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Article Dashboard? Pros and Cons?

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by dakman, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. hitboy

    hitboy Well-Known Member

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    Yes I agree if you want something turnkey and simple go with Article dashboard.. yet you will find it rather difficult to expand the site to many other features.
    hitboy, Mar 25, 2007 IP
  2. hiredgunz

    hiredgunz Peon

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    absolutely, and theres some paid software that is awful. I made the mistake of buying from Alstrasoft . Their software is very expensive and then turned out to not be as they said on thier site, and didn't work as advertised. Plus zero support (I think the great software/support testimonals must have been written by alstrasoft). It only took two weeks to answer a support ticket, and then never did anything.... I will never buy from them again and highly suggest no one else does. I learned it's always best to find others that have used something (free or paid) and see what they went thru before I use any software again :)


    hiredgunz, Mar 25, 2007 IP
  3. scorpion68a

    scorpion68a Peon

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    I'm using Article Dashboard on one site, and I find it very annoying that I cannot remove the advertising banners encoded with the main files. I just want to use my own ads, like most webmasters. I understand it is free, but I would gladly donate or pay something for a fully customizable, functional software, rather than spending time to find out how to decode files and how to fix the bugs in thew script.
    scorpion68a, Feb 22, 2008 IP
  4. river

    river Active Member

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    I used articledashboard for a while. It work well but you need to monitor it often. I didn't check it for about a week once and found I had 250 articles to either accept or decline (alot of articles are junk). With a little trial and error I was able to have my own google ads and affiliate links on the site.

    Good Luck
    river, Feb 22, 2008 IP
  5. scorpion68a

    scorpion68a Peon

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    Hey, River, you must be more knowledgeable when it comes to coding than I am. I thought to get phpLD3, because it is only $25 or $30 and it includes the article functionality.
    scorpion68a, Mar 11, 2008 IP
  6. stitch0852

    stitch0852 Guest

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    While coming in late in the game, I come in as an author of articles posted to websites where I am compensated for ad revenue received on pages with my articles posted.

    I am having my original works stolen by "authors" and posted as their own without any changes. In each case to date, these stolen articles are being posted to sites using this software. Attempts to contact the site are futile when the web form rejects attempts to complete the online form.

    My only recourse at that point it to contact the site host for action. It could result in the site being taken down.

    If you intend to purchase and use this software, PLEASE before posting articles you receive, take the time to ensure the article isn't stolen from elsewhere on the internet.

    If it is, delete the account of the holder to discourage repeated plagiarism attempts.

    In addition, REQUIRE a valid contact point to ensure you can contact the individual otherwise, when you post plagiarized works, even if you didn't take it, you become responsible for removing it and can be held for damages in the event you do not remove it in a timely fashion.

    That may mean editing SQL files and the likes. If you are not familiar with that as some of the users of the software do not seem to be, then DO NOT POST ARTICLES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING them or you will be faced with a nightmare that could turn legal against you.
    stitch0852, Aug 12, 2008 IP
  7. Allen Graves

    Allen Graves Peon

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    I am surprised nobody has mentioned the security holes in the software. I have caught other people manipulating my Adsense block to their code, editing my admin files, and whatever you do, they keep getting in! There is a universal admin login that is openly shared on the internet, for Pete's sake.

    I have used AD for a long time and I am "stuck" with it now that my domain is highly ranked in the search engines. I am seriously considering the switch to Article Friendly just for the peace of mind in knowing that if a security hole is found, IT WILL ACTUALLY BE FIXED and the support team will not simply IGNORE their users or ban them from their forum for trying to get them to fix the swiss cheese that they marketed to thousands of people.

    I feel that they blew it with their lack of communication with their users, even it was free, and it's showing in their SE rankings and declining reputation. As AD sites are falling off the map, so too are all those backlinks to AD.

    There are talks of a new AD script coming out (some others are trying to get permission to get the code and manipulate it) but I wouldn't hold my breath. Plus, after this total failure of user support...who would want to risk it again? I'll spend $50 one time and keep my peace of mind.

    Allen Graves
    Allen Graves, Oct 12, 2008 IP
  8. Tim46

    Tim46 Peon

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    I found this thread when I was looking for a solution to the problems I'm having with the AD script. I want to know if someone here can transfer my website from the AD script to a new script? I am having problems with tons of spam from bots and like many have said here, it's hard to edit the script unless you are a wiz at php.
    Tim46, Feb 9, 2010 IP
  9. makrobinson

    makrobinson Peon

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    Warning: extract() [function.extract]: First argument should be an array in /home/theartic/public_html/include/functions.php on line 42

    Warning: extract() [function.extract]: First argument should be an array in /home/theartic/public_html/include/functions.php on line 43
    makrobinson, Nov 1, 2010 IP
  10. Tim46

    Tim46 Peon

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    Did you edit your functions file? If not then try uploading the functions file again.
    Tim46, Nov 2, 2010 IP
  11. Tim46

    Tim46 Peon

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    By-the-way I like the layout of your site. I can see you put a lot of work into it, make sure you protect it with a strong password and a unique user name. Take it from someone who knows first hand.
    Tim46, Nov 2, 2010 IP
  12. ex_plo_rer

    ex_plo_rer Peon

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    Hi All,

    I found really a good info on how to remove or prevent spam of articles dashboard using CPanel.

    Really help me a lot:D .... Just like to share for those who face same problem like me...
    ex_plo_rer, May 25, 2012 IP