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4 Ways That Will Help You From Being Banned On Digg

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by Perry Rose, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. #1
    I guess it's time for my butt to contribute to the board again. The following is copied and pasted from my work. And yeah, I know, it isn’t 100% full-proof.

    Not many will reads this, or, for that matter, open the thread, because they don't like to read long how-to articles. They want quick tips on a silver platter. They don't want to work for it.

    The following is for the ones who aren't afraid of work, to rise to success.

    First, know that there are a lot of overreacting jerks there. You are in their territory now, and many are overprotective. If they smell even a hint of advertising, you will get your submissions buried, or, reported so many times that you will get banned to never never land.

    Do NOT Put A Live Link In The First Of Your Submissions!

    In fact, I would suggest doing a half a dozen or so submissions without your url. Put your name at the bottom, so they will recognize you every time you submit something. Later on include your url. But don't make it live! This is very important, for the obvious reason. If they are interested, they will copy and paste it in the address window.

    This will also help you from being "buried." People won't diss you and try to bury you if you submit some really cool and or helpful stuff, while at the same time not pushing your site.

    This isn't 100% full-proof, that is.

    Many get banned because they constantly submit stuff, while putting in their live link. It's spam, and Digg knows it. Though there have been cases when some were unjustly banned.

    Talk about something, offer a helpful tip, or whatever, and casually throw in your URL amongst the text.

    It could be this: "Hey, guys, I saw this really cool video I talk about in my blog, joeblog,com, and I thought I'd share it with you diggers. It's pretty funny. Enjoy!"

    Of course there should be more text there, but you get me here.

    Do the same when commenting in others’ submissions. Do NOT put a live link there with just a few sentences! Genuinely give help, and put in your url that isn't live. This will make it look like that you are there to actually help, to participate, instead of just advertising your url.

    I read this comment in a blog:

    "with regard to how many posts should a blogger post - I’ve written on the topic previous here. Hope that gives a good idea of what I think."

    That's all he had.

    The "I’ve written on the topic previous here." was a link to his blog. Irritating! He should have instead shared it with the readers there, and then put in his url amongst the text. Or, put his name and his url at the end.

    Talk About It In Your Submissions The Same Way You Would Talk About It To Your Friends

    Self explanatory.

    Share Anything That Is Interesting, Funny, Inspiring…
    It Doesn’t Have to Do With Anything About Your Site, Either

    Go to http://www.prontocondoms.co.za/ to see something totally different. Talk about it, and then very briefly and lightly pitch your site. People Digg more on the funny and interesting.

    Explore for already popular stories, subjects, and whatnot, and try to get ideas from that angle.

    Look for any and all interesting stuff out there. For example, there are a lot of wanna-be Internet entrepreneurs out there, so you could talk about this subject…


    Or, http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?t=518730.

    Collect such tid bits here and there and store them somewhere for later submissions.

    Have a reputation as the person who has good stuff to share, to help others on their problems and questions. If they like you, many may go to your site.

    Put In Your Name, Your URL, The State Where
    You Live, And Your Age At The End Of Your Submissions

    This adds more punch to your credibility, thus it may decrease your odds in getting banned and or having your stuff buried. It SHOULD, anyway.

    TheList.FM – When You Just Don’t Know What To Say
    South Carolina
    Age 44

    Do this after a half a dozen or so submissions. ... For the obvious reason.

    Again, do not make your url live. This will give the impression to many, NOT ALL, that you are there mainly to share stuff with others, to genuinely help others. If they like you, they will manually type it in.

    Yes, this all depends if the network will allow it. I don’t see why they shouldn’t. You aren’t giving your last name and the city where you live.

    See you in the funny papers.
    Perry Rose, Dec 29, 2007 IP
  2. indrazz

    indrazz Peon

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    ouw I never know about these before.. hehe thanks for your info.. :)
    indrazz, Jan 4, 2009 IP
  3. armanpi

    armanpi Peon

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    I'll try your tips. Thanks
    armanpi, Jan 4, 2009 IP
  4. anthonygj

    anthonygj Peon

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    I would say just read the TOS.
    anthonygj, Jan 4, 2009 IP
  5. Viktor Drej

    Viktor Drej Banned

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    LOL this is the first time I heard that someone has banned from Digg... I think this article was created by someone who was banned?.. :D
    Viktor Drej, Jan 5, 2009 IP
  6. kozyavka

    kozyavka Active Member

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    exactly! My question is: WHO CARES??? Does anyone care to be banned on Digg:confused:
    kozyavka, Jan 5, 2009 IP
  7. nathan D

    nathan D Peon

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    Great info Perry. Thanks for the tips.
    nathan D, Jan 5, 2009 IP