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I want to start a website (or few) but I am a bit new at this - advice needed

Discussion in 'General Business' started by PetraFs, Jul 2, 2020.

  1. srarlievs1122

    srarlievs1122 Peon

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    Hi Petra, welcome to the family. As for your question, I can only share my own experience. First, start with a free site. This will give you a feel for web design, content production and management, and basic SEO. Don't expect to make much money with this since that's not what it's for. This is meant to be training and should only last about a week or two. At the same time, you may want to secure a good domain for you. At this point, I'm assuming you already have a niche in mind? If not, you may want to think about it.

    Once you've gotten used to your free site and have a domain name, you may start applying what you've learned with your new site. Remember that you can design it from scratch yourself or go with prefab CMS. Whichever you choose, be sure that the web design is simple, clean, and easy on the eyes.

    As for traffic, the fastest method would be paid ads where you essentially buy website traffic from Google, Facebook, or other more direct sources like maxvisits.com, webtrafficgeeks.org, fiverr, or wherever else. However, SEO is still the most reliable for the longterm. Once you get a good grasp at that, you can then try social media marketing to get more traffic, but that's a topic for another day.

    All of this will take weeks, if not months of effort, though.
    srarlievs1122, Jul 17, 2020 IP
  2. wenbry

    wenbry Greenhorn

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    I too would join a free website but most importantly do your research and it will give you some ideas on what building a website entails.
    wenbry, Jul 20, 2020 IP
  3. PetraFs

    PetraFs Greenhorn

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    Hi and thank you for your advice.
    I don't know much about link building, just some basics.
    How exactly should I do it?
    Cause as I know so far - link building is something like getting links to your websites from other sites. But I am not sure how to accomplish that, especially in the beginning
    PetraFs, Jul 21, 2020 IP
    FarrisFahad likes this.
  4. Shooky

    Shooky Peon

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    Backlinks are tricky. there are a lot of old-fashioned linkmarketing strategies that people will advise you to start with but honestly, they harm your backlink profile more than they do good imo. web directories, social bookmarketing, it's all very early 2000's :cool: Some people even still 'buy' backlinks smh. Google values one high quality backlink far more than 10 low quality backlinks. So investing time and energy is worth it. Found a good blog article on that topic, maybe that helps you figure out what's important when you start with linkbuilding? https://serptimizer.com/link-prospecting/

    What I personally started out with were some business directories (but that was less about the backlink and more about being found by customers) plus I did some guest blogging. Guest blogging means that I was able to link my own website in the articles I wrote or in the author box. I felt like that gave me quite a boost, especially as a beginner. Oh and I anaylsed my competitors and was able to build some backlinks on websites that they were linked on. Hope that helps you a little :)
    Shooky, Jul 21, 2020 IP
  5. bizminded

    bizminded Banned

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    Buy some hosting from host gator or blue host or from a faster hosting because it will benefit you in the long run. Either you create a domain name that is already existing with good traffic or start from scratch. The next step is to map the website structure the best practice is to make it as flat as possible, then start building your website. If you can study SEO that is better but you do not have a time like myself, I would rather hire some SEO expert and pay them 10$ per hour to do that for me.

    Currently, working with https://www.onlineofficer.com.au/ they are the lowest price with quality and easy to work with.

    But I still suggest that if you have spare time to spend I'd rather study it myself.
    bizminded, Jul 28, 2020 IP
  6. FarrisFahad

    FarrisFahad Well-Known Member

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    If you want to build links properly check out the YouTube channel I suggested. You will learn everything you need about website marketing there. You have to be creative with marketing and find ways to reach your audience without spamming.

    Let me give you a good example, my brother started a site selling groceries and he did not get a lot of traffic at first. He then came up with a great idea to create a page where he shares prices of items on his store and other stores. And he was honest and helpful. These pages brought him a ton of traffic over the years with people who are searching for the price of groceries. And a lot of them turned into regular customers.

    So I would suggest that you find a problem and solve it. Or make people's life a lot easier. This way you can earn links without building them.

    Hope this helps.

    And please watch videos from the YouTube channel I shared. And if you have any questions ask me here on DP and I will be happy to help :)

    FarrisFahad, Jul 30, 2020 IP
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  7. cdawson6887

    cdawson6887 Member

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    Start out with a free blog (blogger.com) and start creating content in the niche you want to be in. Start researching traffic generation / SEO and start implementing what you find. If it turns out to be profitable, then you can buy a domain name and get hosting and create a paid website.
    cdawson6887, Nov 6, 2020 IP
  8. AndroidST

    AndroidST Member

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    Focus less on the website's theme and look, and more on creating more content.

