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A Question About Using And Saving with Illustrator

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by mitcharr, May 11, 2007.

  1. #1
    Hey, i am using illustrator,

    just say i am designing a avatar for someone, and i make the new document with a 80 x 80 square in the center.

    ok i design it and finish, but some of the parts are outside this 80 x 80 box, and if you use illustrator, then you will know illustrator saves everything on the screen, not just in that box,

    so my question is, how do i save only whats in the box, without deleting everything outside it?

    thanks, if anyone can help they will get rep of course,
    mitcharr, May 11, 2007 IP
  2. marioland

    marioland Banned

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    Well, I don't use Illustrator, but a simple solution for you would be to save the file as it is and then crop it with Photoshop or other image editing software to the desired dimensions.
    marioland, May 12, 2007 IP
    mitcharr likes this.
  3. mitcharr

    mitcharr Notable Member

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    Thanks mario, kind of already thought of that, but would rather avioding that hassle, just ned to know a way to save it as it is straight away
    mitcharr, May 12, 2007 IP