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Is coronavirus affected to global marketing?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by egoldzone, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    As I mentioned previously: terminology and perspectives vary quite a bit from country to country. However, it is extremists on either side of the spectrum, rightwing or leftwing, that typically morph into dictators if they get into power. E.g, the rightwing Mullahs of Iran are nothing more than criminal dictators; likewise, the leftwing Communist Party leaders of China are just as evil. I feel really bad for the situation you are in, @JEET and obviously it is because of a rightwing dictatorship. However, a leftwing dictatorship would be no better, unfortunately.

    BTW, it is not inevitable that every country will fall into the hands of extremists and, as @sarahk said, democracy tends to allow citizens to navigate through the extremists and elect more centrists as their leaders. That said, we always need to be on watch because the power-hungry extremists are always looking for an opportunity in every country.
    jrbiz, Mar 5, 2020 IP
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  2. lewis7442

    lewis7442 Peon

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    I feel in democratic societies it will effect brick and mortar business as more people are being advised to stay in. More people will look to work at home or affiliate marketing since they can stay home.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2020
    lewis7442, Mar 5, 2020 IP
  3. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I did want to mention that the coronavirus could help to speed up the transition to remote working for those industries where it is practical. Obviously, if you work in a car assembly plant, you have to go there to work on the assembly line. But for A LOT of office jobs, remote working is a real option. E.g., I have a full time sales and marketing "day job" and I work remotely all but one day a week and that is mostly because of tradition: I go in to the office on Friday's to have my sales and marketing meetings and any other in-person meetings that are set up that day. However, that could easily also change to virtual meetings, but for tradition. Of course, I also do a fair amount of sales travel to customer sites, trade shows, etc.

    I think that the biggest impediment to more remote working is "old school" managers (whom I consider to be mostly weak and out of touch) who do not trust their employees (likely because they could not be trusted, either) and only know how to manage people if they come into the office each day. But it is possible that the coronavirus spurs even more companies to offer remote working as an option.

    Also, think of the environmental benefits if rush hour carbon emissions were cut in half or more because workers no longer had to waste time and money commuting into the office. There should be a marketing opportunity tied into all of this...
    jrbiz, Mar 6, 2020 IP
  4. egoldzone

    egoldzone Banned

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    Is this also causes from coronavirus?
    egoldzone, Mar 12, 2020 IP
  5. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    For many it's having an appropriate space to work in. What is fine one day a week, or in an emergency is not always appropriate full time.

    I'm lucky enough to live centrally in the city but in a big house but most of our friends will have a spare room for guests but no space for a dedicated office. If you live with others you'll both be home trying to work, have conference calls, deal with paperwork, and tripping over each other if you don't have space. Add kids into the equation and that extra room where you can be sealed off from family becomes essential.

    In movies, it always seems like Americans live in great big houses with tons of room to spread out but what if you lived somewhere like the apartment in Friends? Have your office in your bedroom? ugh! In the open plan living space? ugh!

    If you have to buy a bigger house just so your employer can get out of providing you a place to work then your pay should reflect that.

    sarahk, Mar 13, 2020 IP
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  6. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Good points about space and set up. Having been in sales and marketing my entire career and having worked remotely for much of it, I am quite used to having my home office "subsidized" by the company. The IRS also allows people to take deductions against home offices and home office expenses, though I have never bothered with that (on the advice of my accountant.) But you are right that it will not work for everyone unless technology catches up with some VR setup that will work in the smallest of places or something like that.
    jrbiz, Mar 13, 2020 IP
  7. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    Our schools will be closed for a week (or more) after the spring break. I wonder if the students will continue their classes online. Man, it will create a huge problem for everyone: the students, the parents, the teachers. Imagine a dad already working from home and let's say he and his wife have 4-5 kids who can't go to school anymore... Ahhhh!
    qwikad.com, Mar 13, 2020 IP
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  8. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Twitter has a great hashtag going #DisabledAndSaltyAF

    Disabled people are seeing requests they've made that were "unreasonable" suddenly being rolled out with very little effort by the companies involved.

    One woman had just quit her studies because the university insisted she attend full time and not be allowed to distance learn for part of the day. That same university is now holding virtual lectures for all students.
    sarahk, Mar 13, 2020 IP
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  9. kerlly Butler

    kerlly Butler Greenhorn

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    The fast spreading coronavirus is taking a toll on economic activities around the world as the entire supply chain continues to be affected and major global events are either being cancelled or postponed.
    kerlly Butler, Mar 14, 2020 IP
  10. Shaha Zack

    Shaha Zack Member

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    With most people not going out to work nor shop, will ecom business be greatly affected by this pandemic?
    Shaha Zack, Mar 14, 2020 IP
  11. AliceStyles

