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Background Question

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by FrankKorn, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. #1
    Hi Photoshop experts,

    Quick question for you guys. I have a background image where I want to just remove the middle part and bring the two ends in. How would i go about doing this in PS? I don't have the image at this moment but will later on if someone needs to see it.

    The background image has two identical designs on the sides and just black in the middle. So I need to cut out some black from the middle. Don't know exactly how much as I will need to do some trial and error.

    Thanks in advance!
    FrankKorn, Jul 27, 2011 IP
  2. xDemevenx

    xDemevenx Well-Known Member

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    - Make two layers of the same photo (the first one will be just so if you mess up, you have a copy of the original so you can hide this one)
    - Grab the marquee tool, and select one of the sides you want without the middle part.
    - Right click the selection while in the marquee tool and hit "layer via cut"
    - Use your selection tool (v) and move it over until you cover the middle part as much as you want.

    This is a quick fix, but not perfect (especially since I don't know what exactly you're trying to do). But, if I understood your problem right, this should do it. Upload a pic and you can get a better explanation.
    xDemevenx, Jul 27, 2011 IP
  3. FrankKorn

    FrankKorn Active Member

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    Hey xDemevenx,

    Thanks for the quick reply and help. Here is an example of the image.


    I would want to remove some of the black in the middle so that it is more narrow vertically.
    FrankKorn, Jul 27, 2011 IP
  4. xDemevenx

    xDemevenx Well-Known Member

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    1. Create new project and select one side of the pic with your rectangular marquee tool. Right click while in tool and hit layer via cut.

    2. Grab your move tool and move it closer to the other side.

    3. There might be black from the layer below, so select that bottom layer, take your marquee tool, and delete the extra black.

    xDemevenx, Jul 27, 2011 IP
    masadaslam likes this.
  5. Phil Comforthost

    Phil Comforthost Peon

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    Good reply and well explained xDemevenx,

    but you haven't finished off the job - the image is now in three layers and has a big white space on the right?!!

    So next... click Layers, then Flatten Image.
    Then using the rectangular select tool (is it called Marquee Tool? You do learn something new every day!) select the left hand part of the image that you want to keep.
    Then click Image, then Crop.
    And SAVE! And there you go!! :)
    Phil Comforthost, Jul 28, 2011 IP
  6. FrankKorn

    FrankKorn Active Member

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    Wow guys, incredible replies! +Rep for the both of you.
    FrankKorn, Jul 28, 2011 IP