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As a web developer, how can I make at-least $1k a month?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by devreality, Jul 28, 2018.

  1. #1
    To keep things short. I am a web developer and officially been doing this for 6 years. I've had a job as a web developer, have had contracts, and had clients.

    My problem is that I don't have any of those things at the moment and I'm embarrassingly living with my mother at the age of 25. I make a side income of $200 a month from a small project but that is very low and only covers food.

    I really need to move out and rent my own place. I need to create something that can give me a income to live while I look for clients or get hired.

    Are there any "easy" projects (for a web developer obviously) that I can do that can make me that kind of monthly income?

    Thanks. I live in eastern US.
    devreality, Jul 28, 2018 IP
  2. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    There's so many things wrong here...

    1) You have "officially" been a Web Developer for 6 years and have no idea where to "start"....

    2) You think it's embarrassing to live with your parents and actually believe that making $1k/mo while living in the eastern US would change your living situation.

    3) You are seeking "easy" projects to earn income on which suggests either A) You are lazy or unrealistic -OR- B) You have a limited skill set that you never expanded after 6 years of "officially" being a web developer.

    I'm going to give you the best advice anyone will ever give you on here... Fact: You aren't officially a web developer and after 6 years of thinking you are you made critical mistakes that set you back to where elementary programmers start at. Fact: Shooting for $1k/mo will NOT allow you to move out of your parents support system. Especially on the east coast of the US.

    You live in the US. People on here from other countries are starving to make $1k/mo because in their country that is good money. All you have to do is walk down the road to Walmart and prove that you can lift a 10 pound object and you will make $2k/mo. Heck...you can borrow your moms car and make $1k/mo on the weekends with Uber. You are just lazy. That's what it is... Completely lazy. You need a real job. You need to honestly get the F up and go get a real job then on the side expand your skill set and slowly start to get back in to web development. Your financial objectives should not be $1k/mo it should be at least 60k per year.

    That may have sounded harsh but it's the truth. You're hurting yourself by trying to make $1k a month here and there. You can make six figures living in NYC and be poor. $1k per month under qualifies your for ever single government assistance program as a single male. What the fuck...your goal is $1k/mo? Get a job.
    NetStar, Jul 28, 2018 IP
  3. devreality

    devreality Peon

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    @NetStar there can be many reasons why I'm in this position, could be medically or just more personal. There is no reason to 'lie' to some forum. I'm not trying to gain a client here, or anything. By "Easy" I didn't mean anything that is actually "easy" to do for anyone, but "easy" as in someone with my experience that knows various programming languages can do.

    I'm not seeking advice for any job. I'm seeking advice what kind of web development projects I can make that would give me some kind of income that would be around $1k WHILE I hunt for an actual web development job. Obviously, that's not a lot of money, but that's enough to rent a small apartment in the area I live in.

    I don't get what you're trying to say here by making a smartass reply. That doesn't answer my question at all, and it just makes you look like a douche.
    devreality, Jul 28, 2018 IP
  4. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    You're right I don't know your situation. Perhaps you are physically, mentally, and/or medically unable to work. However, you just said "...WHILE I hunt for an actual web development job" which suggests it's not a limitation of your physical or mental being. So why bring it up?

    It is? I'm a realist. Let's say you moved in with an old man you found on craigslist for $500/month which is a bargain...even when considering the sexual favors. You are left with $500 for transportation (car/gas/insurance or bus/uber/taxi), food, utilities (cable/gas/water/electric), accessories (deodorant, soap, shampoo, razors), and food..... Assuming you have 0 use for soap and deodorant and that old man you are living covers all utilities AND drives you around town you still have food. $1k isn't enough. Ask your mom. =)

