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Free marketing by offering social bookmarking to your visitors

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by webcosmo, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. #1
    Social Widget tool makes it easier for distributing the web content online. Its a great way of letting the world know about your website, blog, or any online content.

    With the Widget buttons, webmasters make it easier for their visitors to collect content from their websites or blogs, and send it to their favorite destinations, including social media services etc. Its a very powerful way for web publishers to help their visitors remember and spread the word about the products they sell. With a simple click, visitors can quickly and easily collect information about the products they like and add it to their shopping research.

    Get a free social bookmarking button from here http://www.webcosmo.com/Tools/bookmarks/SocialWizard.aspx
    webcosmo, Mar 29, 2008 IP
  2. MoneyMoose

    MoneyMoose Peon

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    Can you honestly say you've ever used one? I haven't.
    MoneyMoose, Mar 29, 2008 IP
  3. affiliatesheree

    affiliatesheree Peon

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    That's like post toaster but with less services. Did you make this widget? It looks like the social marker one.

    affiliatesheree, Mar 29, 2008 IP
  4. webcosmo

    webcosmo Notable Member

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    Wow lot of flame here. To answer you guys:
    - Yes I use them. not only me millions of others use them. Thats why we have visitors from Digg, Reddit... (if you heard of them).
    - Yes I have made it. I am not familiar with social marker; I am sure there are other similar tools.
    webcosmo, Mar 29, 2008 IP
  5. MoneyMoose

    MoneyMoose Peon

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    I didn't mean the actual services - it's obvious people use those - I was referring to the widget. I always see those on blogs but never use them and everyone I've asked has said it's pretty much useless. Perhaps a simple way to up on Reddit and Digg would be useful, but a general service = bleh.

    It's not flaming - it's a simple question of usability.
    MoneyMoose, Mar 29, 2008 IP
  6. webcosmo

    webcosmo Notable Member

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    I would look at it this way. Lets say you have some visitors. And some of them use social networking sites like Digg, Reddit etc. If they like a post on your blog or some page on your website they may vote for you. Having a social widget on your site is sort of like a reminder for the visitors to vote. Its better then having nothing; and after all it does not cost anything. But indeed its the choice of the webmaster to have it or not.
    webcosmo, Mar 30, 2008 IP
  7. Perry Rose

    Perry Rose Peon

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    Don't take this the wrong way, but I haven't used them either. Many times i just don't think to.

    I was going to use them for my site, but I'd be willing to bet that most don't click on them. I instead put a short 3-sentence sales pitch suggesting to my readers to tell others about the articles they just read, and, if they are a DIGG fan, share it with others.

    It's the same in getting them to put it in their "favorites."

    A lot of times you have to TELL them to do something in order for them to act.

    I don't know, perhaps combine the two? ... The button along with the sales pitch?
    Perry Rose, Mar 30, 2008 IP