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CMS Advice - WordPress or Joomla

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by AZMarketingGirl, May 10, 2017.


If you had to choose between WordPress and Joomla, which would you choose?

  1. WordPress

    5 vote(s)
  2. Joomla

    0 vote(s)
  1. #1
    Hello All!

    I need some third-party input here. We are in the midst of preparing for a website overhaul. Our site is fairly large, consumer-oriented site, though we don't sell direct to consumers. We sell to distribution (B2B). That said, we have a dealer locator and a dealer portal for info on our site. Our site was designed 7 years ago in Kentico and we are aiming to get on to a more user-friendly platform that we can manage ourselves. (mostly)

    So... in the process of gathering some info, we had a Joomla presentation. I have to admit that the demo was great and that the platform offers management for user groups with multi-layer permissions. The content management and categorization seems decent. That said... several developers bidding the job in WordPress (our original platform request) have stated that Joomla isn't regularly supported and that we should stay away from that platform. These comments are coming from developers that used to support and design in Joomla and no longer do so. We have been told that the same functionality we liked in Joomla can be built into WordPress.

    I've been hunting all over the internet for fair, unbiased input on Joomla. There seem to be lots of folks who still support it and so many who have left it. The W3Techs site was useful to see the decline of marketshare within the CMS segment... 12% down to 7% since 2010... which falls inline with folks (developers) moving away from it. There are also huge increases in WordPress use... which I also understand includes all the mom and pop bloggers as well as custom sites for corporations all lumped together.

    While I don't want to cause a big debate of one CMS over the other... I would like some honest feedback about both platforms. WordPress obviously has greater support in developers and overall users... but is there still validity to Joomla? How secure is the Joomla platform overall? Is it susceptible to risk any more or less than WordPress? Does the fact that they don't update their platform as often pose a problem or risk overall? If our site was developed in WordPress using mostly the core functionality (no themes and few plug-ins)... does that help? Is SEO on both decent and easily managed?

    I'd appreciate ANY and ALL feedback you can provide, as I am honestly stuck trying to figure this all out... and I don't have time to go earn a 3rd college degree! Heh. [​IMG] Thank you for your time!
    AZMarketingGirl, May 10, 2017 IP
  2. Alexandre Laramée

    Alexandre Laramée Member

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    I actually tried both, i found Joomla being not as user friendly as wordpress, for what i needed it for i could get faster nicer results with all the available themes. The extra modules you get to install get done in a sinch. Ym experience with joomla was painfull to get up and running and look the way i wanted as where Wordpress just offered to me easier fast disposition and menu which made my back end management more effective. Since they are free i suggest to install both and just simply try them both out since they are free to setup. BUT one downfall i had with wordpress is i have been brought to a stop since there was an exploit on the net for wordpress which has turned me off, now is joomla more secure, i don't know. Honestly whatever is on the net NOTHING is safe to attack anymore.
    Alexandre Laramée, May 11, 2017 IP
  3. Dataster

    Dataster Greenhorn

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    Wordpress is my personal favorite. It's the most common CMS, so you won't find so many plugins, themes, tweaks, walkthroughs, tutorials etc anywhere else.
    Dataster, May 11, 2017 IP
  4. Bielefelder

    Bielefelder Member

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    I have worked with Drupal, Joomla and now WordPress...
    I would say the best bet for most projects you can have is WordPress.
    Bielefelder, Jun 26, 2017 IP
  5. Gosuperb

    Gosuperb Greenhorn

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    WordPress is definitely simpler to use. Even though Joomla is much more sophisticated, managing it can be time-consuming. However, when it comes to WordPress, there are numerous concerns about data security, it requires a lot of plugins to be installed, modifying tables, date fields, and/or graphics format can be more complicated and it demands a certain understanding of PHP language. In conclusion, WordPress is a fantastic choice if you want to make a simple website. If you want a more secure and serious website, I would suggest a cost-effective web hosting service.
    Gosuperb, Jul 18, 2017 IP
  6. Tennouji

    Tennouji Active Member

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    Assuming that WP is not a serious and secure enough CMS? What year are you living in, 2007? Wordpress security is currently good, and it's one of, if not the most maintained opensource CMS today. Times have changed already, Wordpress went far from where it was a decade ago. Most of the security issues that end-users face are from their own faults, and whenever rarely a security issue appears in WP's core script, it gets updated quickly.

    Having a very large community and users makes wordpress security issues identified and fixed faster, compared to other CMS, so it's the most recommended platform for everyone, from newbies to well-versed web developers whenever it fits their needs, unless they want a custom-made script.
    Tennouji, Aug 10, 2017 IP
  7. SmileServe

    SmileServe Well-Known Member

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    Joomla is slow and unintuitive. In comparison WordPress is much faster, easier understood and generates much less support requests from our clients.
    SmileServe, Aug 15, 2017 IP
  8. atsad

    atsad Notable Member

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    Even though both are CMS, both of them have distinct specialties. I prefer both CMS. But I used WP more than Joomla.
    atsad, Aug 16, 2017 IP
  9. Spartan14

    Spartan14 Well-Known Member

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    100% wordpress why ? Its most popular ,easy to use and it has a lot of helpful plugins
    Spartan14, Aug 17, 2017 IP
  10. KylieSweet

    KylieSweet Well-Known Member

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    I'm not against Joomla but it takes a lot of your time in managing this kind of CMS unlike Wordpress its easy and simpler to assess as well as recognized as the most popular CMS.
    KylieSweet, Aug 23, 2017 IP
  11. BinkyM

    BinkyM Well-Known Member

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    i am personally using wordpress and i love that
    BinkyM, Aug 23, 2017 IP
  12. iwebsocial

    iwebsocial Well-Known Member

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    Joomla is quite a big and complex CMS. Its works great for big companies and enterprises that have a lot of contents and user bases. WordPress and Joomla both are secure CMS but WordPress is quite easy to manage and handle. So, I prefer to use WordPress. However its solely depends on you.
    iwebsocial, Aug 24, 2017 IP
  13. expels

    expels Member

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    I would say the best bet for most projects you can have is WordPress.
    expels, Apr 27, 2018 IP