1. Advertising
    y u no do it?

    Advertising (learn more)

    Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

    Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

Blocking all ads in firefox

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by TheWebJunkie, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. #1
    Ads are getting more and more annoying each day, now you can block all the ads in firefox with this simple extension.

    Adblock: http://adblock.mozdev.org

    Adblock Ad list: http://www.geocities.com/pierceive/adblock/2005-03-06b.txt

    Installation Instructions for Beginners (using Windows):
    (Scroll down to "Instructions for Advanced Users" if these seem overly simple to you)

    1. Make sure you have the Adblock extension
    -If you see the word "Adblock" in the lower-right corner of the screen, you have it, and may continue on to the next step
    -If you DO NOT see the word "Adblock" in the corner, go to http://update.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?id=10 and install it

    2. Print these instructions (or open in a new tab, if you know how)

    3.a. Left-click "Tools" (on Menu Bar, at top of screen)
    3.b. Left-click "Adblock"
    3.c. Left-click "Preferences"

    4.a. Left-click "Adblock Options"
    4.b. -If there is a check-mark next to "Check Parent Links" then left-click "Adblock Options" again
    -If there is NOT a check-mark next to "Check Parent Links" then left-click "Check Parent Links"
    4.c. Left-click "Done"

    5.a. Left-click "Go" (on Menu Bar, at top of screen)
    5.b. Left-click "Back"

    6.a. Right-click on the most recent file (at the bottom of the list, just above "changelog.txt")
    6.b. Left-click "Copy Link Location"

    7.a. Left-click "Tools" (on Menu Bar, at top of screen)
    7.b. Left-click "Adblock"
    7.c. Left-click "Preferences"

    8.a. Left-click "Adblock Options"
    8.b. Left-click "Import filters.."

    9.a. Right-click on the white box to the right of "File name:" (at the bottom of the window)
    9.b. Left-click "Paste"

    10. Left-click "Open"
    **If you get an "Invalid File Name" error, follow Steps B1-B11 (below)**

    11. Left-click "OK"

    12. Left-click "Done"

    13.a. Left-click "Bookmarks" (on Menu Bar, at top of screen)
    13.b. Left-click "Bookmark this page..."

    14.a. Type "Filterset.G" in the "Name:" field
    14.b. Left-click the box to the right of "Create in:"
    14.c. Left-click "Bookmarks" (at top of list)
    14.d. Left-click "OK"

    15. Repeat steps 6-12 weekly to stay up-to-date (left-click "Bookmarks" then left-click "Filterset.G" to get back here).
    TheWebJunkie, Mar 9, 2005 IP
  2. Weirfire

    Weirfire Language Translation Company

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    What effects will this have on the advertising market on the net when you can block all the adverts?
    Weirfire, Mar 9, 2005 IP
  3. Josh

    Josh Peon

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    I have this installed, but I have it off most of the time. I used to hate ads with all my might, but once I became a webmaster, I realized how nesc. they are for some sites to survive.

    Josh, Mar 9, 2005 IP