    You sound like the douche. You live with your parents and actually think that $1k a month will afford you independence. Then you turn around and say maybe you are unable to work then say you are seeking work. Just get a job. Your mom would like you to.
    NetStar, Jul 28, 2018 IP
    mmerlinn, malky66 and Spoiltdiva like this.
  5. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    I am 100% sure that if his mom were to read the above, she would thank you.:rolleyes:
    Spoiltdiva, Jul 28, 2018 IP
    mmerlinn likes this.
  6. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    His mom is too busy on craigslist to support her son.
    NetStar, Jul 29, 2018 IP
  7. kb24

    kb24 Well-Known Member

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    Since you are a web developer I would look into working for myself with affiliate marketing. This is not some "quick money" type of thing. If you are willing to work hard a be consistent over time you will see results. Patience is key.
    kb24, Jul 31, 2018 IP
  8. decodethis

    decodethis Well-Known Member

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    I have never found a way to flip a switch and automatically just start raking in cash. There's always some work to be done either laying the groundwork or developing some tool. With 6 years of development experience you must have some sort of portfolio. Leverage it to submit designs to template sites, or sell your services on places like 99designs.com. Use what you have to build on to something better.
    decodethis, Aug 1, 2018 IP
  9. gregdavidson

    gregdavidson Well-Known Member

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    Contact sellers of popular website scripts and offer to help them setup and customize those scripts for their customers.
    gregdavidson, Aug 1, 2018 IP
  10. Kanonig

    Kanonig Well-Known Member

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    How good are you?
    If you are that good you shouldn't lack clients.
    Please take this as only an advice and not a
    personal attack.

    I would like to have a chat with you, perhaps
    i can show you a few things to increase your income.
    But first, i will give you a test work to see if you can
    do it and then proceed to expose you to making money
    online as a web designer.
    Kanonig, Aug 24, 2018 IP
  11. MatBerrows

    MatBerrows Greenhorn

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    You can easily work remotely and earn 1k dollars as a web developer.
    There are so many freelance offers.
    MatBerrows, Aug 27, 2018 IP
  12. iHostingX.com

    iHostingX.com Greenhorn

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    Here is what I would recommend: find a good, growing Web host with which you can partner. Small is better, as a smaller Web host is more likely to be interested in such an arrangement. What is that arrangement, you ask? Simply, allow the Web hosting provider to refer clients to you. Most Web hosts have countless clients who need and ask for Web design services - and most Web hosts do no offer them, except for some kind of Website builder.

    For optimum success, this would of course include a revenue split - perhaps 70% for you and 30% to the host for each completed design. The site would then be hosted with the Web host. I can all but guarantee if you set this up correctly you will make far more than $1,000 per month, particularly if your skills are excellent.
    iHostingX.com, Aug 28, 2018 IP
  13. Ampitupmedia1

    Ampitupmedia1 Member

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    If you totally lack the know how to market yourself start offering your services on Craigslist, Fiver, Upwork or many other places. If you truly are a starving web developer these places shouldn't be new to you.
    Ampitupmedia1, Aug 30, 2018 IP
  14. SNTJJ

    SNTJJ Active Member

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    My advise is to make good connections with other developers, for example via Skype. Some of them may receive to many requests and could suggest you with their customers.
    SNTJJ, Sep 6, 2018 IP
  15. Buzzoid

    Buzzoid Greenhorn

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    I believe that the problem is primarily in you. To begin with, try to develop your skill more, because it's really terrible if you are six years standing in one place and absolutely not developing. Then try to get ideas from WordPress. Let it be your starting point.
    Buzzoid, Sep 14, 2018 IP
  16. Skunkard

    Skunkard Well-Known Member

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    As someone said, get a real job and build a side income with clients and so forth... $1k/mo is easy to reach then but really $12k a year ain't gunna cut the mustard.. you need to aim for $10k/month at least.
    Skunkard, Sep 17, 2018 IP
  17. Coscom Inc

    Coscom Inc Peon

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    Can you develope a website for dating?
    Coscom Inc, Sep 17, 2018 IP
  18. Konnock

    Konnock Member

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    But the point is that only YOU know which kind of job you can do..
    My advice is to look for a good company with big projects that will hire you and then you'll have stable monthly salary. If you don't want to work in the office look through freelance websites, but as you have no rate there it will be hard to find a well-paid project and it wont be a stable salary for sure.
    Konnock, Oct 4, 2018 IP
  19. Warren Willy

    Warren Willy Member

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    6 years of web development and you can't find a good job? Strange..
    Do you want it as a full-time job or you want to work as a freelancer?
    Warren Willy, Oct 8, 2018 IP
  20. Mehta

    Mehta Active Member

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    Probably neither of the two. If I am not wrong, he wants something that generates a trickle of revenue on auto-pilot while he is busy searching for the real deal.
    Mehta, Oct 11, 2018 IP