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Adding bleed in photoshop 3mm (brochure)

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by hansab, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. #1
    Hi everyone.

    I need your help. I have designed trifold brochure (11 x 8.5 )

    Now i have designed it and as i dont have enough info about this printing thing. I dont know whats the best way to add the bleed and crop mark etc. I dont even know what will the press ask for printing

    So can you tell me, should i juse edit the canvas size and add 6MM on both sides 3each ?

    And also there will be white spaces on all four corners, no graphics on that part. So what do i do. Please suggest all, as i lack the technical info so i dont even have enough words for questions.

    But one thing i know that i have to add this bleed in photoshop, so no illustrator or fireworks is going to work for me. Please advice.

    hansab, Aug 20, 2011 IP
  2. zero effect

    zero effect Peon

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    to add blood get some brushes
    zero effect, Aug 20, 2011 IP
  3. rltenney

    rltenney Peon

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    Well, this certainly would be a simple select and click task if you would have used Illustrator or InDesign. for future reference, NEVER use Photoshop for layout work. However, since you're now stuck with it in Photoshop, you have a little work to do. I have clients send me layouts like this that I have to add bleeds to and I always end up having to rework some elements to make it work.

    First expand the canvas size, NOT the image size. Not sure where you are to be saying you need to add 6mm bleed. I'm in Ohio and the standard bleed across the US is 1/8 of an inch. After you've gotten the canvas expanded by at least 1/4 of an inch to allow for 1/8" around the layout, you can select the layer that your bleed needs to be on and enlarge it if you can. If you've flattened the layer and have text or other graphic elements within it, you may have to add the bleed using the 'cloning tool'. This takes an experienced user like myself to do. I would offer to help but this sounds like something you can handle to be truthful.

    Okay, I'll make this as quick as I can...
    First, check the layers. If your layer is set to 'background', double click on it and then click ok on the window that appears. This will allow you to edit the layer. If it's not set to 'background', you won't need to do this.

    Second, change your canvas size to fit your 'expanded' needs.

    Third, with the layer selected, go to the 'Edit' menu, then 'Transform' and select 'scale'. This makes working points appear on the corners of your graphic which you can then click and drag to fit your bleed area. If you need to do this to scale without allowing the graphic to distort, hold down the shift key while clicking and dragging. It will scale uniformly this way.

    That should do it. Again, this might not work if you've flattened text and all within your layout. If so, let this be a lesson for the next time.

    Good luck. You can PM me if you'd like, I've been using Photoshop since the early 90's and can say...you've purchased healthcare products that I've designed at your local grocery store. So I do know quite a bit about it. Hope this helps. -Rick
    rltenney, Aug 20, 2011 IP
  4. hansab

    hansab Active Member

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    Thanks, i will pm you my details.
    hansab, Aug 20, 2011 IP
  5. hansab

    hansab Active Member

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    Infact Thanks alot for your detailed answer.

    Let me ask you this way.

    What should be the document size after i have added the bleed area. I have seen every where they say 3MM should be added on all sides for bleed. And why are you telling me to stretch the background. Can't bleed area be empty ?

    The template which i followed is this. Please check and then let me know. What do you think.


    The mistake i made was first i designed everything on 11x8.5 the real size and then extended the canvas from all sides.

    Does that empty space (white) which is for bleed needs graphics too ?

    Do i need to give them folding and cropping marks as well ?

    Please help with this.

    I will be thanksful to you.
    hansab, Aug 20, 2011 IP
  6. rltenney

    rltenney Peon

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    Thanks for sending the files, this was a huge help for my understanding what you need.

    Bleeding is only required if your design has printing going right off the edge of the layout. If the edges of the brochure are white with no printing, no bleed is required. You should be fine with what you have. If they're asking for more white space all around your 8.5" x 11" layout, expand the canvas size to 8.75" x 11.25" and you're done.

    Hope this helps and good luck!
    rltenney, Aug 21, 2011 IP
  7. freebanner

    freebanner Active Member

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    u can add bleed 3mm all around by flattening the image, increasing the canvas size by 6mm horizontal + verticle, then selecting the new 3m border you just made and content aware fill it. It takes less than a minute if you know what your doing. Photoshop rocks.
    freebanner, Aug 22, 2011 IP
  8. hansab

    hansab Active Member

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    Thanks @freebanner, yes thats what i did.

    @rltenney: Thanks alot, well 3mm = to the size which you mentioned :) It is almost same size if we convert into inches. So you were right and Thanks for all the answers.
    hansab, Aug 25, 2011 IP
  9. Clones

    Clones Member

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    This is really a very nice thread, thanks for sharing with us :)
    Clones, Oct 4, 2011 IP
  10. freak46

    freak46 Peon

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    try to install brushes
    freak46, Oct 11, 2011 IP
  11. DavidWincent

    DavidWincent Peon

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    You need to expand the canvas size. After your canvas is expanded by at least 1/4 of an inch you can select the layer that your bleed needs to be on and enlarge it if you can. Change your size of canvas, then select the layer, go to the edit menu->transform->scale.
    DavidWincent, Oct 18, 2011 IP