOClerks.. Scam...? Nope. Not in a million years.


    Just take a look at that. $23,790+ withdrawn. The creator of this thread is totally out of his mind.

    You can read more about this earnings here:

    Seth Jackson, Mar 25, 2016 IP
  7. leechenlua

    leechenlua Member

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    I want to buy traffic from seoclerk for my website. It's sefe for my account Google Adsense?
    leechenlua, Apr 21, 2016 IP
  8. Agent000

    Agent000 Prominent Member

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    It will get you banned
    Agent000, Apr 21, 2016 IP
  9. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    I 100% agree with you. Now kindly explain to us why you got banned from here.:)
    Spoiltdiva, Apr 22, 2016 IP
  10. leechenlua

    leechenlua Member

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    Thank guy. Beacause I read topic "2,500+ Daily Human Traffic for ONE MONTH by Google Facebook Twitter Yahoo or Any Site for $8"
    I saw seller have many Positive Ranting make me wonder
    leechenlua, Apr 22, 2016 IP
  11. william loika

    william loika Peon

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    Here is the real reason why seoclerks is a scam!
    1. If you sell on seoclerks?, the buyer can get your service and report that they didn't get it, and seoclerks will side with the buyer.
    2. Seoclerks has a following platform, and if somebody sends you a request to follow, they will automatically be logged into your account under your ip.
    3. Seoclerks has a 21 day review ability for the buyer benefits. If the buyer didn't like your service and requested a refund and you didn't give it to buyer? the buyer has the ability to negative review you up to 21 days after the service was delivered.
    4. Seoclerks has an affiliate side. If one of there affiliates decide to copy your service they have the ability to up the price on the other side of the platform and send the customer thru your service and charge double the price to the buyer and only give you the price of your service.
    5, Google adwords do NOT recognize this platform as being legit. If you want to advertise to get leads Google Adwords will NOT let you.
    6. This platform is NOT Better Business Bureau approved.
    Above are 6 reasons why you should NOT join this service. I fully recommend you to check out Fiverr.com because they have a better way and services for you to really become successful.
    william loika, Jun 4, 2016 IP
  12. jv1999

    jv1999 Active Member

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    Wish I could like. :) Your post summarizes everything.

    I'll try SEOclerks as a seller. I hope the minimum withdrawal isn't something crazy like $1000.
    jv1999, Jun 5, 2016 IP
  13. william loika

    william loika Peon

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    Hold up, I thought in the beginning of your post comment you said, "I am not a seller or buyer for seoclerks"? Reading further in your post you are defending a service you haven't supposing tried yet. Which is it? Are you sure that you are not affiliated with seoclerks coming to the defense? It sounds like it to me. A person defending a service they haven't tried yet seems mighty suspicious to me (common sense). But to each their own. If Google has BANNED seoclerks from their advertising platform, (you can advertise with FIVERR), then common sense tells me their is something wrong with that service. Especially if the Better Business Bureau don't approve of the service. Common Sense!
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
    william loika, Jun 5, 2016 IP
  14. william loika

    william loika Peon

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    Read in my 6 reasons not to join seoclerks. See the affiliate sales above? All them sales was probably made of the backs of some other seller who got the negative review. Thanks for pointing my opinion out in black and white. On the affiliate side of seoclerks platform these affiliate members piggy back off of sellers ad page and charge the price they want. If the buyer doesn't get the service they expect to receive (because the owner of the page have no idea what the affiliate seller is selling the buyer), the buyer would usually give negative review or request for a refund and the real seller would have to pay. So if the buyer paid double your asking price to the affiliate seller, and requested a refund?, the buyer would only get the amount you charge and not the cost the affiliate seller charged. THIS IS WHY IT IS A SCAM PLATFORM. Therefore destroying your business attempt to be successful.
    william loika, Jun 5, 2016 IP
  15. jv1999

    jv1999 Active Member

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    Calm down, dude. I'm not defending the service, I'm just saying I like her post. She objectively went through the WHOLE thread and analyzed the complaints and non-complaints then came up with her own conclusion fairly.
    jv1999, Jun 5, 2016 IP
  16. william loika

    william loika Peon

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    I am calm dude. It doesn't matter to me you want to be buffaloed. It is not my money but yours on the line. Just remember if they sell that service to sellers and buyers that can be reviewed ratings, why don't they have a place to get reviewed the same way? Check out their pages. You will not find anywhere to place your review on them, because they would be out of business. Have fun with your service and GOOD LUCK.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
    william loika, Jun 5, 2016 IP
  17. william loika

