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OMG yet another failed cold call

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by sarahk, Apr 10, 2017.

  1. #1
    Just got called by these guys: Zoom Web Media


    Only they introduced themselves as ZWM Technologies and they don't rank for that name, instead they direct you to type in "top smo company in nz". If you have to tell people how to find you on page 1 you've failed as SEO experts!

    Told them the business they wanted to promoted had been discontinued but they kept trying to tell me how I could get higher in the SERPs.

    If you are cold calling listen to the customer!
    sarahk, Apr 10, 2017 IP
  2. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    I get those kind of idiots calling several times EACH day. NONE of them listen to me!

    Example: Someone calls claiming to be from Google saying they can position me in the #1 position for my search terms. So, I have them do a search on one of my terms. I land in #1 position. AND THE IDIOTS KEEP TRYING TO TELL ME THEY CAN INCREASE MY POSITION! Go figure. Even with PROOF in front of their noses they STILL think they can do better!

    According to Google Webmaster Tools, my AVERAGE position is #7 on the FIRST page. Looking at the list of terms, I land in the #1 position a lot of the time. And these idiots THINK they can do better.

    Same with click throughs. According to GWT, my average CTR is about 12% which is an extremely high rate for a one-man site that does not spend a dime on advertising, SEO, or any other scam, yet these 'EXPERTS' have the gall to claim they can do better (with MY money, of course).

    If I could I would block those calls, BUT 90% OF THEM ARE FROM STOLEN NUMBERS and never the same number twice. I just wish my caller ID would show THIEF CALLING" so I would not need to spend my money answering fake calls.
    mmerlinn, Apr 10, 2017 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  3. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    My caller id does have "Annoying Telemarketer" that I add numbers to but most call from private numbers - it's the voip that gives them away.
    sarahk, Apr 10, 2017 IP
  4. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    The only consistency I have seen is some of these idiots call from 503-754-xxxx numbers. All such numbers are Sprint Cell numbers, so any time I see a call from one of those numbers I know it is from one of those idiots. Never yet have I ever gotten a real call from those numbers (well, almost never as I have called my 503-754-xxxx cell phone from my other 503-754-xxxx cell phone a few times).
    mmerlinn, Apr 10, 2017 IP
  5. metros

    metros Notable Member

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    That's so sad. so many companies like that out there.
    I feel sorry for the people that gonna spend money there.
    metros, Apr 11, 2017 IP
  6. superrichguy

    superrichguy Well-Known Member

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    LOL, yes if I want to pay for SEO I will not go with someone that cant rank the first page in google.
    superrichguy, Apr 11, 2017 IP
  7. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    qwikad.com, Apr 11, 2017 IP
  8. ZieshaShey

    ZieshaShey Greenhorn

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    Yes, this is not the way as some individuals try to get good ranks but they forget about the branding.
    ZieshaShey, Apr 12, 2017 IP
  9. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    I just got off of the phone with one of these idiots. And boy what an idiot he was.

    First, I got an incoming call on a landline that is an outgoing line only, so I know automatically that incoming calls are scams. It was a Google 'Account Manager' wanting to know why I had declined their offer a few weeks ago for a Google listing (I automatically decline ALL offers from people who STEAL from me without even listening to the offers). I told him to quit calling me and hung up on him.

    Then, I picked up a cell phone I have and tried the number. It worked. I got another 'Account Manager' and listened to his spiel of why I declined their Google listing service for $399 (No such thing happened), but now they were offering me a special deal of $199 (like since I never declined their first offer I was going to take them up on their second offer?). I chatted with him for a few minutes and finally convinced him that I was not going to spend $199 on something that I do not want nor need.

    When they called me, they were stealing from me - any time someone spends my money without my prior permission, he is stealing from me. When I called them back, I was voluntarily spending my money to see how foolish they were.

    Now for the interesting part that shows us how stupid these so-called managers are. The landline is an un-published number which is not available online, not available in print, and not available from an operator that is paid for by my business account with no connection to my website. The cell phone number is from a state 2300 miles away from me and is listed and paid for by my sister used only by me for sending and receiving pictures. There is no other link between the two numbers, so for all practical purposes no one knows the two numbers have any connection to each other.

    So, when I called back on the cell, there is no way that anyone would know whether or not I had talked to someone before. And since I had never used that cell to talk to anyone about my website, there is no way to look up a connection between the two. Yet, the 'manager' kept telling me how good his services were and wanting to know why I declined them. AT NO TIME DID THE 'MANAGER' ASK MY NAME. AT NO TIME DID THE 'MANAGER' CALL ME BY MY NAME. AT NO TIME DID THE 'MANAGER' ASK THE NAME OF MY WEBSITE. AT NO TIME DID THE 'MANAGER' TELL ME THE NAME OF MY WEBSITE. I tried to get him to specify exactly what he was talking about but all he did was talk around the subject since he obviously had NO CLUE WHO HE WAS TALKING TO NOR WHICH WEBSITE WAS IN QUESTION. He did ask me who I talked to, but since I do not remember (I hung up too fast when I was called), I told him that I did not know, meaning that he could not even use that to look up any previous conversation even if such a conversation existed.

    Now my question is, "How stupid do you have to be to try selling something to someone without even a clue as to who that person is or what that person needs or wants?" That is almost like being a PICKPOCKET in a NUDIST COLONY!

    If I could, I would publish that 888 number here so all of you could call them to enjoy the stupidity yourself.

    Edit: I just discovered another weird thing about that 888 number. When I called from a different phone, the operator says that number is "Disconnected or no longer in service." But the 888 STILL works on the original cell.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
    mmerlinn, Apr 13, 2017 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  10. wisdomtool

    wisdomtool Moderator Staff

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    I am not sure why, but majority list themselves from Australia, I had tons of such calls every day.
    wisdomtool, Apr 13, 2017 IP
  11. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I have been getting a half automated, half live person robo-call the past few weeks. It starts with a canned greeting from "Rachel", who is calling because I have stayed at one of the resorts recently and I won a contest (have not stayed in a resort in years)...if you reply, they then immediately connect you with a live female voice who is trained to pick up the conversation from there and even is slick enough to apologize in any delay from the transfer due to a problem with her phone. These folks are invite you and your spouse to a free overnight stay and bombard you with vacation time share sales pitchers 90% of the time you are there. I have an old friend, who when he was younger, would accept all of these and he and his wife would get a few free meals, an overnight stay in a nice resort hotel room, and felt that it was worth the sales harassment that they were subjected to for hours and hours during their stay.
    jrbiz, Apr 14, 2017 IP
  12. dcristo

    dcristo Illustrious Member

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    Ranking for an obscure five word phrase is a great display of competence.
    dcristo, Apr 14, 2017 IP