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Keyword research for new blog niche

Discussion in 'General Business' started by Smog81, May 10, 2020.

  1. #1
    Hi all,

    I’m In the process of building a new blog and the all important phase of defining my ‘niche’. My long term goals for my blog are to generate affiliate income and sell digital products such as courses and e-books. I have a lot of industry experience in one particular field ‘concept art’ in particular ‘environments’ having worked for leading film companies and theme park designers over the span of 20 years. I feel it’s now time to share my knowledge of this industry which is also a passion of mine.

    I’ve been doing a deep dive into SEO and also keyword research to ensure my niche has both market or active viewers and also can be monetised, but a few things have confused me which I was hoping some of you could help with?

    firstly - google searching ‘concept art’ shows well over a billion topics, so immediately I’m inclined to think this has some potential...

    however, delving deeper into the specifics using SEO Rush I’m getting monthly search results for big keywords that are tiny in comparison. For example, the term ‘concept art tutorials ’ is only searched 110 times per month and has a difficulty rating of 88, according to them!‘Concept art’ has 22,000 searches per month but is too broad and the more I refine it down the more I’m met with tiny search results . If I then use a different keyword research tool such as ‘Twinword ideas’ the search results shown are significantly higher? Why would there be a contradiction in these figures?

    From everything I’ve read I should be targeting keywords that have a minimum of 1000 searches per month, am I wasting my time with this niche?

    Any advise on the above would be appreciated.

    Smog81, May 10, 2020 IP
    JEET likes this.
  2. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    First of all, those tools you are using are nowhere close to accurate.
    I don't think google releases the data, which keyword was searched how many times.
    I don't work with google's API, but I don't think API of that data exists.
    These tools use different other API calls to "figure out" number of searches.
    Like those "keyword suggestion" tools, they use "spell check auto complete" API to suggest a keyword. This tool for example:

    If you are seeing a billion result pages in google for a keyword, then it certainly is a extremely high traffic keyword.
    I just checked "concept art tutorials", shows 126 million results.
    Very very high traffic keyword.
    If you start ranking on first page for this keyphrase, and you have a monetised website (selling ebook etc), you will be rich enough to quit your job!
    Actually, you "will have to" quit your job to find enough time to answer phone calls, answering support emails!!! LOL

    Remember one thing though, google rankings are not permanent. One month you are on top, next month who knows...
    Once your business is off the ground, think about paid traffic from adsense, from social media ads etc.
    JEET, May 10, 2020 IP
  3. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    Targeting keywords is an exercise in futility. As soon as you find one that "works" for you, some other site will come along and knock you off of your pedestal. You can spend your life targeting keywords and NEVER get to the top. Think about it. MILLIONS of sites are vying for the top spot for any keyword. ONLY ONE of them can ever be there at any given time. How often do you think ONE site will BE on top, much less STAY on top once it gets there.

    Better to target your VISITORS. Give them what they want and they will stick around. Those visitors in turn CAUSE Google to rank your site better for ALL words on your site.

    When visitors bounce from your site because you are not catering to THEM, Google notices and pushes your rankings DOWN.
    mmerlinn, May 10, 2020 IP
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  4. LewisH95

    LewisH95 Greenhorn

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    There are many critical elements that must be considered when starting a blog, and to be successful, you need to make sure that all of them are done right. One of those essential elements is keyword research, as choosing the right keywords to focus on is one of the main ways to increase the number of views that your blog will get.

    A lot of new bloggers don’t even consider doing keyword research, and because of this, they struggle to get visitors on their blog, no matter how hard they try. Others simply add keywords that are “the most popular, ” but they don’t understand that if a keyword is very common, it will not help, but send your blog to the 15th page of search results.

    Skipping over this part is not an option, as you won’t be able to grow your blog as fast as you want to, so what can you do? Simply put, you will have to do keyword research to find keywords that will work well and help your blog rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs). It’s not a simple thing to do, as all blogs and target markets are different.

