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Any interesting tips or tricks that you'd like to share?

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by Josh Inno, Mar 6, 2007.

  1. #1
    Hey there. I've generally found that when an artist discovers a new trick or technique they like to share it with others, for the pride of technique and discovery. I was wondering if anyone out there had any particular tips, tricks, or techniques that they'd like to share, especially relating to Photoshop.

    I for one, am amazed at how easy it was to create my avatar. I simply created a gradient between two colors, and did a single click with a brush tool in yellow off to one side (after making sure it faded a bit near the edges to produce a 'glow', then applied an "art brush" filter to the image and vualla! The only real trick to it was finding the spot where the heavy difference between light and dark would be, then putting the yellow dot near enough to it.
    Josh Inno, Mar 6, 2007 IP
  2. Josh Inno

    Josh Inno Guest

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    Ah. Sorry about that. I'm afraid I don't actually have the history process behind this one, so I'd have to re-make each image in the step, then host them. *sweatdrop* If you like, I'd be willing to put together a tutorial, then link to it... but as I'm doing some heavy duty maintenence on both of my computers, it's not exactly the best time for that.
    Josh Inno, Mar 12, 2007 IP
  3. FreakyLime

    FreakyLime Guest

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    In GIMP, when looking for a background colour I usually create 5 layers or so with different colours, and make the ones on top of the bottom one lower opacity so the colours merge. Can get some interesting results :)
    FreakyLime, Mar 14, 2007 IP
  4. ronaldmarva

    ronaldmarva Peon

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    Well, this is a good trick if you want to earn money online- Promote ACDSee at your site and get commission of 30% for every purchase.
    ronaldmarva, Mar 15, 2007 IP
  5. Josh Inno

    Josh Inno Guest

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    Thanks for the tips so far guys.

    And are there any particular rules or regs on those referrals to ACDSee?
    Josh Inno, Mar 16, 2007 IP
  6. Josh Inno

    Josh Inno Guest

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    Many appologies, there was a huge crunch this weekend between getting my computer working, and some forms I had to fill out and fax.
    Josh Inno, Mar 19, 2007 IP