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Please Advice: Need Advice for A New Blog

Discussion in 'General Business' started by GAdsense, Jun 14, 2019.

  1. #1

    My passion is Marketing, followed by freelancing, all things technical, solving problems, blogging, SEO etc. I used to write blog posts for a few clients in the past as well.

    I do like horses but don't know much about them. So what about horses? Well, you've guessed it right! Am a little confused about selecting the right niche for my new blog.

    I am very passionate about online blogging and the niche's I have shared... but it's sort of overrated to start a blog about blogging and guiding bloggers to make money with it. Somehow, this has become my niche and I've worked as an SEO, Freelancer, Marketeer and have pretty good knowledge about it as well.

    To prove the word, I started a blog in the past, I did drive traffic to it but wasn't interested in writing or spending a great time at it.

    What should I do?

    I am obviously doing it to earn my bread and butter. But primarily to provide value, so I can earn by freelancing as well. But to help other people, and earn at the same time feels better. Plus to create a personal asset...

    In this endeavor, I've thought of a few brand names randomly


    does these sound good?
    GAdsense, Jun 14, 2019 IP
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  2. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Is there perhaps a market to combine your IM skills with your love of horses? Would horse owners, racetracks, equestrian training and/or equipment vendors be a large enough market for you to help them learn to market their businesses online? That could be an interesting blog if you think it is a viable market that is able to be monetized.
    jrbiz, Jun 15, 2019 IP
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  3. GAdsense

    GAdsense Well-Known Member

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    Well, the fact remains to "help them learn to market their business online" which is again IM and wouldn't that be too specific of a niche? Besides if am helping with IM why only horses, that's a broad topic to cover. Hope am understanding it right?
    GAdsense, Jun 15, 2019 IP
  4. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I guess that is the question as to whether or not that niche is too small to be viable. Offering yet another general IM blog (there are A LOT of those) and joining the noisy crowd vying for people's attention will be a challenge. That is why I was proposing a niche that you could specialize in and differentiate your blog with. But, it may be too small to be a feasible market.
    jrbiz, Jun 15, 2019 IP
  5. GAdsense

    GAdsense Well-Known Member

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    You are right, that's a valuable suggestion and agree with you as well. Same was my concern as I was thinking through ideas. There are two aspects to "so many of them", I guess one's because it's a high demand niche as well. A LOT of people want to know about it too, and even experts are keeping themselves updated with new content. And another is that it's over-crowded. I don't know but am sure small blogs are doing well too, in terms of money as well. I'm not setting high expectations but $500/month would be good enough, not to begin with right away. But after 3-4 months. And the only niche I can comfortably write about are the ones shared.

    I even love traveling but I do not travel so frequently to be able to write a blog about it. Hundreds of people admire my bargaining abilities but I can't seem to capitalize on that idea. As I'll need a stream of new ideas and topics to write about. I even love kids, but writing about the topic is a different ball game altogether. So was thinking out loud and asking advice, maybe a few other people go through the same thought process. As there are many talented people around, maybe I can find the right solution :)

    Thanks a ton for your response. It's so nice of you!
    GAdsense, Jun 15, 2019 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  6. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Your post here made for an interesting and entertaining read. Why not blog about blogging? This is a subject that everyone and anyone can comment on. It's been done before I know, but you will just have to do it and present it better than the rest.
    Write the way you speak and think. Straight up with no sugar coating. Do this and you will get a large following in short order. Also you have a unique gift, want to know what it is?........You come across as a very nice person. That is invaluable and not an easy thing to portray over the cold, clinical medium of the internet. Tap into that, if people like you...they will support you.
    Spoiltdiva, Jun 15, 2019 IP
  7. GAdsense

    GAdsense Well-Known Member

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    Oh, that's such a sweet comment. Thank you!

    You have made a very strong point, i.e "if people like you, they will support you". That's easy to understand but really helps to keep things in perspective. Well, I usually write formal tone articles. These posts are just straight out of the heart, typing what I feel like. But when am writing posts, am highly concerned about delivering value, often formally.

    Mmmm you give me the much-needed courage. But there are aspects to the situation am considering to think twice before starting up, but then I sort of fear the regret of not starting up due to situations. In short, I need to earn my bread and butter, plus am studying and have left the full-time (long story) job for freelancing. It's difficult to cope up but am thinking long-term, as otherwise, it's a rat race without such assets. So the only major fear is the partial focus at the blog that might not turn out great monetarily, especially within 6 months and maybe beyond that, and if it doesn't then I'll not be able to further pursue it because of lack of funds. Budget's tight, so extra time will be needed to manage everything.

    Having said that all, under what circumstances is the world a perfect place? And that's why I thought to let's take baby steps, think through, take advice and see if it's feasible. That's how I came to think of weakblog.com, it is available as well. Basically portraying, conditions are weak but can be done. And to all those weak blogs out there who want to follow a path to become successful. Unsure of the right name, but it was just a thought. Or tiredtohired.com for that matter.

    As I said, just speaking my heart out. I know to complain or finding the reasons why things might go wrong will always be dead simple. But I wish to remain hopeful and practical, oh and by the way, this reminds me that I love motivational related topics as well. That sort of mostly reflects in my thinking and mindset, maybe my writeups as well.

    Let me hold my horses over words :p Otherwise, this might turn into a blog post hehe.....thank you for making me feel good about this :)

    By the way, any blog name ideas? other feedback, suggestions please?
    GAdsense, Jun 15, 2019 IP
    Spoiltdiva likes this.
  8. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Spoiltdiva, Jun 15, 2019 IP
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  9. GAdsense

    GAdsense Well-Known Member

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    Oh, I kind of liked it, searched if it was already registered and yes, it is.
    GAdsense, Jun 15, 2019 IP
  10. GAdsense

    GAdsense Well-Known Member

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    How about blogwis.com? aka Blog Wisdom, as in these are available.

    thefirstblogger.com (sort of pretty memorable, isn't it?)
    thelastblogger.com (makes sense?)
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2019
    GAdsense, Jun 15, 2019 IP
  11. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Two thumbs up on this one....good karma is on the way.;)
    Spoiltdiva, Jun 17, 2019 IP
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  12. GAdsense

    GAdsense Well-Known Member

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    Thank you, registered! :)

    I'd need a lot of support from the fellow DP members to make this a success. I promise to provide value. Thanks, everyone in advance! :)
    GAdsense, Jun 17, 2019 IP
  13. GAdsense

    GAdsense Well-Known Member

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    Good Blogging launched, here's the About page for sharing the story of how Good Blogging happened.

    Thanks, @Spoiltdiva!
    GAdsense, Jan 1, 2020 IP
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  14. GAdsense

    GAdsense Well-Known Member

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    @jrbiz thank you for your tremendous input as well :)
    GAdsense, Jan 1, 2020 IP