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    Advertising (learn more)

    Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

    Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

5 Effective Strategies To Scale Facebook Ads In 2024

Discussion in 'Facebook' started by bannersandlanders, Jun 13, 2024.

  1. #1
    Here are 5 different methods you can use in 2024 to scale your facebook ads to the moon!

    These are actual, tried and tested methods that we use every day to scale our ads with my team on Facebook.

    In order to make money with Facebook Ads, you need to test creatives first. When you find something that shows traction, that’s when you scale it.

    But remember You don’t want to rush ahead and scale unless you’ve found a winning creative that’s already doing well over multiple days.

    Going from a few hundred dollars per day to $5000/day is not as easy as increasing your budget.

    If you increase your budget too fast, it will kick start Facebook’s algo to spend your money before midnight comes. This means it will bid crazy high CPM, it’s going to show your ads to people who aren’t highly likely to convert

    In fact my old tests / experiments show that if you increase your campaign budget by more than 15% it’s going to screw up your conversions, and a CPA that might have cost you $25 to get a sale, will become $50-75 per sale because of how the algo works

    so HOW DO YOU SCALE FACEBOOK ADS from a few hundred bucks to $5000/day on a facebook ad account? How do you become a proud member of Grant Cardone’s 10X family, where you generate 10X more revenue? J/K about the Grant Cardone.. lol

    Here are actual, proven ways that will effective help scale Facebook ads Campaigns in 2022.

    We use these exact methods with my team to scale every time we find a winning ad creative. Ad creatives that are destined to make you money at SCALE.

    To do this, our initial campaign setup is like this:

    2 video ads, 2 image ads in the same adset.
    We will do $100 CBO campaign, with 4 adsets, each adset has an audience of 2-4 million people.
    To give you an actual example of how to scale facebook ads:

    Let’s say we’re selling a PHOTO STICK.

    Adset #1 – targeting people that are parents
    Adset #2 – targeting peopl that like photography
    Adset #3 – targeting people that match interest: credit cards, debit cards
    Adset #4 – targeting people that are interested in: technology

    In every adset, we exclude AliExpress, and drop shipping to get rid of other drop shippers from seeing our ads while spying, and also people that shop and like AliExpress so they won’t come and comment and leave us negative words on our ads.

    now that we have the basic framework out of the way… we need to launch… and then let it run for 2-3 days without touching the thing…

    After it runs its course, we will be able to see which adset, which creative(s) achieved positive ROI … we focus on those.

    If the campaign fail, it’s a failed offer/product, it’s ok, this happens a lot so just move on and test something else.
    Now let’s assume you found your winner, creative ID 239082938239823 targeting Broad: 35+ that like technology, excluded aliexpress/drop shippers…


    SCALE FACEBOOK ADS METHOD #1 – Different Ad Sizes
    Facebook ads scaling
    5 effective strategies to scale facebook ads in 2023 7
    This is an unbelievable way to scale that I actually perfected while running Google Display Ads. Usually most affiliates go for the trust square ad size, but by running square they miss out on other placements and Facebook has a ton.

    Be sure to try the three most popular ad sizes 1200×628, 600×750, and 1080×1080.

    What do you mean Attila? Well let’s say you find a winner, and it’s a square. Remake that same ad into the 2 other ad sizes, throw them into an adset and launch.

    Scale facebook ads
    Facebook ads specs / dimensions / aspect ratios / formats

    Facebook scaling
    5 effective strategies to scale facebook ads in 2023 8

    Marketers are usually very lazy people, they love to do the bare minimum and hope for the maximum. How many styles of ads do you see if you fire up your spy tool like MagicAdz?

    Usually it’s either letter box or a square right? Picture most of the time, or video. How many carousel ads do you see? How about dynamic ads? Not that many.

    This is where this method comes in; when you find a winning ad, use the elements it has like the ad copy, headline, description, images or video content to create every type of ad format facebook offers.

    One of my favorite ways to scale facebook ads is to try, especially on re-targeting campaigns is carousel ad. It works amazing, and people seem to love it as they can browse and flip through multiple images/videos about your product. This results in super low CPA’s and great ROAS.

