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Sex workers all seem to be mental these days...

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by William Afton, Oct 8, 2023.

  1. #1
    There's tons of women on AdultWork.com, OnlyFans, X and all that, who are not the full shilling. You only very occasionally find someone who is normal or sincere. But any other person is a lost cause.

    A lot of them are variably sinister, odd, useless, or just blatantly a time waster, which makes registering feel relatively pointless. However, you cannot deny the ladies do look hot, which is basically why you get lured in and tag them. With how they post too, you would think some of them were living rent free in La La Land. I can't say they are all like this. But here's an example...

    Buy me a house, loser. Buy me a car, you piece of trash. Buy me a luxury holiday for me and my friends. The hell?


    Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?


    They clearly don't like men or guys with autism either. But of course, they will lie through their teeth and deny it all, while incessantly tweeting self-indulgent, misandry inspired, or otherwise just senseless babble. That, and some of them are actually scammers. But if you speak up truthfully about their attitude to expose them for the frauds they are, they begin a smear campaign of sorts with other sex workers they know throughout the UK. A practice known as blackballing.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they were into witch boards too. They seem distinctively bizarre. Nothing like those making an honest living anyway.

    A few years ago, I added some weirdo on WhatsApp to ask for a tickle related booking, and she blocked me for what I felt was no reason. She claims she has a posh mansion up in Scotland, where she films fetish content with some elder skank, who looks to be way past her prime. That and covering her own buttocks in poop, despite having a Facebook account under her real name with minors who are related to her.

    Then she went to a mental health forum I used to be active on, calling me the C word in a DM, using an alias I wasn't familiar with.

    Unfortunately, I didn't know it was her, as I usually get bothered by this worse troll I know because of him being an Australian guy from old forums I used to visit years ago. I mentioned him on here already, because he's actually highly ignorant and needs his balls chopped off.

    After attempting to apologise to her, she ignored every single message I sent, and then eventually complained to a lawyer because I used counter sarcasm after she said we could shoot a horror movie.

    I have had a history of being slandered and rejected by women, because I visited a dungeon one time in my city, back in 2016. They probably sensed I was a bit backwards, which I really am not. Thought it would be funny to make me feel like crap. So ever since then, many women affiliated with the domme who runs that place have been talking about me, creating a lot of nasty rumours. I even contacted the janitor who operates it once, but he's a moron as well.

    If someone adds a wishlist on Amazon by the way, and reveals their real name through their delivery address, that's not actually 'doxxing' someone. That's the woman in question being clumsy with information that's best kept private. So crying wolf later on is just stupid.

    Speaking of being clumsy, I told some of these oddballs I was acting in films, and let them know about my IMDb page before, which obviously has my real name listed. And so on.

    To be honest, even if you're just trying to spark up a chat, it's probably better to be more discreet about what you tell people. The same goes with just about any stranger you want to talk to online. Because I certainly regret telling people my real name, my location, and whatnot.

    But Facebook is a lot of rubbish as well. It's just spam too, with nothing productive. Eye candy is what it is. Eye candy. They just want you to be a simp so they can mock you and leave you feeling embarrassed for being another sucker who thought he could get lucky.

    On OnlyFans, the videos don't even play for me because my connection at home is rubbish. But your direct messages aren't private. The folk running that site can see your outgoing messages to the people you subscribe to. So you cannot ask content creators to meet up in person. This would be a violation of the terms of service.

    You can sometimes ask them on AW, social media, or their personal website about a session. Tipping them is important, but I recommend you don't overdo it with anyone that doesn't seem genuine. Most of the women on Twitter are into findom only as a means to get a free ride and can pretend to be a domme too, to receive more money. This is shallow and giving legitimate dommes a bad reputation, who only expect a tip or a gift as a gesture of good faith.

    But be prepared to be doing a lot of separating the chaff from the wheat if you show any intetest in getting to know them as people. I also wanted to add that I don't judge their actual services, as such. I don't have to say what these are. Just use your imagination. Whipping. Tickling. Ballbusting. And whatever else they offer.

    But it is a colossal waste of time being enamoured with people like this. I feel the same way about video games forums, like GameSpot or ResetEra, which are always full of radge pots. Seeing as how they are blatantly serving as fanboys for Capcom and all that rot, engaging with them is just a daft idea. For it's a non starter.

    Edited for a few typos.

    P.S. You don't have to quote the entire post in a reply.

    Regards, from Peter.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2023
    William Afton, Oct 8, 2023 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    tl;dr but it's a bit odd to think SW are a bit mental "these days". It's not an easy profession and the vast majority of women would avoid it like the plague (as the saying goes, obviously not literally because it turns out people don't avoid plagues). So the women who do undertake it aren't going to be your regular girl-next-door types. Pair this up with things like financial abuse fetishes and the whole industry takes on a whole new type of tawdry. Don't expect them to want to be your friend any more than your local barista will want to. They're there to do a job, they'll act friendly but it's part of the job. You'll find endless Reddit posts from men complaining that they've supported SW emotionally, financially etc and they thought their relationship was "special" only to find that were merely customers.

