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Where to get idea about your business?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by angelc0617, Nov 9, 2021.

  1. #1
    Before starting any business, it is paramount to have an idea about it. Idea consists of a well analyzed market, a properly drafted plan, managing sufficient capital for the business etc. Getting an idea initially is the most vital part.

    It is advisable that before strating a business, we need to study the market. Make surveys in the market about what is the position of the market regarding our niche products etc. A time to time investigation will help to find out the negative points which can be altered to make our plan better.
    angelc0617, Nov 9, 2021 IP
  2. impactbnd09

    impactbnd09 Active Member

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    A feasibility study is much needed imho. Unless you have cash to waste, you need to carefully know what market are you going to land.
    impactbnd09, Nov 9, 2021 IP
  3. jessicaherron9

    jessicaherron9 Member

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    Here are the ways to find a Business Ideas.

    Scratch your Own Itch
    Solve a Problem for a Niche Audience
    Discover Business Ideas in your Corporate Job
    Analyse Trends
    Explore your Passion
    Build on your Strengths
    Become an Idea Machine
    jessicaherron9, Nov 9, 2021 IP
  4. RikKelv

    RikKelv Peon

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    The good news is that there are companies that buy invention ideas and much more. For some people, coming up with a fantastic and innovative idea is easy. There is no reason not to get paid for your inventions if you are one of those people. The trick is learning how to make money from your ideas.
    RikKelv, Nov 9, 2021 IP
  5. VurTonBur

    VurTonBur Greenhorn

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    1. Engage in Observation Sessions. Great ideas won't happen in a vacuum.
    2. Socialize Outside Your Normal Circles.
    3. Read More Books.
    4. Randomly Surf the Web.
    5. Keep a Regular Journal.
    6. Forums
    7. Social media
    VurTonBur, Nov 10, 2021 IP
  6. Gamerseo

    Gamerseo Member

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    Look around. It is important that you like to do what your company will be associated with, because at the beginning get ready for a lot of work
    Gamerseo, Nov 10, 2021 IP
  7. Remon Kamal Anees

    Remon Kamal Anees Peon

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    The top 3 topics that the most successful businesses fall into are health, wealth, and relationships. This doesn't mean that you can't build a successful business outside of these 3 categories if you really have something unique and valuable to offer, but it will likely be more difficult to establish yourself and it may take longer to find out where your business is getting the income you want.

    Attached Files:

    Remon Kamal Anees, Nov 24, 2021 IP
  8. torerick041

    torerick041 Peon

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    Hello, the best is the setting and of course, if you want to do it a lot and if there is a demand for something like that, you have to think of something so that there is income from it I think that some IT company is the best or some construction company is not bad I have a construction company and no I complain about the income
    torerick041, Nov 25, 2021 IP
  9. VortexAlpha

    VortexAlpha Member

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    This is definitely and without any doubt a right approach when it comes to starting any kind of business, and the thing many people just oversee. If you want to start with something you new it's necessary to have some kind of a strategy, do some SWOT analysis, and start from there. Also, a competitor analysis is a must as otherwise, it would be almost impossible to get to some useful insights and create a plan on how you could overcome them. All of this can be a bit time-consuming but without it, you can't expect to see any real results as you will never know in which direction you should go.
    VortexAlpha, Dec 17, 2021 IP
  10. Harvey Wolf

    Harvey Wolf Member

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    Hey there,
    Before you start any business you should be asking yourself the question, what do I have that can provide a solution to XYZ problem.
    The keyword here is solution, sorry but people are not really interested in the business you have (or you are thinking of starting up), they don’t want to know your service/ product (or will be having) , but instead how will it help them.
    You may even have a passion and be thinking maybe I could start a business on this but again you need to seriously ask yourself the question, why?

    Is it better to start something that already works, or start a business from scratch (be service or product related) that nobody wants? Market research being the operative words here, doing a lot of research before you start anything. You don’t want to be investing loads of money, especially upfront, only to find out later it was a bad idea.

    I would suggest you look at all possible avenues available to yourself before taking the plunge.

    For example things to take into consideration;

    - Who is your target audience market?

    - Is there a big market for your potential service/product?

    - What or who would be your competition?

    - Is there a particular niche you have in mind?

