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3 Social networks for gaining traffic you probably didn't know existed!

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by TheJoker2020, Apr 8, 2020.

  1. #1
    Hi All,

    As this is my first post (that is except for my introductory post), I want to kick things off with something useful, something that should help you gain a little more traffic for your website/blog etc etc

    Anyhow I am posting this under social media, but advanced apologies to admin if this is the wrong section to post this in :)

    1. Jooseph.com

    This is actually a site where you can create lists, the site itself gets a bundle of traffic, so the idea here is to build a useful list of websites that users can click and read and simply place your website link at the top of the list you post - easy peasy.

    I would strongly advise that you do not spam this site, but instead do up lists of sites that are relevant to your own website / blog.

    2. Censorwars.com

    This is an amazing new alternative to Facebook where anyone can create an account and gain a flood of traffic to their website / blog.

    You can do lots with this website and in basic, you are able to do all the stuff you can do with Facebook, but also a bundle of other stuff that cannot be achieved with the Facebook social platform. Just check the site out for yourself and I promise that you will NOT be disappointed!

    3. OpenDiary.com

    This is the final website I am going to discuss.

    I believe that the website has been around for years now, but I never hear internet marketers talking about it. My friend Peter introduced me to this site recently as he is gaining a whopping 10K of unique visitors for this site per month.

    Its basically a site that allows anyone to keep an online journal, truly a site worth looking into.

    Even if you only get 10% of the traffic that my mate is getting, that still equates to 1000 extra hits per month.

    I hope these sites are useful and lookout for more useful posts from me :)

    TheJoker2020, Apr 8, 2020 IP
  2. Spartan14

    Spartan14 Well-Known Member

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    Thanks mate i will check this sites to see how it goes .Sometimes trying places where not so many people know its the smart way to go because you dont have so much competition
    Spartan14, Apr 8, 2020 IP
  3. amandagraylinng

    amandagraylinng Peon

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    I've not heard of these before! I agree, niche platforms are definitely a great way to increase your reach
    amandagraylinng, Apr 9, 2020 IP