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Alex Doyle Associates

Discussion in 'General Business' started by albereto, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. Andrew Morris

    Andrew Morris Guest

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    Hi everyone,

    Yes it's me the elusive and number one on the FBI's most wanted list, exorting money with menace indeed! Rob I'm sure during your life you have annoyed somebody else other than myself, as your existance seems to be filled with constantly slating me, perhaps we could meet up have a pint, maybe we would like each other, perhaps our children could play together, and our days will be rosey and filled with laughter, or maybe you could carry on with your jackanory stories about fraud, watchdog, obtaining money through menace, masterminding suicide bombings etc, yawn. Do you go to bed thinking of me at night? Come on mate get a life, start focussing on your own business and where that is going. The comical thing about all this is I've never hid or tried to hide form any of you in fact i will meet face to face with you all with pleasure. As for your reply apologising, you obviously don't have the courage of your convictions, but that didn't come form me. Look you could carry on with this charade if you want it really doesn't bother or hurt me in the slightest because here are the facts:

    Watchdog: Not even been contacted let alone investigated.

    CID: No investigation conducted what so ever.

    Merchent services: No fraud committed at all.

    Trading Standards: Trading legitimately.

    Employment tribunal: Guess what we won.

    Info king who are you why if you knew me once will you not identify yourself.

    Listen guys fair cop let the witch hunt begin!!!!!!!!

    Burn him yeah burn him yeah lets burn him...............I confess everything i am an unitelligent dozy monkey who has a fetish for credit card fraud who sexually harresses his staff and beats up other managers not to mention I drink vast amounts of coffee. Did I also mention my addiction to bearded french prostitues.

    oh I forgot to mention that i am encourageable and have a irrovocable habit of quoting lines from the esteemed royale family.

    Therefore in the words of Jim Royale:

    MY ARSE.

    Quick Rob maybe you could get me locked up in Starngeways doing hard labour for breach of copywrite. I bet your p***ed that the death penalty has been abolished. Two hundred years ago you could have paraded me through the streets of London, thrown rotten vegetables at me, cursed me, spat at my battered carcus and piked my head on tower bridge to for warn any web marketers out there that they will feel the wrath of the Kirkburton bearing down on their condemed souls, Lord have mercy!
    Andrew Morris, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  2. SEbasic

    SEbasic Peon

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    Andrew - All I see from this thread is people having had trouble getting in contact with you following an unsuccesful SEO campaign, and an apparant mis-charging from your part (Of this I have no proof however)

    Let's keep a cool head here eh :)

    For the record, I have never been in contact with you or any of you guys as far as I know.

    But I have been keeping up to date with this thread...
    SEbasic, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  3. Andrew Morris

    Andrew Morris Guest

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    No probs se basic I've got a cool head, I just think that this thread is rather comical with everything that has been falsely written

    Hi Info King, are you going to reveal yourself or continue to hide behind your call sign? At least all seeing, all knowing, omnipresent Kirkburton lets us know who he is.

    Jesus H Christ! This has had more publicity than the Michael Jackson trial. I feel most priveleged. I have a money making idea, we could get Judge Judy involved. You could be the prosecution and we could televise it on pay per view. How about it? Does anyone have Ruperts number?
    Andrew Morris, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  4. InfoKing

    InfoKing Peon

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    I seem to remember hearing that Paddy knows Bill Gates personally. Maybe he has the same privalege with Rupert Andrew. Why don't you ring him?
    InfoKing, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  5. Kirkburton

    Kirkburton Guest

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    Hello Andrew, I have never said I have had any trouble getting hold of you, I have phone numbers for you if I had the desire to speak to you. You may be surprised to know that I have never, to my knowledge, annoyed anyone. If you are annoyed by my presence and postings then that is down to the actoins of yourself and of your employees.

    As for my stories being Jackanory, well lets see:

    Watchdog: Not even been contacted let alone investigated.
    I'm not surprised by this, this is a consumer program and is not interested in what effectively was a business agreement. Maybe we would have been better contacting Rogue Traders!

