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Unfair Treatment by webhostingtalk.com Moderator 'Andy aka Postbox': A Candid Account

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Zitanix, Dec 20, 2023.

  1. #1
    As a longtime member of webhostingtalk.com, I am compelled to share the distressing and deeply unfair treatment I experienced at the hands of Andy aka 'Postbox', which has left me profoundly disillusioned.

    Throughout my interactions, it became increasingly clear that I was not just dealing with a community leader's standard moderation, but rather, I seemed to be the target of personal biases and possibly unresolved grievances on Andy's part. The hostility and dismissiveness I faced were disproportionate and unwarranted, casting a shadow over my years of positive engagement with the forum.

    The communication from Andy was not only condescending and disrespectful but also hinted at a deeper personal vendetta rather than an objective or professional approach. Being unjustly compared to a criminal, without any reasonable opportunity to defend myself or clarify my position, was both shocking and deeply offensive.

    This experience has led me to believe that I may have become an unwitting victim of Andy's personal issues, which have no place in the management of a professional forum. It raises serious concerns about the integrity and impartiality of the forum's leadership.

    In sharing this, my hope is that it highlights the critical need for fair and unbiased treatment in forum management. A community leader's personal vendettas should never cloud their judgment or lead to the mistreatment of members who have long contributed positively to the forum.

    Zitanix, Dec 20, 2023 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Gosh, I bet that has never been considered before! Why are you really here? You don't appear to have tried to engage on this forum, are you just copy/pasting this complaint on every forum?
    sarahk, Dec 22, 2023 IP
  3. Zitanix

    Zitanix Member

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    I assure you that my decision to share my experience was not taken lightly, nor is it part of a broad complaint campaign across multiple forums. My post here is a genuine expression of concern based on a specific and troubling experience I had.

    I understand your skepticism, but I believe it's crucial for community members to voice their concerns when they feel mistreated, especially in a forum setting where fair and respectful moderation is expected.

    I appreciate your engagement and hope this clarifies my intentions.

    Zitanix, Dec 22, 2023 IP
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I searched for your username but couldn't find anything. Have they deleted your account or is it a different username?
    sarahk, Dec 22, 2023 IP
  5. Zitanix

    Zitanix Member

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    It appears that my account may have been deleted or is no longer accessible under my usual username. This development, unfortunately, adds another layer to my concerns about the unfair treatment I've mentioned.

    I assure you that my presence and contributions were genuine, and the fact that you can't find my account now underscores the issues I've raised in my original post.

    I appreciate your effort to verify my claims, and I hope this situation can be resolved in a fair and transparent manner.


    Zitanix, Dec 22, 2023 IP
  6. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    So what was the problem between the two of you?
    sarahk, Dec 22, 2023 IP
  7. Zitanix

    Zitanix Member

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    The issue with Andy, or 'Postbox', wasn't a singular event but rather a series of interactions that collectively led to my current concerns. Over time, I noticed a pattern in Andy's approach to moderation when it came to my posts and queries. His responses often felt overly harsh and not in line with the standard moderation one would expect in a professional forum. This wasn't just about enforcing rules; it seemed to go beyond that, into the realm of personal bias.

    The way I was communicated with was not just dismissive but also had undertones of condescension and disrespect. It was as if there was a pre-existing negative view of me, which colored all our interactions. Being compared to a criminal in one of the exchanges, without any clear justification or opportunity for me to defend myself, was particularly jarring.

    This is not about a misunderstanding or a one-off incident. It's about a sustained experience that made me feel targeted and unfairly treated. As someone who values and has positively contributed to the forum for years, it's disheartening and raises questions about the impartiality and professionalism of the forum's leadership.

    I hope this gives you a clearer picture of why I felt the need to bring this matter to light. My aim is not to stir conflict but to highlight the importance of fair and respectful treatment in community management.

    Zitanix, Dec 22, 2023 IP
  8. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Who owns the forum? What was their stance?

    I would disagree with that. If you have a problem with the way THIS community is managed, then just come out and say so, otherwise you are airing the dirty laundry of a forum we have no experience with.
    sarahk, Dec 22, 2023 IP
  9. Zitanix

    Zitanix Member

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    To address your earlier question, webhostingtalk.com is indeed operated by a larger organization, and their silence on my situation with Andy, or 'Postbox', speaks volumes. The lack of response or intervention from upper management or ownership in addressing my concerns about Andy's conduct has been quite revealing.

    In an ideal world, issues like the one I've experienced would prompt a thorough review by those at the helm, ensuring that community management upholds a standard of fairness and impartiality. Regrettably, such accountability seems to be missing in this case. The absence of any official acknowledgment or action from the forum's higher authorities not only confirms my concerns but also indicates a broader issue of responsibility within the forum's leadership.

    My objective in bringing this to light is not solely to find a resolution for my personal situation, but also to advocate for a more transparent and fair approach to community management as a whole. It's critical for a healthy forum environment that members feel their voices are heard and that they are treated justly, particularly when issues arise with forum moderators.

    Furthermore, if you take a moment to google, you'll find numerous reviews and discussions echoing similar experiences with Andy, such as on Blesta forums and LowEndTalk. These threads shed light on a pattern of behavior that many others have also found concerning:

    1. Blesta Forum Thread on Andy aka Postbox: [https://www.blesta.com/forums/index...our-account-and-put-hands-into-your-privacy/)

    2. LowEndTalk Discussion on Andy: [https://lowendtalk.com/discussion/8...vers-fake-topics-and-disable-your-account/p2)

    I hope this provides further context to my concerns and the broader implications for forum management.

    Best regards,

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2023
    Zitanix, Dec 22, 2023 IP
  10. Zitanix

    Zitanix Member

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    Let's be clear: my sharing of the experience at webhostingtalk.com here on DigitalPoint is not about undermining another community. It is a firm stand for the core values of any online forum – fairness, respect, and integrity. This issue is not confined to one community; it's a universal concern that impacts us all in the digital space.

    Discussing these matters in a public forum like DigitalPoint is essential. It's not just airing 'dirty laundry' – it's about raising awareness, fostering accountability, and driving positive change in our online environments. My story is an example, a catalyst for a broader, necessary conversation about how we maintain ethical standards across all platforms.

    I respect your viewpoint, but I firmly believe that silence on such matters does more harm than good. We have a responsibility, especially in a community-focused space like DigitalPoint, to speak up on issues that affect the well-being and fairness of our online spaces.

    I hope this underscores the gravity and sincerity of my message. It's a call to action for all of us who value the integrity of the online communities we are part of.

    Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts and for considering this crucial aspect of our digital interactions.

    Zitanix, Dec 22, 2023 IP