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Article Vs Press release Vs SU/Digg - What is best?

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by garyak, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. #1
    Hi everyone,
    I was after some feedback on what you find to be the better option. Articles, Press release or SU/Digg postings?

    I do write articles but see them mainly as a way to get good one way links back to my pages with keyword tags.

    I use Stumble Upon and Digg as well.

    What are your experiences.
    What gets you indexed faster (not just crawled). What is better for traffic or PR?
    garyak, Jan 19, 2008 IP
  2. NicheDomainExpert

    NicheDomainExpert Peon

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    Article, Press Release are the good way to attract search engine to your website. You will get good one way incoming link which in other case, need to pay for getting such links.

    but Digg posting is part of Web2.0 and it does not get you traffic via search engine, instead it will get you traffic from community who is discussing there.

    Before assuming which one is good, you need to understand that it is good or bad depending on person to person. If you are looking for traffic from community, digg may be best for you but if you are looking for traffic from search engine, article & press release will be best for you.

    One imporatant point to consider is that you may get good amount of traffic from digg but it may not be too relevent (target audiance) but when you get traffic from search engine, it would be better for you since the consumer (traffic) itself is willing to search the keyword for the product, he is looking for in search engine query box.

    So decide yourself which one is best for you. I have given my opinion.
    NicheDomainExpert, Jan 19, 2008 IP
  3. jhmattern

    jhmattern Illustrious Member

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    They're all designed to do different things, so you're comparing apples to oranges here.

    1. Press releases are best if you have something newsworthy to say, and you want to get some exposure.

    2. Articles are the best of the three if you're looking for longer-term backlink generation from the articles' pickups.

    3. SU, Digg, etc. would be better if you're looking for a quicker influx of traffic, but understanding that traffic's going to be temporary.
    jhmattern, Jan 19, 2008 IP
  4. dairyman

    dairyman Notable Member

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    Article submission is better than press releases (for long standing effect) and SU will give more traffic than digg. But they will give you traffic alone and if you monetize your site with adsense, then try to get more organic traffic which will result in more clicks:)
    dairyman, Jan 19, 2008 IP
  5. MavenofMarketing

    MavenofMarketing Peon

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    If you have something legitimately newsworthy, the resulting media coverage and pick-up from the wires will be long standing and worth much more than than advertising or marketing.
    MavenofMarketing, Jan 19, 2008 IP
  6. Skouk

    Skouk Guest

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    Press release
    Skouk, Jan 19, 2008 IP
  7. markab10

    markab10 Peon

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    For me, I find articles work best. I write 10 to 20 a day and I leave a link in my bio to my squeeze page where the visitor can download a free ebook. So far I have generated a 1000 leads this way. If I keep at it over time I will have more articles being picked up I will easily e able to generate 50,000 leads this way. Eventually I will not have to write anymore and the articles will also become viral. I have tried press releases and they do work, but you can only do so many in a month so it is a bit limiting.
    markab10, Jan 19, 2008 IP
  8. Daniel Cassidy

    Daniel Cassidy Guest

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    I think that press releases are better than articles but you can't use them as much unless you have something news worthy to say. I submitted a press release the other week and it showed up on 3 spots on Google top 10 in a matter of two days, and that was only a free release. I can just imagine what would of happened with a paid release.

    Articles are good for building authority in a niche a getting backlinks over time which will in return improve your search engine traffic. Articles should always be used no matter what all the time. They can also get ranked real well but not as fast as press releases.

    Digg is cool but the traffic is not targeted. I like to use it for getting backlinks to my blog posts and articles which in return gives them a PR boost. It is probably a good idea to use it for a new blog to get it indexed faster.

    StumbleUpon is the worst. I still have not figured out how to get the most out of it and the traffic is horrible. Just like a traffic exchange in my opinion.
    Daniel Cassidy, Jan 19, 2008 IP