    CID: No investigation conducted what so ever.
    I'm not able to comment on this, but I wouldn't count your chickens.

    Merchent services: No fraud committed at all.
    Not what I've heard from two of your former merchant services providers.

    Trading Standards: Trading legitimately.
    So why did they pass on information to the police regarding the amount of complaints that they received about Alex Doyle Associates?

    Employment tribunal: Guess what we won.
    Can't comment on that, I'm not aware of the details.

    I made the apology because I had been threatened harm would come to me and /or my family if I did not, there was no conviction in what I wrote, how could I ever condone your actions?

    Why have you decided to start posting messages now, trying to lighten the mood hoping I won't press charges against you? Over stepped the mark have we?

    You may be a good laugh to go to the pub with, it's not everyday I come across someone that shares my fascination with bearded french prostitutes!
    Kirkburton, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  6. Andrew Morris

    Andrew Morris Guest

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    I know Rob it's the tickle of the grisly stubble that does it for me.

    Trading standards have never passed this on, as for info from the merchant services we all know that's bull because even if thay did that they wouldn't pass that on to you because of data protection, neither would trading standards for that matter, or doesn't data protection exist in the magical world of Kirkburton?

    If you are going to press charges then do it, I have nothing to hide nor have I done anything illegal. You know in other words and I quote, "Talk is cheap....shut up and dance!"

    Answer me this one question, why in the last year of all this typed rubbish has not one of your claims come true? hmmmmmmmmm?????

    In fact Rob you seem like a nice guy, I'm a family man and I would never threaten someone else's family thats a rats trick! It's disgusting, nor would I threaten anyone.

    About the tribunal ask Kim or maybe Gary.

    Oh and I haven't had two former merchant service providers erm?
    Andrew Morris, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  7. jeff

    jeff Peon

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    Dear Andrew ,

    So why was my credit card debited , and the Bank involved had to clear the balance itself under the merchandising protection afforded?
    If it had been an error the amount would have been repaid and my bill adjusted accordingly ? This is not what happened.
    jeff, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  8. Andrew Morris

    Andrew Morris Guest

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    The reason I have started posting now is because i feel left out and wouldn't want to miss a party thrown in my honour, i apologise for my late arrival.
    Andrew Morris, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  9. jeff

    jeff Peon

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    For a bloke who apparently hasnt got a clue how a computer works you are doing really well , or is it a case of the school holidays are here and youve got an 11 year old side kick who's pulling all the strings and showing you what the keys mean ?
    If theyre anygood maybe they could show how this SEO stuff really works cos you couldnt do it on your own , at least not for anyone on this forum .
    jeff, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  10. Andrew Morris

    Andrew Morris Guest

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    Jeff the company ceased trading maybe that is why,therefore no refund was remmitted plus Paddy who was in charge of that area was probably busy playing golf at the time with Bill his best mate according to this.
    Andrew Morris, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  11. Kirkburton

    Kirkburton Guest

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    The thing is Andrew I know more than you give me credit for, many things I have never mentioned on this forum and will nor I mention because they are of too sensitive nature. I'm not going to get into a slanging match with you about what has and what hasn't come true because the fat lady hasn't sung yet, so I'm not dancing!

    As for asking your ex-employees anything i find it hard to differentiate between who works for you and who doesn't (Angela for example), so their opinions and comments are taken with a pinch of salt.

    If you didn't threaten me then you know who did, so spill the beans.