    Tim Burd from Facebook Ad Buyers FB group loves to give manual bidding strategies funky names, like the shot gun method, the surfer method and many more. Want to know why manual bidding works?

    It has to do with how the facebook algo works. It’s all about who spends the most money. Think of it like a ladder, the top of the ladder is the highest bidder, the bottom of the ladder has the lowest bidder. If you use Auto Bid, it’s going to place you at a calculated spot based on what the ALGO thinks your CPA will be based on your targeting, ad content and what not.

    The people who are at the top of the ladder will be shown first to Facebook users scrolling their news feed.
    Imagine Grandma Ngo takes out her iPhone and opens the Facebook app. She starts checking what her grandkid is cooking up for his lovely wife to be. Is it SALMON with Miso? Or is it fried rice? As she begins scrolling down, the first ad appears – this ladies n gens is the HIGHEST BIDDER, and it can be you!!

    Being seen first, has the advantage of getting the most hyped up click that will take action. If someone has been on Facebook scrolling and looking at funny videos for hours, chances are they won’t likely take action and pay to convert.

    Problem is, we don’t know what the highest bid is, the right bid so we test.

    We use these 3 different bid setups when we’re scaling using manual bids.

    A) BID 3x MAX CPA – $15-20 budget per adset
    B) BID 6x MAX CPA – $15-20 budget per adset
    C) BID 9x MAX CPA – $15-20 budget per adset


    It’s true Facebook knows everything about its users; including their buying habits, what they like, what they talk about. Once we acquire data, we can create custom audiences. Then from these custom audiences we can generate Lookalike Audiences.

    They look at people in our audience, and check what do they like, where have they been, what did they search for, how long were they reading about a topic, what movies they into, when are they most likely to buy, do they click ads, and many, many more things.

    In fact, they say facebook has 1000s of data point intersects for each user; allowing their system to build people that look just like your buyers in a manner of minutes.

    How to scale facebook ads
    5 effective strategies to scale facebook ads in 2023 10
    How it works is, you create custom audiences, wait for them to populate, then you generate Lookalike audiences from that. You can setup new campaigns, and target these lookalikes.

    We typically create custom audiences from these:

    Added to Cart – Last 30 days
    Initiated Checkout – Last 30 days
    Purchased – Last 30 Days
    Viewed 95% of our video ads
    Top 25% time spent on site
    Top 25% highest purchase value
    then we generate lookalikes – 1%, 1-3%, and 3-5%.

    Scaling up your facebook ads
    5 effective strategies to scale facebook ads in 2023 11
    Retargeting is a must, if you are not doing any form of remarketing you are leaving a LOT of money on the table. If your cost per purchase for cold audience is $20, with a retargeting campaign you are looking at 1/3rd the cost usually.

    We like to follow a systematic approach to getting our retargeting campaigns up, and send the users direct to interestitials and offer pages, rather than advertorials or landers meant to warm up cold audiences.

    When scaling your facebook ads be sure to create custom carousel re-targeting campaigns with these style of headlines to catch attention

    Top 7 Best Selling Products %NICHE% – targeting everyone
    Top 5 Products for Women – targeting women only
    Top 5 Products for Men – targeting men only
    *This applies to ecom mostly, however it can be applied to any kind of offer with a bit of a twist.
    When retargeting, create an audience for Added to Cart – Last 30 days, Initiated Checkout – Last 30 days.
    Exclude purchasers custom audience in these.

    Since we have 3 ads, we will create 3 adsets for each audience, so for the above example, we will have a total of 6 adsets. As we want to separate each ad into it’s own adset so we can target the demographics properly.

    Duplicate the ads in each adset 2x, so you have a total of 3 ads in each adset sharing social proof. *When duplicating it will ask if you want to share comments, likes, shares counts.


    This test is really simple to do and will show you if you actually have GOOD ads to begin with. Take your ‘winning’ ad that you want to scale and create a new campaign with it but this time – EXCLUDE everyone that knows you & follows you. To get a dead cold audience. Run your ad against that audience and if it performs well, then you know that you have a winner to scale.

    Attached Files:

    bannersandlanders, Jun 13, 2024 IP