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Few words about a New PHP Web Framework - Madeam

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by poseidon, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. #1
    JoshDavey has posted some nice informative comment about web frameworks and about Madeam which I am posting here. I hope people will find it informative -

    There is also a nice discussion going on here http://www.thecredence.com/php-frameworks-which-one-is-most-suitable-for-you/ . Any serious PHP developer looking to work on web frameworks will surely find it informative or someone looking to decide on which framework to choose :)

    poseidon, Aug 13, 2007 IP
  2. joshdavey

    joshdavey Peon

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    Hey Poseidon,

    Just noticed this thread was forwarding some traffic to Madeam.com so I thought I'd check it out.

    Yea there is a great discussion going on at TheCredence's blog. I definitely recommend everyone check it out and see what some of the CakePHP guys are saying as well (Like Nate).

    I actually had a pretty in-depth conversation with Gwoo from CakePHP on IRC afterwards. The CakePHP team really has a good sense of direction and we certainly agree a lot on the state of the other PHP frameworks and the PHP community in general.

    For anyone interested in PHP Frameworks you can find a fairly substantial list of frameworks here: http://www.phpdirectory.com/code/frameworks/ (I can't use links on this forum yet, sorry).

    A great list of some of the lesser known frameworks (Like Madeam :p). Check them out. You might find something you like.
    joshdavey, Aug 15, 2007 IP
  3. poseidon

    poseidon Banned

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    Great to see you here Josh, DP is a great community and please do take sometime out from your schedule to post your updates about Madeam here :)
    poseidon, Aug 16, 2007 IP
  4. joshdavey

    joshdavey Peon

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    Absolutely. Actually I have a pretty big update on the way so I'll be sure to let everyone know about it.

    I can see that DP is a great community. I'll make sure to stop by in my spare time.
    joshdavey, Aug 16, 2007 IP
  5. Muhammad Haris

    Muhammad Haris Peon

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    CakePHP is a similar framework like Ruby on Rails. It looks like Madeam is not any special.
    Muhammad Haris, Aug 17, 2007 IP
  6. poseidon

    poseidon Banned

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    Check Post #3 where the same point has been raised and it has been answered appropriately in Post #6.
    poseidon, Aug 18, 2007 IP
  7. joshdavey

    joshdavey Peon

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    I would encourage anyone with a similar opinion to try these lesser known frameworks like Madeam before saying it's nothing special.

    What makes a framework special is it's ability to mold a developer into it's world, to give developers a sense of feeling at home and the structure to enable them to do what they've been doing for all their programming lives which hopefully in most cases is write great code.

    Although almost all frameworks are based on the ancient MVC (Model View Controller) approach they all differ in their execution beyond naming conventions and methodologies.

    The framework you're going to enjoy the most is the one you're going to wish you wrote yourself and that only happens when you find a framework that matches your style, a framework where instead of memorizing how things work they work as you would expect them to.

    We all think about and write code a little differently no matter how strict conventions are. If the framework can allow you to execute your own style of programming inside of it's structure then it's a framework worth pursuing. But to find that out about a framework you have to do more than just look at it's documentation, more than pull data from a database and more than compare it to ruby on rails.
    joshdavey, Aug 18, 2007 IP