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Another Best CMS Question - Please help

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by timbor, Sep 25, 2007.

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    Hey guys,

    I am in the process of planning a site that revolves around Freelancing.

    Now this site will be used as a resource for both freelancers and employers.

    But the crux of the site is the service that we will provide to match freelancers and employers.

    I am looking into using a CMS to help me build and maintain the site, especially when it starts to take off and we get busy. But I am unsure what the best one is to use.

    I have some html knowledge, i can do stuff in dreamweaver etc. but when it comes to PHP I have no idea lol. So what is the best solution for me?

    I like the look of joomla and wordpress, I have installed both of them and read quite a bit on both of them. But unsure which is the best one to pursue.

    Any adive would be extremly helpful.

    Thanks in advance.

    timbor, Sep 25, 2007 IP
  2. delrivo

    delrivo Guest

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    Apparently you shouldn't use phpuke for many reasons.

    I have built a site using phpnuke and although i havn't personaly had any problems after everything i read i am in the process of converting to probably joomla.
    delrivo, Sep 26, 2007 IP
  3. Stanleymathew

    Stanleymathew Peon

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    drupal is the best in my mind.Though you need to pay a savvy to configure and add more plugin modules,there is absolutely no limit to what you can do with the software.I spent about 10,000USD to get this life time script.Now i can have any kind of website that want without knowing html or php.
    However if you are interested and willing to spend,then i am here to your help
    Stanleymathew, Sep 26, 2007 IP
  4. timbor

    timbor Banned

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    Lifetime script? whats that?

    At the moment i think I am going ti run with Joomla, the type of sites that I have planned are not that complicated, So i think Joomla will do the job, I installed drupal to take a look at it. But i just didnt like the look and feel of it. But thats just me I spose.

    Anyone know of any good joomla sites that can help with the early stages of learning the software?
    timbor, Sep 26, 2007 IP
  5. jared

    jared Peon

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    I think Drupal would be best fit for the needs you described.

    However there is going to be a learning curve and you will have to definitely poke around with modules, html, and PHP to get things the way you want them.
    jared, Sep 26, 2007 IP
  6. pozmu

    pozmu Active Member

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    Are you sure that there is freelancers plugin for Joomla?
    Of course you can use standalone freelancers script but it may be not so easy to integrate it with other scripts like Joomla.
    pozmu, Sep 26, 2007 IP
  7. spadilla

    spadilla Peon

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    Personally I have no PHP knowledge and have used Joomla for several sites including the 2 in my signature. There is a bit of a learning curve at first, like anything. You can find a TON of help on the forums and all kinds of modules and components that may be customizable to fit your requirements. Just look through the extensions and read the reviews, ask questions on the forums over there too. Do your homework before you waste your time of course :)
    spadilla, Sep 26, 2007 IP
  8. timbor

    timbor Banned

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    Well the service that we will be providing will be differant form your usual freelancing sites that are around at the moment ( elance, rentacoder, etc )

    So the plugins that I will need are around that are being used in differant industries, so it will be easy in that regards.

    What i would like is users to add content, like articles etc. maybe add a forum as well.

    BUt that all would be later on down the track.
    timbor, Sep 26, 2007 IP
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