    Personally, I'd recommend you keep your associations with SW under wraps, but then I'm old and my generation looks at SW differently, perhaps.
    sarahk, Oct 8, 2023 IP
    William Afton likes this.
  3. William Afton

    William Afton Well-Known Member

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    Yeah. I think you are right.

    By the way, a bit off topic, but what happened to spell checker on forums? I have a Samsung phone and it's a very flimsy keyboard I have. It feels like you're walking on a beach with quick sand in your flip-flops, to be honest.

    Half the time, I feel like I have to carefully read my post before I submit it as there's always a little typo, or an "auto-corrected" word I didn't spot sooner. Then if I run out of time but don't notice it before the edit restriction expires, I cannot go back and change it thereafter.

    I still say gaming sites are worse than these adult oriented cesspools. I basically told them about things in Resident Evil being copied from other games, or how the modern day remakes were not as good as they could have been. You can probably guess what occurs next.

    They also have this irritating habit of acting like RE4 is in God mode. Now I do believe people are entitled to their own opinion, which is fair. So if they think RE4 is fantastic, then okay. Whatever you say.

    But RE4 is definitely not really a horror game. It has way too much action to be scary. You basically shoot these villagers in Spain who drop ammo on the ground. Yet you can tell this is a dumb concept, since they use farm tools and do not carry any guns. Then you use gold to sell to a merchant who sets up stalls throughout the region you explore. And this is precisely why survival horror type games received a major downgrade. But I mean, try telling these tossers this on any RE forum and they will get bent out of shape.

    So I mean, yeah. Recently I just decided to say, screw it. There's only so much I can do on my end to offer a summary of how greedy Capcom is as a company. If they're never gonna be convinced I'm telling the truth, despite the amounting level of proof one can provide, it's therefore absolutely going to be a fruitless pursuit to rant about the same old crap on these dead message boards.
    William Afton, Oct 8, 2023 IP
  4. BilalEmadXD

    BilalEmadXD Peon

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    I know this is irrelevant

    but how can I post a thread or something
    BilalEmadXD, Oct 8, 2023 IP
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  5. William Afton

    William Afton Well-Known Member

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    You just go to the top of each section and there should be a button to post a new thread. However, maybe you need to post in general in order to post threads.

    It could be there is some anti-spam measure in place to deter people from signing up just to advertise.
    William Afton, Oct 8, 2023 IP
  6. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    "Sex workers" or "sex trade workers". What a complete load of horse manure. Workers, do they have a 9 to 5 job, and pay taxes like the rest of us do? Trade, where did they go to school to learn this "trade"?
    The reality is that these people are too lazy to apply themselves and are too hopped up on drugs to be hireable.

    Why would anyone even want their "services"? They are crawling with disease and would rob you blind if they could. They are selfish, weak people that I have little sympathy for. Their customers are losers in my view that have to pay for what ought to be offered...if they wern't such losers that is.
    Spoiltdiva, Dec 23, 2023 IP
    William Afton and jrbiz like this.
  7. William Afton

    William Afton Well-Known Member

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    Well, I don't see how it's really different from anything else. They don't call it the world's oldest profession for nothing.

    A lot of nerds probably don't know how to "chat up" a lady in real life. If that makes them sad, I guess it makes them sad. But that's not necessarily their fault. They could be socially awkward, shy, not attractive, been misunderstood one too many times, or something. So I don't see the harm in seeking some relief. In some extreme cases, they may feel like they either pay a prossie for to relieve sexual tension, or they just have to relieve themselves.

    Like I said, it's not the fact they sell their sausage slit and butthole for cash that bothers me. It's more so the arrogant vibes they give off on their OnlyFans account. It's like, "Oh, if you don't tip me more than five quid like the goddess I say I am, you can F off!"

    How about being appreciative of the five quid you just received, hen? You know? Most of the content they make is like McDonald's fast food anyway. Very pedestrian, and bland.

    Most of the content creators never even try to act grateful when you offer a donation. To them, you are just another simp. But if you know they are a findom-only domme from the beginning, that is on you if you agree to be a pay piggy. However, some claim to offer femdom as well as findom, just to bait you in. In many cases, they pretend to be a real domme, just so you'll waste money getting to know them. In most circumstances, they do not offer real-time meetings in any capacity, which is a bit annoying when you see how hot they are.

    Basically, you cannot spark up a chat with a lot of females on OnlyFans about general subjects, even if you do agree to pay. Half of them don't respond either, which is an indication they are not remotely interested in getting to know you as a person. They could just be busy and you should try to give a person the benefit of the doubt, sure. But many of them could care less for engaging in small talk.

