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Branding Vs Marketing

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by annaalford, Aug 25, 2020.

  1. #1
    Hi all, can you tell me what difference between branding and marketing? Expert opinion please.
    annaalford, Aug 25, 2020 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Branding can be as simple as the logo and packaging of a product but if you're comparing it to marketing then you're talking about branding on a bigger scale, right?

    Branding is look and feel, and the impression the public has about the product or company with regards to ethics, culture, style. Branding in advertising is not about selling the product but reinforcing the customer's opinion of the product or company.

    Marketing sells the product and it's features. It's primary purpose is to sell. That might be moving product, generating impressions, getting sign ups - whatever the purpose of that specific marketing goal is.

    Why do you need to know? What business problem are you trying to solve?
    sarahk, Aug 25, 2020 IP
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  3. annaalford

    annaalford Greenhorn

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    I have a social media-related site. I have to know how I build up a better brand.
    annaalford, Sep 2, 2020 IP
  4. susiparker

    susiparker Greenhorn

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    There is a clear difference between branding and marketing

    Branding is all about giving your product or service an identity, a name, or a log while marketing is to use different ways to increase your brand awareness among people.
    susiparker, Nov 24, 2020 IP
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  5. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    When I first started in sales and marketing (pre-Internet), a company's brand was not about logo's, colors, fonts, etc. Rather, your brand was what thoughts or feelings your customers and prospects associated with you or your product when thinking about you. E.g., Oreo's have long been known to have one of the best brands in the world. Everyone in their market knows what they taste like and generally think of them as being a great cookie. Your brand, therefore is dependent on how good your company and your product/service are and not the color of your logo.

    Lately, however, I hear marketers talking about "branding" when they are referring to developing color/style coordination of sales and marketing materials, websites, logo's etc. That's imaging and positioning, but not branding, imo. Your actual branding efforts should focus on building up a very happy customer base that will become volunteer ambassadors for you when the subject comes up with their family and friends.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2020
    jrbiz, Nov 24, 2020 IP
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  6. Breslinnet

    Breslinnet Well-Known Member

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    Branding is all about exposure for your product or promotion and marketing is all about engagement with your product or promotion.
    Breslinnet, Dec 7, 2020 IP
  7. Nadine Newman

    Nadine Newman Peon

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    Branding is all about you and the business, your service, your values what you are about. Marketing is pushing this information out there for all to see and get to know yoy and the brand and your values.

    Waitrose is not just a up market super market they have built a brand based on their values and what they stand for.

    The adverts (marketing campaigns) just gets that information out there so consumers learn about the brand.
    Nadine Newman, Dec 17, 2020 IP
  8. MayurKawale

    MayurKawale Well-Known Member

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    There is a spectrum of opinions here, but in my view, marketing is actively promoting a product or service. It’s a push tactic. It’s pushing out a message to get sales results: 'Buy our product because it’s better than theirs.'(Or because it’s cool, or because this celebrity likes it, or because you have this problem and this thing will fix it, etc.) This is oversimplification, but that’s it in a nutshell.

    This is not branding.

    Branding should both precede and underlie any marketing effort. Branding is not push, but pull. Branding is the expression of the essential truth or value of an organization, product, or service. It is communication of characteristics, values, and attributes that clarify what this particular brand is and is not.

    A brand will help encourage someone to buy a product, and it directly supports whatever sales or marketing activities are in play, but the brand does not explicitly say “buy me. 'Instead, it says “This is what I am. This is why I exist. If you agree, if you like me, you can buy me, support me, and recommend me to your friends.'

    in one line,
    Branding is strategic. Marketing is tactical.
    hope that is helpful to you !!!
    MayurKawale, Dec 22, 2020 IP
  9. Breslinnet

    Breslinnet Well-Known Member

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    Absolutely..... and I honestly believe that while both are --or should be-- part of your "success strategy" they are 2 totally separate goals and you can brand and never have to market but the reverse is almost impossible--IMO
    Breslinnet, Dec 22, 2020 IP
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  10. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    This discussion reminded me of an old joke about Marketing:

    You go to a party and you see an attractive girl across the room. You go up to her and say, "Hi, I'm great in bed, how about it?"
    That's Direct Marketing.

    You go to a party and you see an attractive girl across the room. You give your friend a buck. She goes up and says "Hi, my friend over there is great in bed, how about it?"
    That's Advertising.

    You go to a party and see an attractive girl across the room. You somehow get her mobile number. You call and chat her up a while and then say "Hi, I am great in bed, how about it?"
    That's Tele-Marketing.

    You go to a party and see an attractive girl across the room. You recognize her. You walk up to her, refresh her memory and get her to laugh and giggle and then suggest, "Hi, I am great in bed, how about it?"
    That's Customer Relationship Management.

    You go to a party and you see an attractive girl across the room. You stand straight, you talk soft and smooth, you open the door for the ladies, you smile like a dream, you set an aura around you playing the Mr. Gentleman and then you move up to the girl and say, "Hi, I am great in bed, how about it?"
    That's Hard Selling.

    You go to a party, you see an attractive girl across the room. SHE COMES OVER and says, "Hi, I hear you're great in bed, how about it?"
    Now THAT is the power of Branding.
    jrbiz, Dec 22, 2020 IP
  11. Breslinnet

    Breslinnet Well-Known Member

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    Hit the nail on the head....
    Breslinnet, Dec 22, 2020 IP
  12. Harvey Wolf

    Harvey Wolf Member

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    Marketing sells the brand
    Harvey Wolf, Feb 1, 2021 IP