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REAL logo prices

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by TommyCharles, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. TommyCharles

    TommyCharles Member

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    In that Jerk's thread, the guy that was trying to pass templates off as $2000 logos, someone said that if he was a real designer he would be at 99designs.com. That site is such crap. It's sad really. Until they require job posters to prepay it will remain a joke. I know someone who posted for a logo, and once there were about 150 submissions he found the one he wanted, loaded Camtasia Studio and BAM had the design. Did the designer get paid for his or her hard work? Nope. Did anyone win? Nope. So please, don't talk to us about 99designs.com, some of us know better. But yeah, that guy was a real jerk.
    TommyCharles, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  2. Jimbow1098

    Jimbow1098 Peon

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    I would think some of these people doing this our in countries where 20 bucks might be alot for money for what they are doing. Just a thought.
    Jimbow1098, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  3. TommyCharles

    TommyCharles Member

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    I'm sure your right, and I'm sure that many of them are very talented. I guess we will all start charging $20 to even things out eventually. I just know I'm going to start hearing complaints about how the quality has gone down before too long though. The problem is, $20 is $20 in the US, so they will be losing allot of American talent, because we just won't be trying that hard. For $20 a pop I can do 20 logos a day and make it up-Wooohoooo!
    TommyCharles, Oct 26, 2008 IP
  4. Jimbow1098

    Jimbow1098 Peon

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    If you do good work people will pay for it. I would not lower your quality just to get a job. I had a logo designed here and paid more then the person asked just because I was happy. BTW 20 in US is no longer 20 in US sad but true.
    Jimbow1098, Oct 26, 2008 IP
  5. grimsqueaker

    grimsqueaker Peon

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    First, because you have no control over that website - when Deviant Art goes down, so does your portfolio. What happens if, down the road, they get bought out or closed down? All those people who you have given your portfolio link to will not be able to find your work.

    Secondly, it's completely unprofessional. DeviantArt is a great place for ART, not commercial logo identities. When I see your work on there, I group you together with the hundreds of anime and video game drawings. Which I notice you have a couple in your portfolio.

    Third, where is YOUR identity? You are asking other people to pay YOU to make THEM an identity, but you don't have one yourself. How can they hire a designer who doesn't even display his own logo/website? You look cheap, how can a client trust you to make their brand when you won't even spend effort making yours?

    It sounds like the only reason you're on deviantart is because that's where you get most of your clients. This leads me to believe that you probably have absolutely no marketing skills. Expand - use deviantart as a tool to point people to your portfolio, but don't put your works there.

    I think you're missing the point of what a logo is. It's a company's identity - if a company can only use their identity on a webpage or banner then all you've created is some spunked-up text. I don't care what program you use, but in what format do you design your 'logos'? They look like rasterized texts with effects, with rasterized .gifs slapped on top. In fact, I'm sure of it, I just did a search for one of your logos:

    YOURS: http://tommycharles.deviantart.com/art/Chiara-Asset-Management-101414630
    YOUR IMAGE RIP: http://forexkillersecrets.com/blog/forex-killer-secrets-for-massive-trading-profits/

    Now personally, copyright laws aside, if I as a client found out about that, I wouldn't just be demanding my refund back, but I'll be taking you to court for trying to sell me shoddy products.
    The format MATTERS - logos are MEANT to be displayed on single coloured backgrounds, you know why? Companies don't WANT tie-dyed coloured business cards. They want something professional that they can use to represent themselves. That means that the same logo can be used on a billboard, on a header, on a website, on a card, on a pen, on a mug. It has to SCALE. Let me ask you, have you ever tried scaling your logo to the size of a billboard?

    It's impossible with the format you're using. Get Illustrator, or something else that can do vectors I don't care, and learn how to work the pen tool. If you're mad at the people selling logos for $20 here, it's the wrong market for you to be targeting. Find your own clients.
    grimsqueaker, Oct 26, 2008 IP
  6. TommyCharles

    TommyCharles Member

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    LOL! That's my LOGO! I do work for their site..lol do your research. Chiara asset management owns that site and many other clones just like it. Though why I'm explaining to you,I don't know. Further, my broker, FXCM owns Chiara. So yes, please, do your research before you try to drag someone through the mud. To your other comments, you have a right to your own opinion. As long as people are happy with my work that's all I care about.
    Your right, this is not the market for me, which I acknowledged in the beginning of the thread, so what are you ragging for? I don't expect anyone from here to request a logo and be willing to pay $100 for it.

    Anime, lol. Are you even an artist? If someone wants to hire me to make some 3d Mario then I give them 3d Mario. If they want anime I do anime.

