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Discussion in 'General Business' started by jim34, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    Sarah I wish you would just close this thread. It seems very spammy. Even the ppl who claim he's a ripoff only have 1 post and are indirectly building his value by showing their disappointment in not being able to attend his class because of lack of a availability and circumstance... Seems like all part of a ploy to build interest to check his site out. I've never heard of this nobody.
    NetStar, Dec 17, 2015 IP
    deathshadow likes this.
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I'm with you @NetStar but atleast it means we have only one thread about this guy. If we close it then we'll just get new threads. I suspect he's a bit like Shaun Stenning et al who pop up every now and again. I find it fascinating that he's obviously reactivated (god, sounds like he's a spy), these get rich quick guys never seem to go straight.
    sarahk, Dec 18, 2015 IP
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  3. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    It's pretty clever... "I am so fucking pissed because Adam couldn't make the seminar because he was closing a 10 million dollar account... ugh... and now I'm stuck having to drive to further class.. welp...hope it pans out"
    NetStar, Dec 18, 2015 IP
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  4. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    Hey look @NetStar, we agree on something! :p

    There are so many scam artists out there being treated as acceptable practice - motivational speakers being a stunning example of dirtbags using the 7 classic propaganda techniques -- plain folks, testimonial, transfer, glittering generalities, name calling, card stacking, and bandwagon -- as well as more modern ones like "loaded words" to dupe people into forking over money for nothing.

    ...and it's getting scary what society now reacts to as loaded words, such evil words as science, chemical, research, corporation, peace, tolerance. :/

    Ends up being so many of these end up with all the legitimacy of 3AM infomercial get rich quick schemes.

    The great telltale of the really good scams though -- money making schemes that have membership fee's. If it's profitable, the buy-in shouldn't be five big. Particularly when you get better odds at the roulette wheel. It's why mostly these would be pyramid schemes if not for the base being infinitely wide, the top being one person wide, and the entire stack only being two levels tall.
    deathshadow, Dec 23, 2015 IP
    NetStar likes this.
  5. Vaporize

    Vaporize Peon

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    So this weekend Jun 3-5, 2016, Mr. Adam Ginsberg is speaking in Toronto on one of his 3 days weekend seminar. As previous posters have indicated, it probably include some sort of upsell in these 3 days - this is actually common amongst all of the similar speakers that appeared in a GetMotivated.com event that happened on the previous Tuesday.

    Topics that spun into various 3 days weekend seminars including: Real Estate, Book Publishing, Internet Mastery (Adam's), Stock Trading / Options Trading, the usual suspects. There are 3 days workshops that are lined up for every weekend of June going into beginning of July, ranging from USD$50 - 99. Topics are common amongst the 'motivation' / 'entrepreneurial' / 'get out of the rat race' group of seminars.

    @NetStar - Please do not close off this thread as it provided valuable information about what sort of upsell we are going to encounter in the three days workshop; and provide valuable experiences to people in the future on their decisions to purchase or not purchase these information products.

    Having said that, this weekend's 3 day workshop cost USD$50 (~CAD$70) and Adam claims that the money will be donated to the Diabetes association. Typically the initial tuition will cover the speaking group's hotel room rental for the weekend, with various upsell packages.

    So far after the first day. The "Template Optimizer Normal edition" is included with the initial USD$50. He is selling a VIP package for additional class time (2 hours on Sat, and 2 hours on Sun, + dinner with him and his team) - USD$99 (CAD$130); plus he is now selling fisheye lens for cell phone for USD$50. There is no mention of the additional mentoring/coaching program - I believe it is being renamed to "apprenticeship" as a few of his colleagues are being referred to as apprentices.

    There was also a demonstration of the something that resembles the ISB but was not called the same way, that software is included as part of the VIP upgrade mentioned above.

    Like many said, Adam is a very dynamic speaker, funny and good sales person. He does put on a good show. Will see how the weekend unfolds ~
    Vaporize, Jun 3, 2016 IP
  6. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    So the sleazeball dirtbag's holding another of his get rich quick scam seminars to line his pockets at the expense of those dumb enough to fall for his hoodoo voodoo? Lovely.

    REALLY wish law enforcement could find a way to shut these dirtbags down for good -- but it's a case of whack-a-mole. Kill off one snake oil doctor, and two hucksters take it's place.
    deathshadow, Jun 4, 2016 IP
    malky66 likes this.
  7. greyhopper

    greyhopper Peon

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    Interestingly the offer today has a double your money back offer. Which is if after 12 months you have not made your money back ($6000) he will pay you back twice the cost, but there are catches. One is that you have to build a minimum of 30 websites a month. ($15 per domain per year charged by them plus hosting I think). You can only add 10 of your own domains per month to Speedlings.
    So it looks like ISB and E-Stores is dead and gone and those who forked out thousands have been shafted.
    greyhopper, Jun 4, 2016 IP
  8. greyhopper

    greyhopper Peon

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    thats so sad for you i hope that will get you
    greyhopper, Jun 4, 2016 IP
  9. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    ... and people wonder why I call it sleazy scam-artist bullshit, and a blight upon the web that if it isn't illegal, it should be!
    deathshadow, Jun 4, 2016 IP
  10. Vaporize

    Vaporize Peon

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    So we went through the Toronto weekend seminar and as usual there were a bunch of people that went ahead and bought their higher education packages and I wish them all the luck in becoming Millionaires for 2016 as depicted by Mr. Adam Ginsberg.

    Overall, there were around 240 people attending the seminar (paid US$59). Then there were around 140 people upgraded to the VIP package (paid additional CAD$130 cash) - had free dinner, free cell phone lens, template optimizer premium version. At around noon, there were 3 that signed up for the apprentice level at USD$27,495.

