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A Laugh A Day

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by izlik, Jan 4, 2020.

  1. #1
    do you know it takes 17 muscles to smile yet 43 muscles to frown? (correct me if I am wrong) :D

    do you know people say: if you laugh 3 times a day keeps your family doctor away? (An old saying...) :D

    So let's laugh a little together! ;)

    A boy wrote this letter home from Camp:
    Drear Mom and Dad:
    Gue$$ what I need? Plea$e $end $ome $oon.
    Be$t Wi$he$
    Your $on $ammy

    His parents wrote back:
    Dear Sammy:
    NOthing much is happening here. Please write aNOther letter soon. Bye for NOw. Love, Mom and Dad

    I hope that made you smile! ;) :D Now it's your turn to make others smile! :D
    izlik, Jan 4, 2020 IP
  2. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    An embedded software developer is sitting in a bar when a beautiful woman walks up and whispers in his ear, “I’ll do anything you want for 50 bucks.”

    He puts his drink down and starts going through his pockets. He pulls out a ten, two five’s, a twenty and ten ones.

    He thrusts the wadded up money into the woman’s hand and says, “Here…paint my house.”
    jrbiz, Jan 4, 2020 IP
    sarahk likes this.