    Yes, friend, maybe you don't like my logos, maybe they are horrible, maybe not, but as I said, if the client is happy, that's all I care about. If the response from 99designs was any indication they are actually very good. I'm glad to say I will be able to start working there again. I got an email from them this morning. They are going to start requiring prepayment starting in Nov. Good timing :). Looks like we complained enough :).
    TommyCharles, Oct 26, 2008 IP
  7. grimsqueaker

    grimsqueaker Peon

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    Caught you. Don't worry, I do my research. I knew that photo was created by a well-known artist on iStockPhoto, and was used by that site. They didn't buy from you, they bought from iStockPhoto. You took it, slapped some text on it, claimed it as your own work, and sold it.


    Busted. I do my research before 'dragging people through the mud', don't worry. You sir, deserve to be dragged.

    ps. If someone asks you to do a 3d mario, you do a 3d mario? Do you, 'designer', have any idea what copyright laws are? If someone asks me to design a mario for their website, I have brains enough to tell them I will not design them something that could land both of us in legal trouble.
    grimsqueaker, Oct 26, 2008 IP
  8. TenderDESIGN

    TenderDESIGN Guest

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    Logos are only worth the price your target market is willing to buy them for.

    Its great saying that as professionals we should charge $600 plus.....I am all for that, but come on, realisticly will anyone ever pay that on this site. This site is great for what it is, so long as you know what it is to you
    TenderDESIGN, Oct 26, 2008 IP
  9. grimsqueaker

    grimsqueaker Peon

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    grimsqueaker, Oct 26, 2008 IP
  10. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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    This place never ceases to amaze me.
    Nigel Lew, Oct 26, 2008 IP
  11. kye172

    kye172 Peon

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    You where the one defending him, I knew he was a scam artist from the word go, it was blatently obviously from his so called "portfolio" his images where just poorly copied stock images with blur and smudge added.

    People like that make me sick, because he can realistically get the companies paying him into lots of trouble for copyright infringment, and most these smaller companies won't have the resources to go after him afterwards.
    kye172, Oct 26, 2008 IP
    grimsqueaker likes this.
  12. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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    "As a matter of discourse, your comment on the DP logo seems to invalidate your theory about the necessity to brand something."

    I was not defending anyone except Lucy perhaps ;) I was simply being civil about it.

    Nigel Lew, Oct 26, 2008 IP
  13. Social.Network

    Social.Network Member

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    Is this thread still open? Anyway, just wanted to comment that this was an excellent response. Nice!
    Social.Network, Oct 26, 2008 IP
  14. Boss_Numbat

    Boss_Numbat Active Member

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    OMG!!! Nice spotting there grimsqueaker and JN, liked your comments to this thread amongst others. Nice guys and gals!!!
    Boss_Numbat, Oct 27, 2008 IP
  15. Oranges

    Oranges Active Member

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    I think the problem is with increasing population of cheap logo artists everywhere.
    They come up with pathetic work for so cheap, and people just run around cheap rates.
    But surely people who understand quality work, they surely pay well. at least im lucky with my clients, they understand the value of my skills and pay me well as i deserve.
    Oranges, Oct 27, 2008 IP
  16. progy

    progy Member

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    I just browsed through your Deviantart gallery Tommy, no offence, but I think you might be overrating your work. Your main point is that people can't get good logos for 30$, that simply isn't true. Why don't check out Logoners and see what you can get for 27$, and then compare it with those 3-4 logos you have on Deviantart
    progy, Oct 27, 2008 IP
  17. crowdadmin

    crowdadmin Guest

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    Putting the quality aside, any logo need to be checked for violating other company's righs. Even if it's not gonna be copyrighted. This needs time, knowledge and money and simply can't be done for a 30USD.

    Hey, wait! That's an idea! I can register a bunch of companies, make some logos for them, sell the same logos for a 20 each and in a couple of months sue each "client" for a 20 000 for violating my property. Sounds cool, got to try this!

    I always wandered how people are eager to spend 100s and 1000s for branding, advertising, traffic and so on but don't wish to pay a 100 more and cut their advertising expenses to hlaf. As a good logo ie easy to remember and associative it can help a lot to the company that owns it.

    For a 30 USD I can put a clipart or copy-paste some other logo. But would never do that.
    crowdadmin, Oct 28, 2008 IP
  18. progy

    progy Member

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    There is a big difference between corporate logos and the kind of logos most users on DP need and look for. I doubt that any company with a big budget will be looking to hire some part time designers that look for work at various forums.
    progy, Oct 28, 2008 IP
  19. Social.Network

    Social.Network Member

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    Ditto! Some people's responses make no sense and are completely out of context. You are 100% right about the different needs of big budget companies and typical DP users. Another nice response!
    Social.Network, Oct 28, 2008 IP
  20. StarDOOM

    StarDOOM Banned

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    Go with professional services on this to avoid getting ripped off.
    StarDOOM, Oct 29, 2008 IP