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Can you Digg it suckaaa?

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by Ernster, Jun 16, 2007.

  1. #1
    Anyone who use to watch WCW Wrestling will know what I'm on about:p

    Just wondering if anyone here has any tips on using Digg to get traffic to your website. Perhaps there's a free guide around that someone can point me to?

    It just seems everyime I think I have a viral website, it never gets more than 1 or 2 diggs when I submit it but it manages to go viral in other forms.

    I believe there has to be a some secret digg club who get special treatment, I cannot see how it's possible for an average joe to just submit a news piece on digg and get tons of diggs without posting there digg code elsewhere on the web.
    Ernster, Jun 16, 2007 IP
  2. Mental

    Mental Peon

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    I am also lost in this area. When I submit an article I find that it just slides past the others in the upcoming section and sometimes gets searched and dugg but that is it. The most diggs i have ever gotten was about 22 when I submited something about the 360 lowering their price. That is it.
    Mental, Jun 16, 2007 IP
  3. Ponynugget

    Ponynugget Peon

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    You're right - there are plenty of "secret clubs" that pay you to digg articles for $0.10 or more. I'm not too sure of the legality of such clubs but hey, they definitely do work.
    Ponynugget, Jun 16, 2007 IP
  4. Tearabite

    Tearabite Prominent Member

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    For something to hit it big on Digg it has to be unique, cool, funny, etc.. The Digg post itself also has to be worded so that it's catchy enough to catch the digger's attention..
    I've submitted 12 items in the last year, two of them hit it 'big' ..
    Tearabite, Jun 16, 2007 IP
  5. Mental

    Mental Peon

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    Exactly how "big"?
    Mental, Jun 16, 2007 IP
  6. allout

    allout Prominent Member

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    It is rare, you have to have a unique story of something hip and current and you have to be the first one to submit the story. If you read the the stories on the front page, they are normally about an current event and not a review of a website.

    Digg was created to submit quality articles with some content but it has become a place to submit trash like an ad for a website. There is so much competition that unless you have a paid service, it is very hard to reach the front page. I gave up on submitting much but I will help others on here when they post that they need help.
    allout, Jun 16, 2007 IP
  7. Tearabite

    Tearabite Prominent Member

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    • Frontpage for a day or so - about 3,400 diggs = around 70k uniques over about 2 days, and still me gets 100-200 per day after almost a year.
    • Frontpage of the technology section for several hours - about 1,300 diggs. Still getting 50 or so uniques per day, after almost a year

    FWIW, neither of these earned any real $$.. but the backlinks and buzz they generated are well worth it..
    Tearabite, Jun 16, 2007 IP