    You will need the right SEO tools and the right knowledge that will help you start this process correctly and go through it smoothly. This guide will provide tips on properly structuring your keyword research, and you can adjust it to your specific needs.

    First of all, you must understand why you need a good keyword strategy for your blog. Keywords are an extension of your organic reach, meaning that they will allow you to attract readers with a genuine interest in what your blog has to offer. Of course, if you create a good keyword strategy that isn’t misleading.

    Organic traffic is the most valuable asset for your blog, and you need to have as much of it as possible to grow your blog.
    LewisH95, May 11, 2020 IP
  5. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    The OP (original poster/postMaker) already knows the importance of keyword research. They just want to know if they are wasting time with a particular niche or is the niche worth their time...
    JEET, May 11, 2020 IP
  6. Smog81

    Smog81 Peon

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    Thanks for your detailed response, much appreciated. What I don’t understand is that if I look up the keyword ‘concept art tutorial’ it shows a monthly search volume of around 1000, whilst other keywords relating to this subject rank in the hundreds or even 10’s,which seems pretty low to me? I understand that these results might not be 100% accurate but they must be a ballpark, I can’t imagine they are off by a few thousand? So my question would be that if only 1000 people are searching it per month is it still worth pursuing? I guess my confusion/lack of experience can’t understand keyword search volume and millions of page results online?

    many thanks again for your feedback.
    Smog81, May 12, 2020 IP
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  7. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    Google is not releasing the data of "number of searches per month for given keywords"
    So obviously, these tools are using something else, which could be "number of searches on XYZ website", which is releasing that kind of data for "its own website".
    Nobody can say how far off they are from google, could be off by 100,000 or 1000, nobody knows.
    Sometimes, these tools use their own website for basic stats... LOL
    Like, How many times people like you (other keyword researchers) looked for the keyword on their tool website.
    Even if they multiply that number by 10,000, they still won't reach anywhere near what google is getting daily, let alone monthly.

    Point is, its data from some other website, or even something completely different and just manipulated to be used in "number of searches tools"...

    "Number of pages" that google is showing is directly proportional to "number of searches" that happen on google.
    And you can also get an idea of popularity of a keyword by looking at search results.
    If there are some really popular names in search results, like a popular news website, a popular shopping website etc, then it means that keyword is even more competitive (many searches), and it will be difficult to rank for it.

    I am very sure that "1000 searches" number you posted for "concept art tutorials", is not even daily search volume, let alone monthly...
    That keyword is very highly competitive, will be difficult to rank for, but if you rank for it then you will have more traffic than you can handle.
    JEET, May 12, 2020 IP
  8. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    it's an important question and your research will give a better answer than we will because you know your market and we don't.

    Concept Art: too vague, I'd be surprised if anyone found what they were looking for.
    Concept Art tutorials: those 1000 searches will be more targetted and have filtered out the people trying to buy, sell, etc. You will have a better click-through & sales conversion rate with those 1000 than you could from "concept art".

    Think about the last time you were at a function and had to describe your career to a layperson. What words did they use in the conversation? Those words can be very important to drop into your text because that's what your newbies will be using when they search. If you're going to target a more experienced user then think about the language they'd use.

    Personal example: Back in '99 we started two websites to promote a magazine and some software. I was trying to learn how to make them do better in yahoo, northern lights etc and I was struggling. One day I found an article that mentioned "SEO", a light went off and after that, I had all the information I could need.

    If you need newbies you need to rescue them from their ignorance and you partly do that by discretely focussing on slightly dumb keywords and teaching them the correct lingo.
    sarahk, May 12, 2020 IP
  9. Imran881

    Imran881 Peon

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    Congratulation for starting a new journey.It is very important to research a keyword. you have already selected your niche ,you did a great job. But you have to face a biggest challenge on keyword research. There are many keyword research tools which will give you keyword ideas and data. You can use semrush, ahrefs,moz, kwfinder, longtail pro(best) to generate your profitable keyword.
    Imran881, May 13, 2020 IP