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Are furniture stores profitable?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by adrian88, Jun 24, 2007.

  1. carroli

    carroli Peon

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    In my opinion, it all depends on the owners. Because in our time, the sales market is generally very expanded, even in the field of furniture. There are many small shops, from which a chair will not last a month.
    Therefore, you need to know how to create a really good store that will make reliable furniture that will last for years. I think it takes a lot of time, effort and patience to invest in it, you need to be able to choose the right wood and other details to create a good product. Therefore, I can say that this business can be profitable only when you really create quality things.
    carroli, Jun 30, 2023 IP
  2. Randall Magwood

    Randall Magwood Active Member

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    There used to be a furniture store in my area that would run "sales" every holiday (on particular Columbus Day). But like any offline business, you run into the same issues: inventory, overhead, warehousing, employees, product costs, profit margins, etc.
    Randall Magwood, Jul 14, 2023 IP
  3. mitchellstg

    mitchellstg Peon

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    Old post but for those who see this, furniture usually has the highest markup of all products on the market. Ever notice how furniture stores are selling love seats for $3000? Computers are cheaper lol! Plus so many people need furniture. College students, new home owners, military members constantly traveling etc.
    mitchellstg, Jul 19, 2023 IP
  4. hangglidingrat

    hangglidingrat Peon

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    My friend owns a furniture shop, and despite the big overhead costs with the large showroom and staff, he's doing really well. They often have high profit margins on the furniture itself, which helps a lot. Plus, people buy furniture more frequently than we might think, especially with trends constantly changing and all those home makeover shows.
    hangglidingrat, May 24, 2024 IP