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Any Photoshop experts?

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by fryman, Oct 2, 2005.

  1. #1
    I have a .gif I have modified with Photoshop. How can I save it exactly like it is? I mean, the only option I see is "save optimized as", and when I save it with that it looses a lot of quality and looks horrible, is there any way to save it as an "unoptimized" .gif? :confused:
    fryman, Oct 2, 2005 IP
  2. TheHoff

    TheHoff Peon

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    When you 'save optimized as' change the Palette to Perceptual with 256 colors and I bet that does it. If you have made the gif a layered or full RGB file, you can't save it back out- it has to be re-optimized.
    TheHoff, Oct 2, 2005 IP
    fryman likes this.
  3. fryman

    fryman Kiss my rep

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    Cool, that worked. Thanks!
    fryman, Oct 2, 2005 IP
    TheHoff likes this.