    I wish someone told me this when I started.
    AndroidST, Nov 6, 2020 IP
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  9. FarrisFahad

    FarrisFahad Well-Known Member

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    This is so true. Thank you so much for saying that, it makes total sense.
    I have wasted a lot of time perfecting the website rather than making content.

    Great advice.
    FarrisFahad, Nov 6, 2020 IP
  10. cdawson6887

    cdawson6887 Member

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    This is true. Back in the day, websites were so generic even the most basic ones would generate thousands of views per day just because the content and SEO was on point. I remember watching a website that was selling toasters and it was an simple adsense site generating tons of money and it was so simplistic but it was #1 on google for a long time.
    cdawson6887, Nov 7, 2020 IP
  11. Harvey Wolf

    Harvey Wolf Member

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    Hi, this may sound a bit stupid but when I first started out I watched loads and loads of youtube videos. Even with complicated tasks (which I thought at the time I would never get) like uploading stuff to the website. Surprisingly I found so much in depth information on a couple that the knowledge from their has served me well since.
    There is a lot of help on line, you do need to search, but it is there. All the best Harvey
    Harvey Wolf, Jan 6, 2021 IP
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  12. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Au contraire mon frere.:) Not "stupid" at all. I really hate asking others for advice...hate it! So I regularly go on Youtube to find out how it is done. Then armed with the facts I am then able to ascertain whether, so called experts are trying to bamboozle me or not.;)
    Spoiltdiva, Jan 6, 2021 IP
    Harvey Wolf likes this.
  13. enous

    enous Well-Known Member

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    1, builder website use WIX or Shopify etc.
    2, find hostile item on ALiexpress Ebay,
    3, then you can advertise on Google or FB,
    you can try these 3 steps.
    enous, Jan 7, 2021 IP
  14. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    sarahk, Jan 7, 2021 IP
  15. Evelyn_44

    Evelyn_44 Peon

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    Evelyn_44, Mar 17, 2021 IP
  16. VortexAlpha

    VortexAlpha Member

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    To try to answer your question simply and briefly as possible, I would say first that if you don't have any other choices or opportunities to invest in creating a site from scratch, then you can use some existing themes and templates for that, as it's better to start with something than to be stuck and waiting for better days to come. Once you start earning money, you can and should build a new site, the custom one.

    To make the website secure, you should buy a domain that has an SSL certificate as this serves as proof that visitors can be safe at the site and that their data will be protected all the time, so just make sure that you have this.

    As for the learning process, you have a bunch of sources online, you can start with some blogs or video tutorials and read threads on forums and find experiences from others, as this often can be the most helpful thing when you are a newbie.
    VortexAlpha, Feb 22, 2022 IP
  17. makoye

    makoye Greenhorn

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    Starting a new website is a very good idea, however, starting a few websites is not!

    Why do I say so? Because you said you eventually want to make money out of it. right? That means you are starting a brand new business.
    Basically, when you are starting any business there will be a lot of ups and downs and you will be learning on the process. So, to master your new business you will have to concentrate on your first site creation, driving traffic, and finally monetization.

    Here are quick procedures

    Chose a niche; It will be very difficult to generate qualified visitors if your website is on general topics. The advantage of choosing a niche is creating expertise in a specific topic. Therefore, you will have targeted visitors to your site.

    Chose a relevant domain name; You should not go for free domain names like yourname.wordpress.com, instead, go for a custom domain name, that will help you build trust online, and also your prospects will know that you are serious. (Custom domain will hardly cost you below $15 a year)

    Write relevant content; Write relevant and in-depth content

    And finally, monetize your site. Once you have gone through all the processes above and you see the results, then from there you scale your business by creating another website.
    makoye, Mar 13, 2022 IP
  18. Ava96

    Ava96 Peon

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    Every business needs a website, no matter how old-fashioned your business or clients may be. Your website is the go-to for current and prospective customers. Ecommerce integration also helps businesses survive in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, which forever changed how business is conducted.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2022
    Ava96, Mar 14, 2022 IP
  19. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    Nonsense. If your clients are so old fashioned that they do not have a computer, HOW is a website going to help them find you?
    mmerlinn, Mar 14, 2022 IP
  20. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    Or if you sell sausages, or meats, or produce of some kind. What's the point of having a website? We have an authentic Hispanic grocery store near us, I don't believe they have a site. But they are SO busy. Always. Google my business may be of help.

    qwikad.com, Mar 14, 2022 IP
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