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Adobe Certified Expert - Photoshop

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by DhyanJagran, Sep 16, 2006.

  1. #1
    Hi friends,
    I am planning to spent $150 USD for Adobe Certified Expert in Photoshop, but I have no idea about how difficult is the test and the 'passing marks' for it and even I dont know from where to get help for that test.
    Please also tell me where I can get job if by luck I pass this test ;)
    Any help will be greatly appriciated.
    DhyanJagran, Sep 16, 2006 IP
  2. Mike S.

    Mike S. Well-Known Member

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    If you are planning on making a career out of Graphic Design, I would highly suggest that you don't rely on online jobs. If you live in a metropolis, you should see if there are any Graphic Design firms. Do some research and try to locate any companies that might have any openings in a Graphic Design position. Maybe you should look into Advertisement and Signs, Printing Business', or maybe you can span out your knowledge and look into Videogame Design. It all depends on where you live, and what they have around you.
    Mike S., Sep 16, 2006 IP
  3. The_FoX

    The_FoX Peon

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    dhyan i think ur fom India - im not sure if there are any certified course to prepare you for the adobe test - though there are those aptecs and local ones, u know their quality. u can try going abroad - i wud suggest UK. there are some good crash courses there.

    regarding the adobe certification- it tests ur experience, speed and expert level in using all tools, so there is nothing yet as margin to cross. and ive heard from people who have taken it as Extremely difficult cos the materials are all at the adobe designer levels.

    well pls also let me knw if u find anything on the way.
    The_FoX, Sep 21, 2006 IP