    I believe Canadians are typically more conservative and Adam did make a comment that he seems to be getting less sign up at the same time Sunday comparing to the same timing in US cities. As Canadians we know that we are typically more conservatives and slower in making decisions and it could be a great thing when it comes to these high pressure seminars (not just Adams, but the Real Estates, Richdad, Stores Online, Stock trade etc. etc.). Out of most of the people I talked to, they have purchased the VIP package for additional CAD$130 but not go forward with the higher price products (starting from USD$2499 to $27,000).

    Overall, the 3 days Seminar is:
    - 20% Motivation / Get Rich / I am Rich you trust me
    - 60% Why you should buy my software, what problems software over come
    - 20% Real content and can be used info, some can be incorrect or out-dated.

    (1) eBay Template Optimizer Normal - free included with admission
    (2) eBay Template Optmizer Premium / Site Builder Automizer - free with VIP
    (3) Razon - comparing all online eCommerce site to find the cheapest products to buy
    (3) Spy Rival - basically data mine Amazon to find out the sales ranking of a specific product and determine volume
    (These products varies from the list that many earlier people listed)

    Below are the pricing information for future readers as there are workshops scheduled all over the summer ...

    Interesting Timbit:
    Adam actually told a real life example of how he leverages his 50 weeks of travel per year. When he checks into expensive hotels that uses nice shampoo products (ex: Aveda), he would ask the hotel for more shampoo so he can sell them on Amazon & eBay. He said he and his wife managed to get 60 sets of such products (Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap, etc) during a one week visit. I find that it is unethical for such a ~millionaire to do such a thing. He also once did joke about taking 2 towels per visit would earn more than the gentleman who wanted to import $0.05 towel from China at volume lots .... there might be some truth to it. Behaviours and thinkings like these hardly resembles anybody that makes millions but one that are living below their means.

    You make your own decisions on whether you trust this guy - I simply present information & share experience. I would say out of the 20% real content, we did learn something - but as Adam will tell you again, time is the most valuable currency you have - is it a good way to use your weekend? ;)

    Vaporize, Jun 6, 2016 IP
  11. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    ... and yeah, it's ENTIRELY what you'd expect from someone living below their means, or that is such a sleazy dirtbag and has been a sleazy dirtbag for so long, they don't know how NOT to be a sleazy dirtbag.

    Either that or he's Scottish, which would explain a lot.

    Of course he made all his money on eBay and continues to do so, sure he does... remind me how many of these seminars he'd have to hold to clear a million again? Five? Ten at the most?

    Wish I could find something to talk about that preyed on people's wishes and fears when they were most vulnerable, so they'd drop $50 or more a head just to hear me talk, followed by the possibility of leeching twice the yearly income of most people in my area out of a few of the poor sods dumb enough to believe whatever malarkey they are there to listen to.

    For some reason reminds me of Ivanka's tale of walking through NY with daddy and seeing a homeless man on the side of the road, and Drumpf saying "Laugh is, he's probably worth more than I am right now!"
    deathshadow, Jun 6, 2016 IP
    malky66 and sarahk like this.
  12. greyhopper

    greyhopper Peon

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    I agree with you it would be $5000 to hear him talk
    The only knowledge they have is how to make your site look pretty and not work. It did take me ages to get the content setup correctly in seo terms with out any help from AG
    greyhopper, Jun 7, 2016 IP
  13. KingViper

    KingViper Member

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    So people still continue to buy in to such type of bulls**t in 2016???
    KingViper, Jun 10, 2016 IP
  14. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    He's just talking to his audience. Someone who is wealthy and successful doesn't pay $5,000 to watch an equal, less, or even more successful person speak. A *millionaire*, or let's just say successful person, also knows that time is valuable. Why would a successful person leverage their time at an expensive hotel making time consuming strategic trips to the front desk to get free shampoo and conditioner samples to resell on eBay? They wouldn't and he doesn't. If he took 60 free samples and each time he got 3 he would have spent hours doing this. The only person who is going to buy sample shampoo on ebay will buy in bulk and drastically under the wholesale price and then most likely think twice when you factor in shipping... Give me a break.

    You idiots in this thread need to first go to money management classes and learn how to budget before you try to learn to become rich. I would think the quickest and smartest way to see money is by not spending it. Try reducing your monthly bills, reduce going out, give yourself an allowance and watch what you spend. Then come up with a strategy to put money aside. Then look at getting a better paying job. When you've done all of that and you are *comfortable* then maybe start exploring ways to start your own business. Any get rich schemes that work require the same hard work that starting a company does. There's no science behind it. There's no secret sauce... You make money when you sell something or whatever for more than it costs for you to buy and sell.

    lol @ spending $5,000 to watch someone speak.
    NetStar, Jun 11, 2016 IP
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  15. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    ps. this is obviously someone from Adam's website or himself... It has marketing written all over it... Clever but obvious... This person knows way too much to be a detailed observer.. This person cares way too much to not be affiliated... This is the only thread that resurfaces then suddenly a person registers and makes their first post to defend this guy adam with very detailed posts then disappear...
    NetStar, Jun 11, 2016 IP
  16. Sally1423

    Sally1423 Greenhorn

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    Adam Ginsberg - bestselling author of «How to Buy, Sell, and Profit on eBay». His interviews were published in the magazines Fortune, Entrepreneur and Kiplinger; he played on TV channels CNBC and ABC. This man has done a good job and I like his method
    Sally1423, Jun 15, 2016 IP
  17. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Care to elaborate?
    How have you put his methods into practice?
    sarahk, Jun 15, 2016 IP