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Autonomous Cars use Network?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by jaguar34, Nov 28, 2023.

  1. #1
    Does Autonomous Cars use Network to make decisions about other vehicles and perform autonomous tasks? I am talking about 5G
    Is there a Autonomous software for cars coming from HP?
    jaguar34, Nov 28, 2023 IP
  2. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I cannot speak specifically to the automotive industry, but my software company develops solutions for autonomous drones and robots. They all use GPS satellites for positioning, but the trend, these days, is for their actual navigation, processing, etc., to occur "on the edge" (i.e., on the device, itself.) A big part of that is that you do not want the device to lose any of its decision making capability if the network connection is lost or dropped. I would be very surprised if they designed autonomous cars differently.
    jrbiz, Nov 29, 2023 IP