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Is coronavirus affected to global marketing?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by egoldzone, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. #1
    Hi guys

    What your opinion?
    Is coronavirus will affected to global marketing?

    Today i found newest data 1,115 total death ..
    egoldzone, Feb 12, 2020 IP
  2. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    The coronavirus has certainly impacted international travel and some business activities (especially in and with China's Wuhan region.) I imagine cruise lines have been hurt with the images of passengers quarantined on ships in various ports. Unless the coronavirus turns into a true pandemic, I do not believe that its impact will be much more or very long lasting.

    One area that might be impacted (especially if it continues to spread and get worse) is in the area of remote working. For a long time now, it has not made sense for many employees to drive into the office every day. With email, phone, texting, video conferencing, chat and more technologies, a lot of employees can work much more effectively and efficiently from their home offices. It is just weak managers who know nothing else but attendance to ensure that work is being done, etc. It seems like more and more companies may be recognizing this fact and reducing office space and other costs by trending towards remote work options for their employees.

    If that trend is intensified by the coronavirus (or other diseases or events), it could have a significant impact on marketing in which business marketing starts to be targeted more and more to the home, instead of the office. But, right now, coronavirus seems to be more bark than bite.
    jrbiz, Feb 12, 2020 IP
  3. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    The stock market is panic and rumor driven. Oil prices for example have taken a hit. Many of our imports are derived from China. These products are now starting to be in short supply due to Chinese factories being shut down because of quarantine.
    All this means prices will prices will go up and we will be affected by this, there is no getting away from it.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2020
    Spoiltdiva, Feb 12, 2020 IP
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  4. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    @Spoiltdiva brings up a good point, especially if reported cases continue to get worse and worse. From a marketing perspective, the pitch could change to "Stock up now while supplies last!"
    jrbiz, Feb 12, 2020 IP
  5. Kate Liev

    Kate Liev Greenhorn

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    China did a good move now, when their stocks fallen down, they buy them out at low price now
    Kate Liev, Mar 2, 2020 IP
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  6. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Yes, and smart investors are doing the same here in the U.S. The NYSE and NASDAQ prices are way down due to the fake news panicking naïve investors as opposed to any sound, long term economic reasons, which means that a lot of stocks are real bargains right now. As soon as the markets figure out that the coronavirus is way overblown, the market will come back quickly and likely hit new highs.
    jrbiz, Mar 3, 2020 IP
  7. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    I hope one day there will be laws that will hold the media's "feet" to the fire for propagating hysteria and fear mongering in a time of crisis. New infectious, viral diseases happen every 30-50 years (sometimes more often). Ebola was far more deadlier, yet we didn't have this hysteria. Shame on them. I hope that what's going on right now will not have a cumulative effect. Because if it does, it will be that much harder to get out of the hole the world may get itself into. All "thanks" to the media.
    qwikad.com, Mar 3, 2020 IP
    donsr, macstux, JEET and 1 other person like this.
  8. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    That will not happen because Freedom of Speech is so important to our democracy. It means that anyone can just about say anything and not fear the law. Over the centuries, it has served us well. The real problem is that a significant portion of the population has been so dumbed-down by the leftwing extremists in education that they cannot tell the difference between truth and fake news. Hence, we have low-information voters and equally ignorant investors who believe anything that is printed in the NYT, WaPo, etc., despite the fact that these and other such fake news outlets are now openly demonstrating that they are nothing but propagandists for nutty, leftwing ideas and the demagogues in politics who push them.

    The most encouraging trend in this regard is the move to charter schools to get kids out of the leftwing miasma that engulfs our public schools. This is the best way to stop the insanity.
    jrbiz, Mar 3, 2020 IP
    donsr likes this.
  9. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    Which is really strange to me. If you yell "Fire!!" in a crowded movie theater you may go to jail if no fire was present. In my mind what they are doing is no different.
    qwikad.com, Mar 3, 2020 IP
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  10. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    It becomes a matter of degree, of course. The Fourth Estate (the press) is especially protected by the Constitution because they used to be a respected and trusted institution that was an important foil to the government. I think that the way U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes is approaching the leftwing, lying media, is to take them to court for massive financial damages due to their obvious lying about him. That could be the way to drive fake news outlets out of business without giving the government the power to shut down the media.

    Remember, the Kenyan tried to shut down talk radio by stuffing the FCC with his political thugs simply to close down the free speech of those who most opposed him. Had he and his corrupt minions been able to do that, it would have set us on the path to socialist tyranny that he so relished.
    jrbiz, Mar 3, 2020 IP
  11. Kate Liev

    Kate Liev Greenhorn

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    I think, that kind of panic is very useful for those who really "govern" this world, it's just one more opportunity to take actives from poor, unprotected, uneducated or not clever people to the pockets of reach one.
    Kate Liev, Mar 3, 2020 IP
  12. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    You can't blame American media for what is happening in the rest of the world.

