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Background Color Deleted

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by obligedcarton, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. #1
    Hi guys, I am from The Strickin (http://strick.in) and we are changing our banner on our site. I have five banners and I need all of them changed. What I need to have done is the gray background needs to be deleted to create a transparent PNG, all it is, is text on top of a gray background and that needs to be deleted so it's just transparent. I will certainly pay up via Paypal or whatever online form you would like. Thanks in advance!
    obligedcarton, Aug 24, 2011 IP
  2. dotcomweavers

    dotcomweavers Peon

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    By using eraser tool or magic wand tool we can delete the back ground color. other wise contact to dotcomweavers.com
    dotcomweavers, Aug 26, 2011 IP
  3. Novruzeli Huseynov

    Novruzeli Huseynov Active Member

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    I can do this for you...or as dotcom said...you can use the magic wand tool to do it your self :)
    Novruzeli Huseynov, Aug 26, 2011 IP
  4. MadanPatil

    MadanPatil Member

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    Hi, I would like to help you.
    If you have some photoshope skills then just follow the tips given by dotcomweavers. OR I can do it for you.
    Just PM me.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2011
    MadanPatil, Aug 27, 2011 IP
  5. Cogitationalist

    Cogitationalist Peon

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    I wouldn't recommend really using the magic wand or eraser. The eraser would require fine detailed painting over each header. The wand would yield choppy results and would only select the pixels within the tolerance you have set. If your banner doesn't have directly solid colors, like a flat white background and just plain black text, it would come out pretty bad, especially since they're banner sizes and not high-resolution images. You also need to make sure a couple things are set a certain way before you just 'click and delete' - photoshop doesn't just know what you're trying to do - you have to tell it specifically. If you open your banner up and use the erase tool, the modern photoshop will ask you what you want to fill it with, and older photos won't even let you. Most people don't even realize the little they can do with a locked background layer.

    I can, however, take care of your background removal professionally. You're welcome to try the suggested methods, but I don't think they will yield very good results; but do try it if you really want. If you're unhappy with the results, respond to my PM.
    Cogitationalist, Sep 4, 2011 IP
  6. linksellerzz

    linksellerzz Peon

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    just buy some book and find many tips on forum,,you will find what you need
    linksellerzz, Sep 17, 2011 IP