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Actions including layer fill.

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by Ian Alexander, Aug 2, 2019.

  1. #1
    I'm operating in Windows on CC2019.

    I'm writing an action in which I include a layer fill. I want it so that when I run the action it fills the layer with the foreground colour I have selected at the time of the running the action each time I run it.

    But whenever I record the action, it embeds the colour value of the foreground colour (say 100% cyan) at the time of recording it. So everytime I run it subsequently it fills with 100% cyan no matter what foreground colour is selected.

    I know I can put a stop in there so you can select the colour manually, but running action 100s of times I'd rather avoid that happening.

    Does anyone have a way around this? I'm open to using JavaScript but I wouldn't have the skill to write it myself.

    Ian Alexander, Aug 2, 2019 IP