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Anyway to make a canvas a shape other than rectangle?

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by dpatel304, Jun 3, 2007.

  1. #1
    I am trying to upload a logo onto a shirt. The problem is, the logo is sorta like a diamond shape, but the canvas it is on is square. So, I am uploading it to an orange shirt, and I get the logo with a white square (the canvas) surrounding it. I have tried to make the canvas transparent, but when I upload the image, it still shows with a white background.

    So, I am thinking if I make the canvas the size of the logo, I should be okay. Anyway to do this?

    by the way, the format must be: .gif, .jpg, .bmp or .png

    thanks in advance.
    dpatel304, Jun 3, 2007 IP
  2. mac_crazy

    mac_crazy Peon

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    Safe to assume you're using Photoshop? If so, .png format will support transparency. So...

    1) flatten the image (save a separate copy!).

    2)double click the "background" layer in the Layers palette, so it's now called "Layer 0".

    3) use the "magic wand" tool, select everything that's white in the background, then clear/delete it. You should see the 'checkerboard' pattern in the background around your logo.

    4) save as a .png file.

    Good luck!
    mac_crazy, Jun 3, 2007 IP
  3. mac_crazy

    mac_crazy Peon

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    PS: There is no way to make the canvas any other shape besides a rectangle/square, as far as I know.
    mac_crazy, Jun 3, 2007 IP