    - Is it a profitable niche?

    I don’t believe any niche can be oversaturated if there is uniqueness in your business offer. It’s better to do something 5 or 10% better than your competition, than start something in a niche that you think is 100% great and untapped but no one really wants what you have to offer, (there maybe a reason it's untapped). That said, if there is uniqueness in your proposal and something you think could benefit many, then definitely yes. Going to say it again - market research.

    I hope this has been of some help, and to help further try the FREE Business Analysis Tool below (start-ups included), just literally answer a bunch of questions and get a bunch of recommendations which I hope helps to answer your question further.

    Good luck.
    Harvey Wolf, Dec 18, 2021 IP
    MargoFarrel likes this.
  11. Kate King

    Kate King Peon

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    You did make a good point that any business idea consists of a well-analyzed market, a properly drafted plan, managing sufficient capital, etc. However, the key is coming up with the solution that's really in demand. What I mean is to implement the idea which people will be willing to embrace since it makes their life easier. For example, fintech solution. People are always struggling with long and boring stages of the loan lifecycle. So loan management systems could be a perfect tool that could automate all loan processes.
    Kate King, Dec 24, 2021 IP
  12. tatilnekolay

    tatilnekolay Peon

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    I wanted to bring a new experience to people's holiday understanding. Rental villa holidays give people a different perspective. they develop not only a holiday, but also a lifestyle. I founded tatilnekolay.com with this logic.

    Good luck everyone!
    tatilnekolay, Dec 28, 2021 IP
  13. Đặng Văn Bình

    Đặng Văn Bình Member

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    Well wrapped spam topic)
    Đặng Văn Bình, Dec 28, 2021 IP
  14. Johan Will

    Johan Will Greenhorn

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    I advise for student or beginners, who want to start business online.
    First of all save / make money, then invest in proper channel with different tips.
    Johan Will, Jan 2, 2022 IP
  15. Aurilar

    Aurilar Greenhorn

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    I believe that it should come from your soul literally. In my opinion, business is more about your passion. If you want to start off your business and you want tofeb successful in this business, then there is nothing better than start an activity which you like with all your heart. Indubitably, some people decide to open a business just because they have a fake hope that business brings lots of money. However, your business might be profitable only in case you will put your soul in it. If you want to put your soul in it, then it have to be an activity which you are passionate about. It's pretty difficult to find such one, but it's possible anyway.
    Aurilar, Jan 27, 2022 IP
  16. Azharuddin Sheikh

    Azharuddin Sheikh Well-Known Member

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    Research the Market - Yes, this is the most important things where you will be able to get good idea about your business and If you want to do discuss more then you should find some forums platforms related to your business where you can get good information through that and can do discuss more things about it.
    Azharuddin Sheikh, Feb 12, 2022 IP
    MargoFarrel likes this.
  17. Gardahn

    Gardahn Greenhorn

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    There are several ways how to find a good idea for your own business actually.
    Traditional way is to travel to another country and note some business idea realized there, for example, my friend once told me how he visited GB and noted here a cool concept of night bar, which he soon realised in his own country and had lots of customers and people who wanted to visit this place. Actually, this approach still works and you can use it.

    Another way how to find a good idea is to think about the iea on your own. Yeah, you may think of it during several days or maybe weeks, but the matter here is to never stop thinking. Determine the sphere which you want to choose for starting off the business, for example - retail. What's popular in retail nowadays? Think about it and ask questions on thematic forums. People who already run such a business can help you to determine whether this business model worths spending time on it or not.
    I think that's all.
    Gardahn, Sep 1, 2022 IP
    cronik likes this.
  18. MargoFarrel

    MargoFarrel Member

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    Yes, yes, you should study the market, make business model, manage sufficient capital, but it wouldn't work if you won't like your deal. You must love and know everything about your deal. Start with it!
    MargoFarrel, Sep 6, 2022 IP
  19. Randall Magwood

    Randall Magwood Active Member

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    I think it's important to reverse engineer the process of market selection before you build a website or try to sell anything. First look at what people are searching for online, what keywords they're using to search for things, and competition... then build a website and start a business around all of this information. This way you know you're in a niche that is rabid and potentially profitable, and all you have to do is market to them.
    Randall Magwood, Sep 29, 2022 IP