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Tiktok's Add to Music App

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by arandon, May 15, 2024.

  1. #1
    I'd like to ask a short, 1 minute help.
    We're a music project and already have our latest track on the streaming platforms and on Tiktok.
    A few months ago Tiktok launched a new feature called "Add to Music App", which gives you the ability to save the songs you like on TikTok to a dedicated playlist of the streaming service of your choice.
    We've tested it with our song and it works in Europe, but I've read that with some song it isn't working in the US and the song isn't being saved.
    So, I'd like to ask someone who is based in the US and has Tiktok and Spotify or Apple Music or Amazon Music on his / her mobile to test if it works.
    The link to the song on Tiktok:

    https://www.tiktok.com/music/Follow-Me-7226736413873096705 (Ofit Project - Follow Me)

    Thanks for your help in advance.
    arandon, May 15, 2024 IP
  2. MargoFarrel

    MargoFarrel Member

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    Wow! I see your project and 3 videos. I have to say that you are so talented. I wish you good luck!
    MargoFarrel, May 16, 2024 IP
  3. arandon

    arandon Active Member

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    Thank You! Did you have a chance to try to save the song to any of your streaming service?
    arandon, May 16, 2024 IP