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Basic Photo Manipulation

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by Bulishel, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. #1
    Exercise: Photo manipulation Tutorial

    1- Open a Picture of your choice.

    2- Duplicate the layer…so you’ll be working in second layer, not in the original.

    3- Now open a image of a tiger, which skin you’ll use to put on the ladies skin….how ??

    4- First put the Tigers Layer, behind the Ladies layer…as you can see:

    5- Start using any Lasso tool, and start drawing around the ladies Skin….and when you close the selection…just press Delete…and you’ll start seeing Tigers Skin, instead of ladies…
    6- After that, you select both of ladies Eyes, with Elliptical Marquee Tool, and with option Add to Selection marked, so you can choose both eyes…
    7- When you finish selecting, go to Menu Image ==> Adjustments ==> Hue and Saturation, and mark the Colorize Option, and start sliding the bars…until you obtain a red colored eyes…as you can see:

    8- From now onwards you can do many things…apply Filters….apply another effect…but I’ll use Liquify Filter….as you can see:

    9- And, this is the Final image:

    10- You can manipulate the image as you wish, as your mind commands you….because Tools are available in Photoshop, you just use your imagination to help you to manipulate the image.
    11- Hope you like it…please send some feedback.

    Please download Tutorial in pdf Format
    Bulishel, Aug 10, 2007 IP
  2. mitcharr

    mitcharr Notable Member

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    I Cant see any images
    mitcharr, Aug 10, 2007 IP