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BEST way to promote PDF's with Twitter/Instagram and convert people

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by nikasso, Sep 18, 2017.


Is PDF files a great way to generate traffic?

  1. YES

  2. NO

  3. MAYBE

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  1. #1
    I have self written PDF files with guides, incentives and calls to action - free yet useful info to warm up potential customers and send them to my website where I can continue warming them up and, hopefuly, convert them.

    QUESTIONs: Is it effective to promote free PDF files on twitter and instagram only by following people? How often people even download these? Or is it better just to send them to articles and push through sales funnel from there?
    nikasso, Sep 18, 2017 IP
  2. misterdonman

    misterdonman Active Member

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    Hello, having those pdfs are a good idea, but you have to offer them in the right way, making the most out of it while you do it. Just a couple ideas, instead of just giving them away through SN, why not offering them on a landing page? Send visitors to the landing (getting traffic) and turn them into leads. They'll get your valuable resources, visit your website and you can move them a step further on the sales funnel.
    Hope this helps you out. Cheers!
    misterdonman, Sep 20, 2017 IP
  3. Spartan14

    Spartan14 Well-Known Member

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    Well with this you must build an email list as misterdonman said .Thys type of books are everywhere ths days and people are tired of them .You must come with value and something interesting to attract people to click .The strategy works if you know how to do it corectly
    Spartan14, Sep 21, 2017 IP
  4. nikasso

    nikasso Greenhorn

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    Thanks a lot, guys!!!!!
    nikasso, Sep 22, 2017 IP
  5. shaun-m

    shaun-m Member

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    Maybe have them converted into infographics rather than relatively plain PDFs?
    shaun-m, Sep 25, 2017 IP