    I have proof that a call was made from your mobile on Friday to me by someone calling themself Gary, probably your alter ego, regarding the demand for money with threats. You can deny it all you like as you've done with everything else, but we know the truth don't we Andrew.
    Kirkburton, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  12. jeff

    jeff Peon

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    Funnily enough Andrew , it was " Paddy" who told me he knew Bill Gates and had met him etc , the bit about them playing Golf together ..... - thats to inject humour into the story cos Paddy told me that "Bill" doesnt like golf so I suggested he read the Microsoft web site and the statement that "Bill enjoys playing Golf" - i can see it went straight over your head as well, sorry what was your point again in bringing that up .
    p.s I prefer fishing tales - tell us about the one that got away ? - how big was it etc etc.
    jeff, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  13. Andrew Morris

    Andrew Morris Guest

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    Its amazing what you learn about on Blue Peter isn't it Jeff, hang on my eleven year old is going on to c beebies to look up seo. Oh Rob so you admit, that you've approached ex employees about the company then? oops.

    As for the other "sensitive" stuff we will have to take your word for it won't we.;)

    Oh dear robust humour again lost, I dispair Jeff

    Quick ring everyone Andrew's posting he's not in Rio after all. I sent you all postcards did you not receive them. Damn postal system.

    A bit like your rankings eh? According to this anyway.

    And still nothing from the king of info himself.
    Andrew Morris, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  14. jeff

    jeff Peon

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    Andrew ,
    With the lack of comprehension, and denial that they had been wrong (in that Bill quite obviously likes a game of Golf, I took it more of a measure of the company that I had employed to improve my web ranking.
    I then looked at the failure of this company to correctly position my web site as had been outlined as a direct result of the Management of said company , this then led to the reasoning that you didnt know what you were doing and could only provide me with excuses , and pass the buck onto someone else within your company as you were always out or busy or couldnt get to your mobile to answer it.
    jeff, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  15. Kirkburton

    Kirkburton Guest

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    Andrew, I have not approached ex-employees, they have contacted me.

    Sorry if i wasn't quick to reply, but I've got a business to run
    Kirkburton, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  16. Andrew Morris

    Andrew Morris Guest

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    Anyway about the pay per view anyone have any ideas? I'm thinking we could have some semi trance sort of apocoliptic music similar to BBC 24 as the intro music. Then we could have a voice over with some deep American accented guy introducing the show as something like:

    Andrew Morris

    Credit Card fraudster


    Monkey Abuser

    Coffee Drinker

    Friend of Paddy

    Paddy friend of the Bill Gates himself

    Has been brought forth before this jury

    To be judged by his peers and Duely Punished

    For his henious crimes

    The Punishment you decide

    Text this number your answer to 8448, now before lines close!

    What do you think I vould wear an orange jumpsuit and everything.

    Guys what I'm really trying to say is proof is everything talk really is cheap, show me the proof show the world/forum the proof this is your chance I'm online back up the allegations you've made don't be sensationalist............ you could get a job on the daily sport at this rate.
    Andrew Morris, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  17. jeff

    jeff Peon

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    I think that in some way , shape , or form ; this Forum must be getting to you and thats why you are here today - as no doubt you have anonymously been here before.
    Is it that bad for business ? that you come here to try really hard to be jovial to make it go away and fizzle out , when deep down inside it must be eating into you , you have obviously gone back over the previous threads to have read about "Paddy", that was months ago.
    Your making me laugh now and thats good , I like laughing at you Andrew - I do hope that your Ego can withstand it cos i'll miss the jovial side of you.
    jeff, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  18. Kirkburton

    Kirkburton Guest

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    Are you denying that a call was made from your mobile phone to Blue Moon on Friday? I have evidence to show there was. You still havn't given me a name of who did if you didn't.

    The reason Andrew is here is because he knows he's made a huge mistake on Friday and is trying to weasle his way out of it.
    Kirkburton, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  19. jeff

    jeff Peon

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    Are you denying that you debited my credit card ? Oi slippery bloke answer me that one.
    jeff, Aug 1, 2005 IP
  20. Kirkburton

    Kirkburton Guest

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    he debited mine as well without my authorisation, or was Paddy in charge of that side of things? Doesn't matter you were a director of ADA and are guilty as charged
    Kirkburton, Aug 1, 2005 IP