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How to successfully outsource software development?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by Hansine, Nov 20, 2017.

  1. #1
    I'm thinking of ordering an ola-like app.
    What are the potholes?
    Hansine, Nov 20, 2017 IP
  2. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    It is actually extremely difficult to successfully build software through a 3rd party. This is mainly due to costs, time constraints, and limited availability to communicate your vision. If you have the budget and you can find a local software development company that will probably be your better choice since you can attend meetings in person rather than via skype or phone. There is a huge challenge in communicating YOUR vision to someone whose main concern is their time/cost/resources to turn a profit. You almost never get exactly what you want and there's always a barrier communicating to geeks...

    If you aren't looking for extensive software to be built you can checkout some of the freelance web sites like ODesk. There's plenty of talented people on there but make sure you talk to them and interview them. Communication, understanding, and patience is key. You may have to pay more money but it will be less in the long run.

    Personally I work on my own side projects. I have paid others to contribute and never got my money's worth. I would advise finding someone young. I dislike "veteran" or "old school" mindset programmers. They have a tendency not to adapt and believe in turning a 3 week project in to a 6 month tedious monster by writing every lick of code. Think @deathshadow .
    NetStar, Nov 20, 2017 IP
    zoink59 likes this.
  3. Mackenzie2

    Mackenzie2 Peon

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    The main problem here is of course finances. But If you aren't in trouble with it. Feel free to hire a team at an average price. Also, I'm highly recommending you to deal with relatively new companies because so-called veterans have tendencies to turn two-weeks projects into half-year monsters. Read this as well to put all in its own places https://vironit.com/15-benefits-of-outsourcing-software-development/
    Mackenzie2, Nov 21, 2017 IP
  4. emmaback

    emmaback Member

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    Finding talent from anywhere in the world can allow you to pay lower price for the same quality. Be sure to read this article here to find pros and cons of outsourcing - https://diceus.com/why-you-should-open-outsourcing-centers-in-ukraine-nowadays/ . I found that it was very challenging to find outsourcing agency that fits my requirements. But when I found one, I understood it was well worth my effort and time.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017
    emmaback, Nov 27, 2017 IP
  5. Hansine

    Hansine Peon

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    Thank you much for all your responses guys!;) Agree that it's difficult but it's the only option I possess right now. Local taxi service ready to invest any in amount of money into the project like this
    Hansine, Nov 27, 2017 IP
  6. deiva

    deiva Peon

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    Every one tries out to get the best. And a quality software product must be build from a third party at a cheap cost is not an easy one. But if you are ready to hire a quality software developer at high cost, then the work is simple. Gather all the information on what you need in the application and share the information in the meetings with your client. Inquire the team about the portfolio of their work. the quality of your product must be tested at the end. To get good content for your product page, try to hire some quality writer at contentmart.
    deiva, Dec 5, 2017 IP
  7. savi308

    savi308 Active Member

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    Third party is good option i think. Internet has solved the gap called communication as we can communicate through skype, best option with sharing of queries online through doc files and can resolve immediately at the moment. Third party is really great option to get done with projects on time. We are Pune based software firm providing such quality services on time. Feel free to contact us at
    savi308, Jan 16, 2018 IP
  8. LadyStarc

    LadyStarc Greenhorn

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    There are so many potholes which you need to be careful of. One of most important thing you want to do look at the software/app development company's portfolio and search about them for good 15mins on the internet. If there are no red flags then you are good to go. Secondly, what you need to make sure in your agreement is mentioning the delivery of project within a specified time and weekly updates about the development, if not daily. Also, make sure the technology that is being used for your app's development is latest and has no issues while updating or anything. You can read this blog as well, might find something useful.
    LadyStarc, Jul 6, 2020 IP
  9. zoink59

    zoink59 Well-Known Member

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    I'm not allowed to "Like" posts yet but Netstar's comment is spot on. I ran a software development company for many years and you will need in-house talent. If you have never worked in software development you won't know how to frame your expectations in terms a software developer will understand. You also have the issue of protecting intellectual property. If your idea is that good, and you have a guaranteed buyer, why not get the buyer to finance the venture and hire the talent you need?
    zoink59, Jul 6, 2020 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  10. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    My "day job" is leading sales for an outsource software developer. We are "onshore" developers here in the U.S., so our fees are much higher than "offshore" development firms. We generally work for large, established companies who need either staff augmentation (they cannot hire enough fulltime, in-house developers for any one of a variety of reasons) or because we have a specialty skill (e.g., IoT security, Class III medical devices, etc.) that their in-house team does not have. We occasionally work for start-ups as their "software team" but it is rare because they often do not have the funds to pay us and, even if they do, we are skeptical that we will get fully paid at the end of the project if they burn through their cash too quickly.

    The software challenge for a start-up is to get a software team (internal or external) that will develop a solid product in time to meet the critical timeline for launch (i.e., before it burns through its funding.) It is the specific experience of the software developers, managers, and project coordinators that will provide the most insight into the potential for success of the project. So, do not just look at the portfolio of the outsource company; look at the specific resumes of the personnel that the company plans to assign to your project.
    jrbiz, Jul 7, 2020 IP
    zoink59 likes this.
  11. Soheil Yasrebi

    Soheil Yasrebi Greenhorn

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    You can always find cheap reliable freelancers on sites like upwork. Your mileage may vary but typically devs from countries like Philippines do descent job. You want to a make sure you manage them right by checking with the frequently, asking for demos often and just generally be on top of it, otherwise, it’s very easy to lose money and waste a lot of time. Good luck.
    Soheil Yasrebi, Jul 7, 2020 IP