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B2B generation

Discussion in 'General Business' started by nextsmm, Feb 7, 2022.

  1. #1
    nextsmm, Feb 7, 2022 IP
  2. Gefrekssiy

    Gefrekssiy Peon

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    Thanks for the step by step explanation. I'll try to do
    Gefrekssiy, Feb 8, 2022 IP
  3. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Be mindful of your company reputation when it comes to the "Reach Out" suggestions above. I get connection requests from 3-4 people per weekday on linkedin. That is then followed up with a spam message from them about their services, products, etc., that I usually am not at all interested in. How highly do you think I think of these people and/or their companies? Do you think that I would ever do business with them? Their best hope is that I do not remember them spamming me when I am looking for the type of service/product that they offer.

    I do buy a fair amount of B2B services and products, btw.
    jrbiz, Feb 11, 2022 IP
  4. VortexAlpha

    VortexAlpha Member

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    LinkedIn is definitely the best platform for B2B marketing, no doubt that, and there are different approaches that you can take here for generating quality leads. First, you have to concentrate on making quality posts, the ones that will be engaging and catch the attention of other companies. The most important part is to make a list of all companies that you like to reach and get in touch with and follow their profiles, use hashtags they are using to place your posts in front of them, and maybe to outreach them directly at some point. The good idea here is to also engage with the content of others, to be very active on this platform, and join as many business groups as you can, as all these activities will help you get to the right leads.
    VortexAlpha, Feb 13, 2022 IP