    AliceStyles Banned

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    Coronavirus has affected the daily lived of every single human being on this earth, for sure it has affected marketing too.
    AliceStyles, Mar 14, 2020 IP
  12. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    My wife has either not had a job or has worked remotely for past 28 years. During that same period, about half the time I worked remotely from home as I am doing now. So, for us, there is nothing much new on a day-to-day basis in this social-isolation we are having here right now. We're used to it and like it, in fact. We have limited the number of times we go out each week (food, etc.) and no entertainment, but it has not been a dramatic change for us, by any means. However, what I have been observing the past couple of weeks has been A LOT of people struggling with working from home and social isolation, in general. Fighting boredom, cabin-fever, and too much engagement with the people and creatures that live with them seem to really affect some people. Living conditions can play a big role, too, of course. My daughter just mentioned today that her cat seems to be getting sick of her being home all of the time instead of going to work, as normal. :)

    I think that A//R or V/R technologies might be a solution. You could be working for an hour on your spreadsheet and then jump into an airplane and fly over the North Pole during your break. All without leaving your comfy seat at home. But the technology has to be something that businesspeople of all ages will use and wear for hours at a time. Less would be more, in this regard. Big, heavy helmets won't cut it.

    Anyway, thought that I would get this thread going again to see if anyone has had more observations in the past week or two.
    jrbiz, Mar 26, 2020 IP
  13. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    So far 2 posters on this thread have been banned. Is this the mods idea of social distancing? :rolleyes:
    Spoiltdiva, Mar 26, 2020 IP
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  14. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Some of the unintended consequences that I've become aware of - and that do directly impact on global marketing
    • Canadian producers use shipping containers to export their good, but there are no containers available because imports from China have stopped.
    • Oil producers have a surplus of aircraft fuel and nowhere to store it because the planes aren't flying
    • NZ petrol companies are dropping the price of oil because they've got orders being delivered and nowhere to store it and local consumers are just starting a 30-day lockdown
    On a personal level, round about now we intended to be
    • buying 4 return flights to South America
    • booking the freight of the bikes to South America
    • buying new motorbike gear including boots (ka-ching!)
    • buying the carnet for the bikes (expensive bike passport)
    • recarpeting the house
    • relaying the driveway
    • booking bulk accommodation for a family reunion at Xmas
    • family buying flights to that family reunion
    None of those will be happening right now and all have global business implications. In the meantime, our cost of living has plummeted, but that in itself has global marketing implications.

    I'd like to think that they're deferred purchases, fingers crossed, our borders may remain closed until a vaccine has been given to a set % of the population. The 4 return flights will become 2 because we probably won't return home in the middle.
    sarahk, Mar 26, 2020 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  15. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    You have listed a good amount of the negatives arising from this pandemic. It illustrates that the economy is suffering and it impacts all businesses and everyone's lives. So, it is truly a worldwide, shared experience. And, the nature of this shared experience being indefinite without a clear ending timeframe, right now, is adding a lot of fear and uncertainty to the constant, negative news. How do marketers navigate a worldwide market like this?

    I know one thing, I am pretty sick of companies producing content that you "need to read" to survive the pandemic, quarantine, social isolation (etc., pick one.) All companies seem to have been advised to do so and it is becoming almost cliché at this point. Check your linkedin feed if you have any questions in this regard.

    I am thinking that some creative marketer will come up with a campaign that takes people's minds off the 600-pound gorilla in the room and allow customers to smile or even laugh at some other distraction. Maybe a throwback to past good times or good feelings or a look ahead to future prosperity. I suspect that such a campaign would be well-received, right now.
    jrbiz, Mar 27, 2020 IP
  16. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    The climate change people are having a field day reporting on how pollution levels are rapidly decreasing.
    sarahk, Mar 27, 2020 IP
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  17. Iman Ragheb

    Iman Ragheb Greenhorn

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    Interesting topic!

    I personally think COVID19 is putting pressure on businesses (Globally) but that is an advantage too. How?

    These days businesses are trying to innovate more, brainstorm and think about how they can handle this situation.

    I see people in any industry are innovating some sort of solutions for this crisis, and the good news is, their solution actually works!

    COVID19 reminded us to keep innovating, keep inventing, and keep growing our business no matter what happens!

    I hope you guys have rock-solid strategies to handle this chaos, peace.
    Iman Ragheb, Mar 28, 2020 IP
    Spoiltdiva and jrbiz like this.
  18. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Can you provide some examples of what you are observing in terms of such innovation?
    jrbiz, Mar 28, 2020 IP
  19. Iman Ragheb

    Iman Ragheb Greenhorn

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    The background of all of these innovations is the internet.

    For example, personal trainers are providing free group exercise online.
    Marketing specialists are gathering businesses on group zoom chats to brainstorm and provide solutions to each other.
    Agencies (For example our agency) are designing complementary services that can help clients survive during this crisis.

    Whatever it is, it has made people think. Think about new ways to survive. However, profits may be lower, but they can guarantee the jumpstart after the crisis is over.
    Iman Ragheb, Mar 29, 2020 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  20. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    On a totally different note: I have been noticing a big drop in spam emails in my various email accounts the past week or so. Anyone else seeing this? Has the Coronavirus decimated the ranks of spammers or perhaps made it harder for them to send out their crap?

    Along these lines, are the Mod's seeing any change on spammers on DP?
    jrbiz, Mar 29, 2020 IP