    william loika Peon

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    Here is the real reason why seoclerks is a scam!
    1. If you sell on seoclerks?, the buyer can get your service and report that they didn't get it, and seoclerks will side with the buyer.
    2. Seoclerks has a following platform, and if somebody sends you a request to follow, they will automatically be logged into your account under your ip.
    3. Seoclerks has a 21 day review ability for the buyer benefits. If the buyer didn't like your service and requested a refund and you didn't give it to buyer? the buyer has the ability to negative review you up to 21 days after the service was delivered.
    4. Seoclerks has an affiliate side. If one of there affiliates decide to copy your service they have the ability to up the price on the other side of the platform and send the customer thru your service and charge double the price to the buyer and only give you the price of your service.
    5, Google adwords do NOT recognize this platform as being legit. If you want to advertise to get leads Google Adwords will NOT let you.
    6. This platform is NOT Better Business Bureau approved.
    Above are 6 reasons why you should NOT join this service. I fully recommend you to check out Fiverr.com because they have a better way and services for you to really become successful.
    william loika, Jun 10, 2016 IP
  18. Sally1423

    Sally1423 Greenhorn

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    Thank for information! My friend caught it and lost money .
    Sally1423, Jun 13, 2016 IP
  19. Mkcoy

    Mkcoy Well-Known Member

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    SEOClerks is not a scam wth!? It's a legit SEO Marketplace. Like any large marketplace, it has it's fair share of some bad sellers and buyers that try to abuse the system. Just like Facebook or even DigitalPoint. I've never been scammed or lost money, I'm a Level 3 seller and SEOClerks has been a massive life changer for me! Their staff and support are second to none and the owners are very genuine, very good people. The site has gone on to make some people a lot of money. Especially the affiliates that promote SEOClerks and have a lot of affiliates under them. It's a great site that can be very lucrative for you if you use it properly. Abuse it and you get banned and deleted the same as you would any large marketplace or website. Actually, I want to quote and answer your flimsy reasons that don't make any sense at all.

    1. If you sell on seoclerks?, the buyer can get your service and report that they didn't get it, and seoclerks will side with the buyer.

    Well they can try to do that, but staff only have to look at the order and see that you did deliver it and deliver it exactly as described. If so, and the buyer is claiming they didn't the buyer is either an idiot or a scammer and is trying to get a free service. In cases like these, staff will obviously side with the seller and force deliver the order for them. SEOClerks don't side with the buyer unless what the buyer is saying is true!

    2. Seoclerks has a following platform, and if somebody sends you a request to follow, they will automatically be logged into your account under your ip.

    What? Why would they be logged into your account under your IP for simply following you? That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard anyone say EVER! Seriously, what are you smoking??

    3. Seoclerks has a 21 day review ability for the buyer benefits. If the buyer didn't like your service and requested a refund and you didn't give it to buyer? the buyer has the ability to negative review you up to 21 days after the service was delivered.

    Well if you sold something to someone and the buyer didn't like it, they have a right to leave a negative review. That's the same wherever you buy something such as from eBay etc.

    4. Seoclerks has an affiliate side. If one of there affiliates decide to copy your service they have the ability to up the price on the other side of the platform and send the customer thru your service and charge double the price to the buyer and only give you the price of your service.

    Well for starters, sellers are not allowed to copy your service and resell it. All you would have to do is report them and support will remove their service. But if they reword it and resell it that is just business at the end of the day. As long as the buyer is happy with the service that is all that matters. But that sort of stuff hardly happens anyway.

    5, Google adwords do NOT recognize this platform as being legit. If you want to advertise to get leads Google Adwords will NOT let you.

    Well that's just because of the small minority that have ruined it for the majority. That's Adwords fault and they're loosing out on money because of that.

    6. This platform is NOT Better Business Bureau approved.

    That Better Business Bureau is just a farce in and of itself. Not being approved by the Better Business Bureau doesn't mean it's not a good place to do business on!

    Above are 6 reasons why you should NOT join this service. I fully recommend you to check out Fiverr.com because they have a better way and services for you to really become successful.

    Fiverr sucks! You can make much more money much faster on SEOClerks, they have a much better site with a lot more features for buyers and sellers.

    Honestly mate, you don't know what you're talking about! I've made thousands of dollars on SEOClerks as have many other people.

    The only ones that complain and get butt hurt are the ones that tried to defraud it in some way, got caught and then made a stink about it and tried to make them out to be the bad guys.

    SEOClerks Rocks!

    Here is a positive SEOClerks review by someone that was a buyer/seller for 5+ years.
    Mkcoy, Jul 7, 2016 IP
    imuncutno1 likes this.
  20. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    LOL, this thread started back in 2012. SEOclerks has not suffered nor gained anything from any of this in the last 4 years. What's the point of reading: "I love them, they are great!" and "I hate them they suck!" This bloody thread has stretched to 8 pages! Should've been locked up 4 years ago.

    qwikad.com, Jul 7, 2016 IP