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Chatbot for Wordpress Site

Discussion in 'WordPress' started by Jake Howard, May 18, 2024.

  1. #1
    I'm looking to put a Chatbot on my wordpress website, and I am just wanting to know what my options are.

    I see a lot of websites have Chatbots, but they don't seem to have any substance behind them. They ask for the user to enter their Name and Email address, in case the chat drops out. Then they basically just respond with basic answers like "our open hours are 9am to 5pm" or "No one is available right now".

    I'm looking for a ChatBot that I can spend a bit more time pre-programming a range of answers, or setting up a knowledge document and letting AI return the answers.

    If anyone can steer me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated.
    Jake Howard, May 18, 2024 IP