    If we don't get the students, apartments don't get leased, food doesn't get eaten, taxi's don't get used. There's a flow-on effect.

    I know of one elderly woman who didn't attend a wedding because of the 16 hours of flight time required. Over the weekend with family en masse, the older members were definitely rethinking this year's travel plans. It takes a long time for NZers to get anywhere so recirculated air is guaranteed.

    So, hoax or not, it's having an impact. You can profit if you sell hand sanitiser. You might lose if you are in travel or education. We can each look at short term, "pop up" sites to cash in but don't count on it lasting long.
    sarahk, Mar 3, 2020 IP
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  13. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    You are 100% right, there should be a law which makes sure that media is presenting only facts, not assumptions.

    You are "blaming" freedom of speech and liberal views for NEWS?
    What do you want, a dictatorship? Where every NEWS is scanned by the dictator and then allowed or disallowed?

    Freedom of speech does not means being irresponsible.
    If media houses are being irresponsible, then a law stating that, media houses spreading "fake or unverified" news will pay huge penalty, should be there.
    This is not against freedom of speech.
    Freedom of speech, and lies, these are 2 different things.
    Don't mix them.

    You are 100% right.
    American media, or any other media cannot be blamed for the crisis.
    They are merely reporting what is happening.
    JEET, Mar 3, 2020 IP
  14. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    No, I do not blame the American media for anything outside of the U.S. They do enough damage with their fake news right here. Fact is, the coronavirus is barely here in the U.S., though you would think that it is everywhere killing thousands of U.S. citizens. It is not; it is all fake news right now which multiple posts above have been eloquently pointing out. I have no idea what is going on in NZ and whether it is a true crisis or just hype. You need to figure that out.

    You need to learn how to read. Slowly read my latest post above about Freedom of Speech and my defense of it. That said, there is no question that the fake news media here in the U.S. was hoping that they could turn what is pretty much a non-story into another attack on Trump. It is not working out for them, as expected, however. But it is selling newspapers to the gullible, low information types.
    jrbiz, Mar 4, 2020 IP
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  15. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    My mistake, I did not read your second comment, after your criticism of leftwing.
    I hate rightwing supporters, really do.
    One has to have suffered the effects of a rightwing government before one can understand why I hate them so much.
    This is what is happening in my country right now. Not even a single NEWS channel is reporting NEWS, just rightwing propagandas...
    JEET, Mar 4, 2020 IP
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  16. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    My only comment on your statement is that "rightwing" and "leftwing" mean different things in different countries. Also, tyrannies and dictatorships can claim whatever they would like from a political perspective when, in fact, they are simply tyrannists and dictators. I feel really bad for your situation and hope that things change for you.
    jrbiz, Mar 4, 2020 IP
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  17. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    Rightwingers are always the same kind of people, with very minor differences across the globe.
    Their words sound very beautiful and logical sometimes, but as soon as you implement anything they proposed, a disaster is in the waiting.
    Having a rightwing supporting government is a sure shot way to destroy a country from within, like cancer.

    Worst part, nobody understands this, until they are in the middle of it...
    And even then, only a few will regret what has happened, others will watch and enjoy as their country dies.
    JEET, Mar 4, 2020 IP
  18. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    That's harsh. NZ right-wing politicians aren't so different from the left-wing politicians. Some of our right-wing policies from the '80s now look socialist.
    sarahk, Mar 4, 2020 IP
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  19. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    Let me give you an example.
    There are good people in this,
    there are orthodox people in this, not very open minded, but moderate in orthodox views also,
    and then there are extremists and phenatics.

    Same is with the right wingers.
    You are fortunate that your country has not seen the extremists phenatics right wingers yet.
    Only moderate ones.
    Not today, not tomorrow, but these right wing phenatics will definitely come in power someday in your country too.

    It took them 70 years in my country, to come in power.

    Like I mentioned earlier, nobody realizes this threat, until they are in the middle of it.
    And then the country starts to die piece by piece, and you end up feeling too helpless...
    JEET, Mar 4, 2020 IP
  20. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    @jrbiz and I both qualify as right-wingers and probably see things differently. It was the "always the same kind of people" that irked. With a robust democracy, you can have right-wing governments without fascism.
    sarahk, Mar 4, 2020 IP
    donsr, jrbiz and JEET like this.