    Even when they sleep around with men as clients, a lot of it is in my opinion, strictly awkward straight-for-pay interactions because they know they can manipulate guys so easily. Yet in reality, they prefer their own gender, and really don't like men.

    Their mannerisms can be as cold as ice. Maybe not all of them are this way, but it's always a case of having to get your time wasted a bit before you find a woman who is worth supporting. But even then, I would not be daft enough to keep forking out dough on them. When they start upping their subscription costs to highly ridiculous prices too, I see that as a red flag as well.

    To be fair, they probably do receive a lot of annoying messages from oddballs, and if they have loads to read every night they log on, I can see why that would be irritating on their part. This is why a reasonably priced tribute through Wishtender is okay, followed by a respectfully written introduction. But too often, it's just a case of them wanting your money and attention for doing the bare minimum to please the "fans" they like to mislabel as losers.

    I donated to a lot of women over the last few years, but I never really met any of them besides one who was touring because something would always come up. In general, they did seem to be deliberately overpricing their services. And their AdultWork.com profiles are typed up in a rather unfriendly way.
    William Afton, Dec 29, 2023 IP
  8. vrwrys

    vrwrys Member

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    I wouldn't necessarily call them lazy.They just found a way to work smarter and not as hard as the rest of the public.Isn't that what its all about?Making do with what you have and finding a way to do it with less effort?!And the choice they make;I wouldn't call it an easy one.At the end of our lives ,we're all losers.Over working and paying taxes until we die and afterwards?It makes no sense.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2023
    vrwrys, Dec 29, 2023 IP
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  9. William Afton

    William Afton Well-Known Member

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    Hell. They're certainly profiting from being money grabbers.

    More power to them, I suppose. But if only they could maintain a degree of civility. That's primarily my beef with them.

    I would rather squander £150 or so on a woman who at least acts like she knows how to behave in a decent way, in terms of her attitude. Even if I never saw her again, I would credit her ability to be a professional call girl, mistress, or whatever.

    Also, discretion is important to me, so if they start revealing my name or where I reside, I will boycott them all the quicker.
    William Afton, Dec 30, 2023 IP
    vrwrys likes this.
  10. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    It's not the "world's oldest profession" begging is. After all someone had to ask for it right? So that makes it the world's 2nd oldest profession.

    *have fun exploiting these women
    Spoiltdiva, Dec 30, 2023 IP
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  11. William Afton

    William Afton Well-Known Member

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    If I can't get a girlfriend, despite living in a big city all my life, imagine what it must be like in a small town.

    The reason I avoid dating sites is because a lot of people just ghost you, block you and generally act pretentious. That's if they're even a real person to begin with, because sometimes you have people rigging the set up. Sites like Plentyoffish can scam you by making out someone 'liked' your page, but you cannot check the account that supposedly tagged you without upgrading your membership. But it's often coming from a (usually) disabled profile that's still in the server, just to entice fools to go with gold. Then you see that it wasn't legit.
    William Afton, Dec 30, 2023 IP
  12. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Disclaimer: I've never been on the OF site in any capacity, I just see plenty of bs on twitter from men who think all women can earn there. I'm not sure they see their mothers and grans as "women" and I'm pretty sure they'd struggle.
    They're there to earn, you're giving off the same vibes as the guys who think baristas are into them because they chat while they take your order. Neither the sex worker, nor the barista, give a shit about you beyond securing repeat business. They're performing a service and expecting to get paid. They'd probably prefer to be doing something else but they're not.
    sarahk, Jan 1, 2024 IP
  13. vrwrys

    vrwrys Member

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    Like any job,you can experience burnout.It's a profession that's in high demand and is not slowing down anytime soon.Am I making an excuse for their behavior? Not at all.If you can't stand the heat .....well you know the rest.
    vrwrys, Jan 2, 2024 IP
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  14. William Afton

    William Afton Well-Known Member

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    I was scammed not too long ago. The broad was sent a deposit online. She ran off with the cash, basically.

    But my mate Frank did say they weren't to be trusted.
    William Afton, Jan 26, 2024 IP
  15. TomSmithWalden

    TomSmithWalden Peon

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    They're there to provide a service, much like any other job. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking there's a personal connection, but at the end of the day, it's about securing repeat business. Whether it's a barista chatting while they take your order or a sex worker performing their service, they're doing their job and expecting to get paid. If you're struggling with these interactions, it's important to remember their professional boundaries. Check out https://onlybing.com/ if you want to find some interesting sex workers
    TomSmithWalden, Jun 5, 2024 IP
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  16. William Afton

    William Afton Well-Known Member

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    I never said I thought they were into me, but I know what you mean.

    I had a very bad experience with some of them on AW. I just gave up. I think ranting about Capcom is just as pointless, but I think the web would be a lesser place if I didn't do it. :D

    Yeah. Capcom needs to be exposed. Females are off the hook... for now. :mad:


    Ha-ha. Wanna bet?
    William Afton, Jun 5, 2024 IP